WoW Classic WotLK Cooking Guide: Leveling, Materials, & Recipes (2025)

Cooking sits alone as World of Warcraft's most unique profession. Solely focusing on creating and crafting food, it's an incredibly potent profession that many look at throughout the expansion as it provides unique character enhancements.

This type of benefit can be expected come Wrath of the Lich King Classic's release, as this cold-hearted expansion will have tons of new recipes to learn and foods to create.

With that in mind, here's an in-depth guide for Cooking in WotLK Classic.

WoW Classic WotLK Cooking Guide

As one of the professions that provide character enhancements via consumables, Cooking can provide a wide variety of buffs for every type of class. Because of that, it always brings something new and exciting for players every expansion.

In this guide, we'll take a look at what the profession offers in the upcoming WotLK Classic expansion, provide a leveling guide from Vanilla to WotLK, and list out some recipes to look out for that will be highly sought after in the new expansion.

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What does Cooking offer in WotLK Classic?

Once WotLK Classic launches, there will be tons of items and other features players can benefit from.

Apart from giving players health and mana, the profession can craft food that gives buffs. Food buffs are some of the most basic character enhancers in the game. Not only are there plenty of them, practically one for every class and spec, but they also grant an extra boost of Stamina.

From the Great Feast to personal foods such as Mega Mammoth Meal, Tender Shoveltusk Steak, Spice Worm Burger, and more, there is plenty to gain for players.

How to level Cooking in WotLK Classic

Unlike players who hold Jewelcrafting or Alchemy, professions where materials can be easy to farm as each one has a corresponding gathering profession, Cooking relies on items sold by NPCs or meats dropped by beasts.

Knowing that it can be fairly straightforward, if you have the funds, to just buy the ingredients from the Auction House and begin leveling the profession.

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Required Materials

Here are the approximate materials to level up Leatherworking for WotLK Classic. This includes materials for Vanilla, The Burning Crusade Classic, and WotLK Classic


  • 60x Simple Flour
  • 60x Mild Spices
  • 40 – 70x Stringy Wolf Meat
  • 15 – 30x Clam Meat
  • 30x Refreshing Spring Water
  • 15 – 30x Crawler Meat
  • 30 – 45x Crawler Claw
  • 40x Dig Rat
  • 50x Raptor Egg
  • 50x Raptor Flesh
  • 25x Giant Egg
  • 40x Bear Flank
  • 15x Sandworm Meat


  • 30x Ravager Flesh
  • 35x Talbuk Venison or Clefthoof Meat


  • 20x Chilled Meat
  • 13 – 15x Rhino Meat
  • 50 – 60x Tundra Berries
  • 25 – 30x Savory Snowplum
  • 35x Northern Spices


Cooking Leveling Guide

Here's how to use the materials to level Cooking.

Vanilla (1-300)


  • Spice Bread (40x Simple Four, 40x Mild Spices)


  • Spiced Wolf Meat (40x Stringy Wolf Meat)

From 80 to 225 faction-specific recipes will begin to get involved.

80-130 (ALLIANCE)

  • Boiled Clams (50x Clam Meat, 50x Refreshing Spring Water)

80-90 (HORDE)

  • Smoked Bear Meat (10x Bear Meat)

90-130 (HORDE)

  • Dig Rat Sew (40x Dig Rat)
    • Obtained via Quest offered by Grub near Crossroads / Sold by Grub for higher level players


  • Curiously Tasty Omelet (45x Raptor Egg)
    • Recipe by Kendor Kabonka in Stormwind (Alliance) / Recipe by Keena at Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands and Nerrist at Grom'gol Base camp in Stranglethron Vale (Horde)


  • Roast Raptor (50x Raptor Flesh)
    • Recipe by Corporal Bluth at Rebel Camp in Stranglethorn Vale, Hammon Karwn at Refuge Pointe, Arathi Highlands, and Helenia Olden at Theramore Isle in Dustwallow Marsh (Alliance) Recipe by Ogg'mar at Brackenwall Villages, Dustwallow Marsh, Keena in Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands and Nerrist in Grom'gol Base camp in Stranglethron Vale (Horde)


  • Monster Omelet (25x Giant Egg)
    • Recipe by Malygen in Felwood (Alliance) / Recipe by Bale in Winterspring (Horde)


  • Juicy Bear Burger (35x Bear Flank)


  • Smoked Desert Dumplings (15x Sandworm Meat)

TBC (300-350)


  • Ravager Dog (25x Ravager Flesh)
    • Recipe by Sid Limbardi at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula (Alliance) / Recipe by Cookie One-Eye at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula


  • Roasted Clefthoof (25x Clefhoof Meat)
    • Recipe by Uriku at Teelar in Nagrand (Alliance) / Recipe by Nula the Butcher at Garadar in Nagrand (Horde)

WotLK (350-450)


  • Northern Stew (15x Chilled Meat)


  • Rhino Dogs (10x Rhino Meat)


  • Kungaloosh (50x Tundra Berries, 25x Savory Snowplum)
    • Complete the Some Make Lemonade, Some Make Liquor quest given by Grimbooze Thudnerbrew at Nesingwary Basecamp at Sholazar Basin. Upon completing the final quest, The Taste Test, you will learn the recipe.


  • Buy cooking recipes from Derek Odds (Alliance) and Misensi (Horde) in Dalaran. They will be bought with Epicurean's Awards
    • Epicurean's Awards are earned via daily cooking quests given out by Katherine Lee (ALliance or Awilo Long'gomba (Horde)
      • All of these recipes will require at least one Northern Spices. These can be bought from the Auction House or from the vendor near your cooking trainer at Dalaran for Epicurean's Awards

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Cooking Recipes to look out for in WotLK Classic

As stated at the top of the article, Cooking is a great way to get character enhancements.

WoW Classic WotLK Cooking Guide: Leveling, Materials, & Recipes (1)

WoW Classic WotLK Cooking Guide: Leveling, Materials, & Recipes (2)

Credit: Blizzard Entertainment

That being said, here are some to look out for and where to find them.

Great Feast

  • Sold by Katherine Lee in Dalaran and Rollick MacKreel in Borean Tundra (Alliance) / Sold by Awilo Lon'gomba in Dalaran, Thomas Kolichio in Howling Fjord, and Orn Tenderhoof in Howling Fjord (Horde)

Mega Mammoth Meal

  • Sold by Derek Odds (Alliance) / Misensi (Horde) in Dalaran

Tender Shoveltusk Steak

  • Sold by Derek Odds (Alliance) / Misensi (Horde) in Dalaran

Spiced Worm Burger

  • Sold by Derek Odds (Alliance) / Misensi (Horde) in Dalaran

Very Burnt Worg

  • Sold by Derek Odds (Alliance) / Misensi (Horde) in Dalaran

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WoW Classic WotLK Cooking Guide: Leveling, Materials, & Recipes (2025)


How to level up cooking in WoW WotLK? ›

If you are going to train up Cooking, we recommend getting skill-ups for it alongside Fishing, as you can use most of the fish that you catch to level up Cooking at the same time. Cooking is one of the three secondary professions available to all players in WotLK Classic.

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WotLK Cooking Bonuses and Benefits

That's why Cooking is a must-have skill for many players because it's universal and suitable for all classes. WotLK Cooking is a good way to gold making too because some dishes are worth a lot of money at the Auction House. For example, Dragonfin Filet or Spiced Mammoth Treats.

How to get past 150 cooking wow classic? ›

After reaching 150, you'll need to purchase a cookbook to unlock expert cooking. You can find it in Mystral Lake, Ashenvale from a vendor named Shandrina.

What is the fastest leveling in classic WotLK? ›

Dungeon leveling might be the fastest way to level your characters up, especially if you have a 5 man group of good players. Every dungeon has level requirements, and specific item level requirements for their Heroic versions, but you'll always find players around your level to help you complete each of them.

How do you learn cooking recipes in wow? ›

A recipe may typically be obtained in one of these four ways:
  1. Looted from a mob.
  2. Purchased from a vendor (some vendors, and sometimes also the items they sell, are faction-aligned)
  3. Rewarded from a quest (some quests also directly rewards the player by teaching a recipe as a spell)

What is the hardest class to play in WotLK Classic? ›

Feral Druid: Unleashing Complexity

Feral Druids are known for their daunting complexity, often requiring players to explore various nuances to unlock their full damage potential.

What class is most needed in WotLK Classic? ›

Feral Druid – very solid pick both in PvE and PvP with arguably the hardest rotation in the game; Retribution Paladin – the best support DPS class, which can provide tons of healing. Ret Paladins shine after receiving a Shadowmourne; Unholy Death Knight – a very fun and powerful class to play in WotLK on all phases.

What are the least popular classes in WotLK Classic? ›

Shaman, Priest and then Warlock are lowest based on a 20k census taken today. İn Thekal, situation is same. There are more paladins than warlocks priests and shamans combined. Very surprised at the lack of Warlocks.

What is the hardest to level in WoW Classic? ›

Warrior is the most difficult class to level in the Hardcore challenge in WoW Classic by a large margin. Warriors lack the damage, crowd control, AoE, self-sustainability, buffs, and escape tools that other classes possess, especially at low levels.

Where to train for classic cooking WoW? ›

Horde Cooking Trainers
  • Aska Mistrunner: Thunder Bluff /way 51, 52.
  • Eunice Burch: The Undercity /way 62, 44.
  • Mudduk: Stranglethorn Vale /way 37, 49.
  • Pyall Silentstride: Mulgore /way 45, 57.
  • Slagg: Arathi Highlands /way 69, 34.
  • Zamja: Orgrimmar /way 57, 53.

Can you make money cooking in WoW? ›

Making Money from Cooking. Ideally, you will want to use Cooking to make food that players will need when raiding or PvPing in the endgame phase. It is the easiest way to ensure demand of the food you are making.

What is the easiest solo leveling class in WotLK? ›

The hunter remains the best class for solo content in Wrath due to its easy learning curve, unique class content, and unmatched ability to face down single target mobs thanks to its pet.

How many hours is 1 to 80 in WotLK Classic? ›

The journey from 1 to 80 takes an average of 150–200 hours to complete, with the primary challenge being 70-80 taking anywhere from 20 to 40 hours. We can often get sidetracked exploring all the new zones Northrend has to offer and get stuck in seemingly inescapable death cycles.

Where can I learn Northrend cooking in wow? ›

For horde the trainers are Thomas Kolichio in Vengeance Landing (Howling Fjord) and Orn Tenderhoof in Warsong Hold (Borean Tundra). These trainers will also immediately offer you a cooking quest called northren cooking where completion teaches you a recipe on how to cook Northern Stew.

Where is the cooking trainer in Dalaran? ›

You'll find Katherine Lee, cooking trainer, in the lower, right-hand side room of A Hero's Welcome in Dalaran (Legion).

How do I start Outland cooking? ›

This can be learned at Shattrath at the Scryer's Tier; at 43.8, 90.4, inside the building you will find a number of clickable bookcases, each of which is named after a specific profession. Click the bookcase labeled "Cooking" and you will be able to interact with it as you would with a regular cooking trainer.

Where to farm clams in WotLK? ›

The clam meat can be farmed from the "Vile Fin" guys around 58,18 in silverpine forest.

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