The Province from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)


1935 lb 36. Furnished Rooms. 40. Unfurnished Houses. 52 Houses tor Sals 33.

Boats and Engines. (Continued i 39. Unlurnished, Suites. Rooms. tContlouedl 68.

Business Opportunities. 45. Wanted To Rent (Continued 1 28s Wanted Miscellaneois Continued) UNIVERSITY. BUSINESS COLLEGE and scnool book bought and (old. Busy Bee Book Store, 608 Richards St.

PPLEBY. fcNGLiSH ATCHMAKER. 438 Ricbaida I tan sava you money on watch, cluck and tewelry repairs STUMP PULLER, HAND OR HORSE power, location nd price, A. Beck, 685 Edmonds New Westminster. 2RAUOHNE8SY l.

1298 West 10th Bay. 4772L. Attractive front sulfa Moderately priced. COURTELENE COURT 3-ROOM HEAT-ed suite, hardwood floors, range, (27; immediate possession. Goodlad A Goodlad.

1134 Commercial Dr. High. 321. 1101 I BLK. ROBSON 3-ROOM suite.

(15. RICHARDS. AKROYD 4. GALL LTD. 325 Homer St.

Sey. 4424 I 'UN STALL BLOCK. DUNSMU1K AND GranvtMa. Roomy. residential 01 office euitea H.

A. Roberts Ltd. Sey. 7477. eves Miss Gray sey (5A6L I OVELY 5-ROOM SUITE.

NEWLY decorated throughout, with frtgldalre, hardwood floors, open fireplace; (42 per month. Bay. 8699R JENMORB fT 107(lI1Ui'ORL, Completely furnished or unturnlshsd suites at cngiisn Bay sey oai fpHE QANDRINGHAM 0 1853 Nelson Small newly decorated suite; reasonabls; close Park. Bey. 6741.

THE SHELTON. 2414 GRANVILLE. AT-tractive view suite. 2 rooms and bath, heated, hot water, newly decorated, (20. 1ILFORD COURT, AT ENGLISH BAY 4 and 5 -room suites, strictly modem.

See these before you rent Sey. 6507. 1 1 NICOLA 8T 3 ROOMS, FIRE- XOO place, hot water heat lovely loca tion; (25. Shlnnlck's Ltd. Sey.

614. HOSE GARDENS 3 ROOMS. KITCHEN; well heated, bath, frtgldalre, fireplace, phone, electric laundry. 1210 Harwood. IAKEFIFLD APTS I0TH AND GRAN-vine Modem 3-room suite, frigtdalre.

wall beds, laundry. Apply lanltor. BUNGALOW COURT 4-ROOM SUITE, hardwood floors, fireplace, heated, electric washer; view. High. 3602L.

IADY WILL 8HARE HER SUITE, MO-t dern apsrtment. Kltsilsno. with ladv. couple. Box 2651 Province.

$0 rn NICE 5-ROOM water heat: available Oct. 1. Yukon Apts Fair. 2476L. ALMA COURT, 2224 ALBERTA 3-ROOM suites, hot water heat, private bath.

laundry. Apply Janitor. O-ROOM BAsem*nT SUifE LIGHT, heat and fuel, (12.50. 1622 W. 7th Ave.

Bay. 3114R. ATTRACTIVE 4-ROOM SUITE, 1306 Bldwell. Hood 628 W. Pender.

BADMINTON, 603 HOWE LARGE 2-rcom suites and single housekeeping. ODERN FIVE-ROOM SELECT building, West End; adulta Doug. 921. ARGE LIVING-ROOM, 2 BEDROOMS, kitchen, bath; near Park. Sey.

4920L. a BRIGHT ROOMS, (25: COZY DEN, (10; heat light Bay. 951L. 39a. Moving and Storage.

MOVING SERVICE ANY SIZE VAN. Piano moving and funiture moving our specialty. JjjCOTT pEASE JEY. JQ C1 r0 H0UR' 2 MEN. LARGE VAN.

PJ Estimates free, moving, storage. Elite Transfer. 3740 Oak Bay 7236 q- 9- HOUR 2 MEN. EXTRA BIO Jr van; ranges connected. Fair.

586 (1ROWN MESSENGER SERVICE LIGHT and heavy hauling. Sey. 8315. 40. Unfurnished Houses.

1 J-i AND 1448 DVIE' CENTRALLY L'i'tn located In the West End; modern 5-room bungalow. OfAA BLOCK KINO EDWARD, ON OUUU Dunbar Height, commanding an excellent view, fully modern 6-room bun galow, with oil neat and bllltard-room. pEMBERTON JEALTY QORP. JTD. 418 Howe St Trinity 1271 ATTRACTIVE ELECTRICAL BUNGA-low, view lot, perfect condition; hot- water heated, oil burner; billiard-room; 3 or 4 bedrooms; near car.

school, leaie 1 year; references; (45. Bay. 6500R. 3660 w. King toward.

DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE ON CON-uaught consisting of billiard room, living-room, den, sewing-room, miif'ter'g suite and 4 bedrooms. Double plumliing, oil heat, double garage. Rent (75, Apply RICHARDS, AKROYD GALL LTD. 325 Homer St Sey. 4424 1 "7 PACIFIC, OVERLOOKING gay; 11 rooms, hot-water beat, J40: 3 fireplaces; wired for electric.

EDWARDS. McNAIR RUSSELL 620-624 Pacific Bldg. Trinity 3640 2.115 Trafalgar, 7 rooms, hot air (22.50 2305 W. 5th, 5 rooms, hot air (30.00 3283 W. 36th 6 rooms, hot air (32.50 RICHARD8, AKROYD GALL LTD.

325 Homer St. Sey. 4424 DESIRABLE 6-ROOM MODERN 8EMI-bungalow, West End, overlooking English Bay. Hardwood floors, Pembroke tub, shower, sawdust burner, garage. Bay.

2839L. ATTRACTIVE HOME, REDECORATED, 4 bedrooms, double plumbing, wired, garage. Dunbar Heights Realty, Bay. 7721. "Specializing In Point Grey Rentals" W.

23RD AVE. MODERN 4-OOUU room bungalow, (22.60. A. E. AUSTIN CO.

LTD. 833 W. Hastings St. Sey. 9131 COZY 3 ROOMS AND 8UNR0OM IN West Point Grey; (16 to reliable tenant.

Bay. 428. DAILY CROSS (Continued) I OVELY 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, WITH -JBUnroom, electric range, sswdust burner. dancs room In basem*nt, garage. Lease given, su.

Kerr. 4 lie. (A'W MARGUERITE UPPER UUOo Shsughnessy 7-room home, two Ksrages, sawdust burner; possession Oct (60. 36M) Cartler 11 rooms, 7 bedrooms for (75ou Freer, Brock. 675 W.

Hastings. Bey 3221 LULU ISLAND, NEAR MAR-pni. a-room new stucco bungalow, karsge. large garden. Sey.

6211 sny time. Albernl close In, 9 rooms (40 Angus near 41st. 7 rooms 515 Granville. J. R.

Reld Co. Sey. 312 IAIRVIEW, 11TH. OFF GRANVILLE 8 rooms, hot-water heat, billiard-room. garsRe, (37.50.

Sey. 6211 any time. J-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE. GARAGE, vl sawdust burner; excellent condition. 2187 W.

49th. Doug. 3K84L. RENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSt at Caulfrlld, rent (25. Apply Trin 1221.

or Captain Kettle. Caul lei Id NICE SELECTION OF HOMES IN THE better section of Kerrlsdale from (30. Locaturs, 413 Granville. 1742 McDonald. 1 4 bedrooms (2'l 50 Freer Brock.

675 Hastings bey 3221 dJIO rfi 6-ROOM MODERN PUPLEX, Oll-o-matic heat. Trin. $: V. Winch Co. Ltd.

Sey. 8171. IJINE ROOMS. 706 E. I2TH, 4 LOTS.

IN orchard, 3 garages; (20 Fair. 195X. $18 MODERN BUNGALOW, FUR- nace, garage; close car. Glen. 247R.

LTUI.LY MODERN 6 ROOMS, (15. 418 I Delta North Burnaby. Glen 157L. $1 MONTH 6 ROOMS. APPLY LON-J don Grocery, 1417 Commercial Dr.

ERRISDALE MODERN 5-ROOM. OA- rage. (30. Particulars 744 Nelson St. 41 6-ROOM HOUSE WITH Key at 1004 E.

Oj')r; W. 13TH, 9 ROOMS, NEWLY decorated, (35. Bay. 6679L. 1 77 W' 3RD 5-ROOM HOUSEn i bedrooms; good location.

-ROOM SEMI-BUNGALOW. CLEAN, 9 'up-to-date. Key 2790 V. 18tb. flRANDJrlEW 7 ROOMS.

FIRST CLASS shape. (12 month. Sey. 6641. tRANDVIEW 6-ROOM HOUSE.

WELL decorated, (20. Bay. 1426R. AGEB BUNGALOW. 6 LARGE ROOMS, in goon snaps.

Bey. 177. NORTH VANCOUVER ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE, TEMPE Heights, furnished or unfurnished; 4 bedrooms, large living-room; beautiful grounds. Hood 626 W. Pender.

WEST VANCOUVER WANTED LEASE UNFURNISHED modem house, three bedrooms; state rent Box 2718 Province. 42. Business Locations. SPLENDID STORE FOR BUTCHER, Ice-box, scales; rent (25. IDEAL LOCATION FOR DRY CLEAN-en; rent (25.

Locators, Trinity 402, Elliott 1373. yOULD LIKE SMALL STORE WITH li comfortsble living quarters, sultabls for home cooking and light lunches. Glvs phone. Box 2348 Province. 43.

Halls. Studios. Etc. YTANTED HALL FOR BRIDGE DRIVE 3 nights weekly through winter months. Give full particulars to Box 2748 Province.

45. Wanted To Rent WANTED BY QUIET BU8INESS 11 couple, furnished 2-room suite Osrge sunny bedroom). West End or Fslrvlew preferred; full particulars; references. Box 2ia province. rilWO GIRLS, NURSE AND STORE clerk, require 2 or 3 furnished rooms with option of board in private family; walking dlstancs of General Hospital.

Box 2732 Province. WANTED TO RENT 3-ROOM UNFUR yr nlshed or furnished sutte, between Heather and Arbutus, abovs Broadway, Fair. 6598. ROOM AND KITCHENETTE, OAS, front room preferred. West End.

un furnished; state rent Box 2752 Province, 1ACHELOR WANTS CHEAP WARM li room, electric or gas plate, West End; basem*nt mav do. Box 2734 Province. ARGE FRONT. UNFURNISHED a housekeeping; main floor; Broadway and 10th or west Kud. Box 2798 province.

WANTED WARM UNFURNISHED housekeeping-room; lady: Kltsilajio permanent. Box 2822 Province. WEST END. CLOSE IN 3 ROOMS, ground floor, with yard or porch for 2 children. Box 2731 Province.

I-1URWI8HED OR PARTLY FURNISHED 1 apt. by Oct. careful tenants; about 18. Box 2777 Provincs. Q-ROOM UNFURNISHED HOUSE OR sutle.

Reply with rates and address, Box 2699 Province. OMALL HOUSE, OCT. 1.. CEDAR COT- tage or Grandvlew, (12. Box 2622 rrovince.

FURNISHED SUITE, i ROOMS, 2 adults, Oct, 1, Kltsllano. Bay. 6595Y, WORD PUZZLfc solution IS A vase-Ilka coffee receptacle It Nozile 21 A common Chinese ahrub IS One who tunes musical Instrument 38 A foreign sound In the chest Indlcat Ing disease 19 A covered colonade II Against S3 Medium (abbr.) SS-Greek letter (13th) Answer to previous punle Continued $1 Ci3 BAsem*nT ROOMS. FURN1SH-PlU ed; hot. cold water.

2464 E. 19th. 1RANDVIEW. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. I garage.

1656 Graveley. High. 1054Y. kitchenette, fireplace 1742 Hera II OUSEKEEPING-ROOM, (2.25; 2 (3; ladlea 244 E. 14tn.

afternoons. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. GENTLF.M AN, private. 1661 Nelson; Doug. 3186R.

OVELY 2-ROOM SUITE. ALSO SINGLE Ij room. 1075 W. 10th. Bay.

2S70L. (py UP WARM. CLEAN. VIEW. 1034 po w.

7th, near Oak. Bay. 4435L. ir'il HARO NICE. CLEAN LIGHT XiJX housekeeping, (2.50; adults.

1 JOJ W. PENDER 2-ROOM SUITE, io-O (3.50; single rooms. (2 up. ARGE FRONT HOUSEKEEPING, (3, bedroom (1.50. 1190 W.

Hastings. ARM SINGLE ROOM, GAS. WATER; excluslvs borne. 858 Bldwell. IOI (I ALBERNI HOT WATER.

HEAT Doug. 1984Y. 1 p--J (' DAVIE ATTRACTIVE 2-ROOM LOXl) suite: (3.50 week up. -J JO W. STH, ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, modern, adults; block car.

O-ROOM SUITE WITH PRIVATE BATH and entrance. Sey. 9333. BRIGHT ROOM IN close In. Doug.

3836Y. APARTMENT; -I "I 'JO NELSON 2 ROOMS, FRONT, AAOA (16.50; 2 beds. URNISHED POOM. SUIT BUSINESS man. 908 Thurlow.

1 1 1U ROBSON 2 ROOMS. SINK; ALL UIO found. 36a. Hotels. d-s UP, TRANSIENTS; (3 UP WEEKLY, pl newly decorated.

newly carpeted throughout; all-night esrvtce. Metropole Hotel. 320 Abbott opposite Woodward's ALCAZAR. HOMER AND DUNBMU1R, quiet, comfortable; day or week: eatle-faction assured Cafe In connection NORLAND ROOMS. 71 E.

HASTINGS. Housekeeping and sleeping; newly decorsted and furnished. Rates reasonable. $1 PER DAY. LOW WEEKLY RATES.

For tourists and business people. Belmont Hotel, 1006 Granville UIET, CLEAN ROOMS AND SUITES, (2.50 up. Murray Hotel, 1119 37. Rooms and Board. HOTEL GIFFORD.

1348 Robson 60 fins furnished rooms, hot cold water; Ideal location tourists, professional, buslnsss people. American or European plan. Owner management Sey. 819, BARCLAY MANOR. Board-residence catering to tourist and business people; unexcelled board.

Doubls, single rooms. 1447 Barclay St Bey. 671. ENDOME OTEL Attractively furnished; private batha Ideal for tourists 1138 Nelson Seymour 80 1JEAUTIFULLY SITUATED. CONVENI 1) ent to University bus and street csV; nome privileges; use ot piano and garage.

Elliott 1477L. LANGHAM HOTEL Board-residence, shower bath. Ideal foi business people. Ills Nelson. Sey.

531. 1.1RONT ROOM, BOARD OPTIONAL, for student or business people, reasonable, warm, piano. Bay. 975R. 955 W.

8th' WIDOW WITH LOVELY HOME WISHES paying guests; quiet; nome cooking low rate. 1370 Davte. Sey. 1284R. -( -j A-j HARWOOD LOVELY DOUBLE XXvX room, twin beds, sea view; (25 each; also single; walking distance.

J7CE HOME, EXCELLENT MEALS, for lady or convalescent, 3 block car, Kerr. 650L. Box 2794 Province. TXCEPTIONALLY GOOD ROOMS, ALL u.wiy luniiBM.u, Willi or wiuiout board. 1033 Haro.

Sey. 1213L. XTICE ROOM AND BOARD. NEAR CAR li Dunbar: private home; reasonable; suit student. Box 2797 Province.

IT 11 ft STUDENTS GOOD SERV I ce, quiet home; moderate price. 42UH w. iiui Ave. TT li 0 BOYS SINGLE AND double room; close bus. 4497 W.

13th. VUNG LADY, ROOM AND BOARD a cheap, sharing with another. 1035 W. litn. EXCELLENT MEALS, HOT-WATER-heated home, (6 week.

1036 W. Pender, 1 7fi1 PENDRELL QUD3T BOARD-X UXresldence, comfortable. Doug. 2364Y OVELY ROOMS. HOME-COOKING, (6; I icheslerfleld.

1300 Pendrell. Doug 2198Y. REFINED HOME FOR MALE STU-dents. 4290 W. 11th.

Pt Grey 661Y. ATTRACTIVE FRONT ROOM, ACCOM-modate two; garage. 1345 W. 13th. B.

C. WOMEN. EXCELLENT HOME block from bus. 4523 W. 12th.

1 1 Kti BUTE WELL FURNISHED front room: breakfast, dinner. B. C. STUDENTS. CLOSE TO BUS.

home comforts. Elliott 1541L. ARGE FRONT ROOM, STEAM HEAT, goua car service, rair. 3UUL. pARLSCOURT, 1103 W.

GEORGIA (30 month, meais. sey. 4744-0. 38. Furnished Houses.

A -ROOM BUNGALOW FOR RENT. NEW Westminster, furnished; suitable for 2 business girls or elderly couple. Box 3024 province. PC A 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, FAIR view, near Oak 8t. A.

E. Muuett malty. 2435 Granville. Bay. 705.

WILL LEASE COMFORTABLY FUR-nlshed home. Churchill treet; Immediate possession, references. Sey. 8353. 4 -ROOM HOUSE, COMPLETELY FUR-nlshed, (13.00, 2 blocks from Horns rayne station, csii 3721 Backvllle Bt.

I 5-ROOM STUCCO BUNG A low, adults only; references. 1855 W. 13th. Phone Bay. 4318L.

$207 PARTLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM house. large garden, fruit trees: near srnoois. raser ioo. URNISHED HOUSE ON SPERLING; oil uuriier, gas stove, eiu. nerr.

ZOlLrt KIT8ILANO 8-ROOM HOUSE, GAR-age; nice locality. Bay, 2666L. O-ROOM COTTAGE, MODERN, FULLY furnished. 769 E. 62nd Ave.

NGLISH BAY 6 ROOMS; (30. CALL ltMH Morton Ave. 39 Unfurnished Suites, Rooms. IAIRMONT A PARTMENTB 11 SPRUCE ST. 8-ROOM SUITE; 4 vl frtgldalre, gas range, natural fireplace; quiet; 1 block carllne.

Bay. 6478R. jJOULTBEE. gWEET JO. TD.

555 Hows 8t Sey. 6477 ltITZ PARENT OTEL 1040 STREET- 1040 Choice 2 and 3-room apartments Including gas and light Smart, quiet and central. Moderate rental. HE WINCHESTER. 960 JERVIS CON-L venlent dlstsnce to both shopping district and Stanley Park; 4 -room modem suite; one room suitable for either dining-room or bedroom.

Douglas 928. 'HOLLY LODGE' 6 and 6-room suites from (38 Comer Davis and Jervts. Highest point West End. Full elevator service; electrical refrigeration and laundries; plsnty of hot water. Convenient to beach.

Apply at building or phone Doug 909. THE QUEEN CHARLOTTE 1101 Nicola Street Doug. 718 AN APARTMENT OF DISTINCTION. Unexcelled accommodation, modern electric ranges, hardwood floors, fireplaces, frtgldalre. garage If required TANLEY IJARK ANOR Sea It first Near Park and Bay.

Beautiful new modem suites, (25 per month and up. 1916 Hare St Trinity 3297. STRATHMORB LODGS 1088 Bute St Douglas 994. TORMANDIE APARTMENT 1425 HARO St 3-room suite, centrally located. Immediate possession.

H. R. Olass 711 Rogers BldgSey. S271 IVANHOE CORNER 7TH AND Carolina 8 and 4 -room, bested, oewly decorated. Rents (16 to (25.

Fair. 6340, 9 Kdwtxdj. WoNali RiuatU. Xrio, 160, tConUnuedl BEST POSSIBLE LISTINGS Stores, rooming nouses, garages, all other Dusipesses. partnerships arranged etc.

E. Sherlock Ltd 720 Robson VANCOUVER'S LEADING BUSINESS BROKERS DON'T BUY A BUSINESS BEFORE Seeing Standard Agencies 555 Dunsmuu. KKTAIL STORES and RESTAUR AMI CONFECTIONERY. PATENT MEDI-clnes, In live Fraser Valley town. Rent only 815.

Complete stock and big fixture list for 81500 cash. No local com pet I. tlon. An extraordinary opportunity today. Pemberton Realty Corporation 418 Howe St.

II AVE CLIENT WHO WILL BUILD 1 1 general store close to Vancouver to experienced store man who has 87500. Property so located that 850,000 turnover should os aone yearly. Standard Agencles 555 Dunsmulr St, HOME AND BUSINE8S COMBINED, 8450. Grocery, confectionery, restricted area, close to schools, heavily stocked, 5 bright clean rooms, bath, garden; sales $300 monthly; rent 815 mouth. Standard Agencies, 565 Dunsmulr SL CORNER CONFECTIONERY, OOO bright grocery, near school, apartments; good residential district; sales $100 weekly.

Nicely equipped, good clean stock; 3-room suite, partly furnished; bath, garage. Standard Agencies, 555 Dunsmulr St, fl? I A A GROCERY, CONFECTIONERY, tp-tUUAl location, next to show, nice clean stock, fixtures, good living for living quarters, rent 315. Realty Investment Corp. Ltd. (open svenlngs) 771 Dunsmulr, Trin.

5245. LIGHT GROCERY AND C0NFECT1ON-ery, near theatre and dance hall; heavy traffic district; living quarters; rent 320; clean, fresh stock; good fixtures and furni ture: Immediate ssle, $450 cash. Bay. 1624; evenings Bay. LUNCH COUNTER CAFE $1 OMM BUYS IT BEST SITUATION.

pXa.UUlon( established. Exceptional record as money-maker. Closes evenings and Sunday. Information at 720 Kobson. SNAP DELICATESSEN, HOME-MADE Jelly, eggs, cheese, butter; living quarters.

Good living for small family; rent $15, stock and fixtures $190. Will take car as part payment. 3759 W. 10th Ave. I-7R STOCK AT INVOICE.

CIGAR, ipo i candy store, sxcellsnt Hastings 8treet location. Owner leaving for Europe, Realty Investment Corp. Ltd. (open svs-nlngs) 771 Dunsmulr, Trin. 6245.

CORNER CONFEC- tlonery. bakery agency, grocery: 4 rooms: sales dally from store make good living for family: rent $20; husband taken back to work. Box S66O Province. NICE STOCK AND FIXTURES $5001 uood suburban grocery and confectionery. Best of llvlna accom modation with bath.

Rent $16. Particulars, Mr. Ledbury at 720 Robson, NEXT TO SUBURBAN THEATRE (t97K BUYS THIS DAINTY UTTLB Pe store. Rent $20 with living quarters. Chance for smart people.

See Mr. Ledbury at 720 Robson. BARBECUE, FISH AND iJOKJ chips, auto service; best equipment; main thoroughfare; counter and booth service. James T. Auld 709 Seymour St Trinity 1540.

$Ot I WEsTeND CONFECTIONER JO light lunches, tobaccos, groceries. Blight location, comfortable living quarters, clean. Rent $15. Owner, Bey. 3065R.

No agents. SALE GROCERY 8TORE, DOING good buslnsss In best Industrial town on coast, with large payroll; about $3800 cash will handls it. Box 2725 Province. SNAP FOR QUICK ACTION WELL established bread bakery, city, wide distribution. Partnership disagreement reason for sale, Fair.

2591 or 4723L. MUST LEAVE CITY, BEST OFFER FOR grocery-confectionery. Good living rooms. Steady cash trade. No agents.

Box 3606 Province. SNAPPY NEAT, LIVELY GROCERY-confectlonery; clean stock; 8 living rooms, furnished. Phone after 5 p.m. Kerr. 3077 R2.

OINO CONCERN, FRUIT, VEGSTABL82 VI store, lively business location. Dissol ving partnership reason selling. Sey, 9561. BEST OFFER FOR GROCERY, CONFEC-tlonery car stop, low rent Hove other business. 698 Wsst 18th.

OJ900 F0R -ulcK SALE, GROCERY. confectionery; owner leaving city. Apply 4554 Main St. )'m CASH FOR QUICK SALE GRO- PmtJ eery and confectionery. 1117 Hornby St.

i-IORNER GROCERY; GOOD FIXTURES; Vv stock at Invoice; bargain. 1099 Davie. HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES, Etc. R1 r0 CAflH HANDLES LOVELY -I Ovf housekeeping rooms, close In, West End; very clean; full to the doors. Price only $375.

I.TOR QUICK SALE HIGH-CLA88 rooming-house of 13 rooms. A real bargain at $750, to be sold this week. I TOR RENT WEST END, NEAR BUR- I rard 8 rooms: rent $25. Smith A Smith. 1009 Robson.

Bey. 9333 OUR BEST OFFER, It CLEAN, 0J exceptionally well furnished H. K. rooms. Sawdust burner, garage, low rent.

Lease If desired. Leaving city, must sell. Some terms. Standard Agencies 555 Dunsmulr SL 0Q-rn, TERMS 12 LOVELY HOU8E-ipOtJV keeping rooms, wonderful West End location, comer lot. All rented, revenue $112 per month, rent $25.

Realty Investment Corp. Ltd. (open evenings) 771 Dunsmulr. Trin. 6245.

A GENUINE BARGAIN tf ica Is the full price of 14 good rooms, ioU West End. Shows real revenue. Particulars from Mr. Peters or Mr. Davis at 720 Robson.

JUBT LOOK AT THIS 4.1 handles 10 well fur. tailed rooms, P-L furnace heat. Good location. Particulars from Mr. Davis or Mr.

Peters at 720 Robson. i'TQ 22h6TJ8EKEEPING. INCLUD-TOUO ing 4 a-room suites; rent $65: West End; revenue $170 month; owner's suite free. Apply owner, Box 2686 Province. $6 r-n in rooms, ciisf.

in ai.t. MJ rented, garsge. Rent $25: 8150 cash, balance 310 monthly. standard Agenclee 655 Dunsmulr St. 4: I K(( CASH PAYMENT INTEREST tpxir'V In one of the largest beer parlors in tne city.

Large profits, a. Carr, 525 W. Pender. Sey. 1009.

SACRIFICE MODERN RESIDENTIAL hotel business In Cslgary: 904, occupied; building for rent Box 2003 Province. 10 ROOM HOUSE, R00M8 RENTED, furniture, chesterfield suite, dlnlng- room sulte, all complete, oo. Bey. D.Hi'X. 11 1859 1129 ROOMS, SUITES; FURNITURE FOR ssle; 2 garages; fine location; lesse.

Pendrell. Doug. 2326Y. FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL ON ONE floor, all rented; cheap.

Easy terms. Granville St. 9-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE: close In; no agents. Box 2738 ROOMINO HOUSES. EASY TERMS.

Smith A Smith. 1009 Robson Sey 9333. I.ULLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE, I $350 handles. Box 2762 Provincs. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING HOTEL Low price, call at 720 Robson.

rooms, RENT $30. SNAP. Particulars 744 Nelson. OTHER BUSINESSES 1 fOfl rULL PRICB lULL EQUIP-pxOUU ped pressing and cleaning ehop, doing $100 average per month; made-to-measure agency, ssles about 200 suits year; best location In town: steady year roun4 payroll populstlon 3000; cash only. Box 2452 Provincs.

I.IOR SALE POOLROOM WITH THREE tables, tobacco and soft drink business. Good llvs town with largs payroll. Terms csn be arranged. Excellent reasons for ssll-Ing. Apply to J.

Waller. Wells, B.C. BUYS LOCAL MANUFACTUR-Ing business. Well established. Products sold and well advertised through out, hardware and automotive trade.

Box 2783 Provlnce: 1'YrxiFitTble manufacturing bus? ness, $1500 cash necessary. Rare chance to be Independent. Box 2698 Province. I EAVINO. SELL 8 CHAIRS.

BARBER Jj shop hesuty parlor. Central, excellent business. $800. Box 2778 Province. OLD ESTABLISHED STORAGE GARAGB Half Interest; $1000 required.

See Mr. McOarvey at 720 Robson. REPAIR SHOP, WELL ESTAB-O llshed; snsp. 591 Howe St. VR SALE SMALL BAKERY ROUTS.

I Box 2787 Province. WANTED BaslneM Opportunities HAVE CLIENT OPEN TO PURCHASB licensed hotel In British Columbia. Give full particulars. F. T.

Wright, 403 Lancaster BaiWoj, CsJiaxi, Continued KERRISDALE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW with attic, close In and nearly new: genuine bargain at (2200 Kerrlsdale Realty Co. Kerr. 65; eves. 2688. STUCCO BUNGALOW, JUST COM-pleted Good locstlon.

evervthlm of latest convenience. 3115 24th. Bay. 5071L. 53.

Wanted Houses To Build. M. A. M0N80N "BETTER-BUILT HOMES" Plans, specifications and estimates free BAY EXPERIENCED CONTRACTORS FREe. plans and specifications Clients n- nanced.

Consult us before bunding Welch Welch Bey 8643. Sey 340 55. Property For Sale. APARTMENT PROPERTIES PARTMENT 1 JARQAIN 1 1 EASY TERMS. 41 it (ViA-SlXTEEN SUITES OF 1 Viutuuu rooms and bathroom each, hot-water heating, open fireplace In living- rooms.

I50OO cssh will handle, balance easy terms out of profits. Is now psylng over it on investment ana tree suite to owner. Rents are advancing, don't heel, late. Phone Mr. Porter for full particulars, iverr.

si mn. MACAULAY, NIC0LL8, MAITLAND CO. Bey. 1540. 435 Hows Bt.

BUILDING LOTS AND 60-FT CLEARED LOTS IN 0 Kltsllano. Dunbar Hslghta and West rx. urey at sacrifice pnres. Apply E. E.

Rand A Fowler Ltd. 543 Granville. sey. 1621 OUILDINO LOTS AT SACRIFICE It nrlcea A. E.

Austin Co. 833 Hastings. Bsy. Rim. TTIGH CLEARED LOTS, BLOCK FROM I J- school: nics view; reasonable.

Apply owner, mgn. FOR 1 SALE DUNBAR 3 LOTS FOR price of 1. Sey. 6954. WEST VANCOUVER NSURANCH, WATERFRONT HOMES A rents.

West Van. Realty. Watt, West 141 56. Property For Exchange. p-ROOM VICTORIA HOME, EAST OF ir Kockland clear, for clear Vancou ver nome, value fciooo Kerr.

182L. 1u1w7low clear titleC ex" 1 change for large rooming-house. Box 2820 Province. PROPERTY FOR SALE, EXCHANOU7 See Kellett Hickman. 816 W.

Pender. FARMS. CITY PROPERTY EXCHANGED. Commercial Finance, 564 Howe. Tr.

(027. 57. Property Wanted. WANTED WATERFRONT PROPERTY, West Vancouvsr; cheap for cash. Box 266 rrovince.

ANTED FARM LISTINGS. ALL sixes. Horns-Seekers, 321 W. Pender. 59.

Acreage. WANTED 10 TO 20 ACRES, BOME cleared; 8250 cash. Box 3025 Prov-lnce, Westminster. 60 Fruit, Farm Lands rpHE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Company'a latest settlement plan offers unlimited opportunities for new settlers to buy lands in Western Csnada under easy long-term contracL For Information, Canadian Pacific Hallway Dept. Natural Resources, 920 E.

First Calgary, Alta. O-ACRE RANCH, LULU ISLAND. PRET- ty 4 -room bungalow, fully furnished, large chicken-house, piggery, root-houss, garage, large and small fruits; close to car. Price 81400; terms, half cash. Realty Investment Corp.

Ltd. (open evs-nlngsi, 771 Dunsmulr 81. SEE THESE FIRST 6 ACRES, 3-ROOM house, chicken-house, garage, light, water; 2'i acres, 3-room house, good water, 8650 terms or $450 cash. For rent, 6 acres, part cleared, 6 rooms, free light and water, $9 month. H.

McDougall, Newton Station, Surrey, B. C. K-ACRE STOCKED POULTRY FARM, 20 ej mlnuua' drlvs Vancouver: modern; orchard, berries, pasturs. Ideal private market. Purchaser steps Into good Incoms.

Around $4000 cssh, baiancs to suit. Investigate. Box 2539 Province. 01 AAfl ts-ACRB FARM, HOUSE, vJ-UW well, barn, good water; southern slops; 6 acres cleared; 84 miles from Mission City on Sliver Dale terms to suit Appleby, 438 Rlcharda -J 0-CRB FARM, DWELLING HOUSE (fireplace), barn, chicken-house with 76 chickens, 250 bushels oats, vegetables, for $1500 cash. Apply Box 2632 Provincs.

RENT CHICKEN RANCH, 2 acres, fully modern 6-room house, close to school, stores and cars: orchard and accommodation 1000 birds. Bay. 6594. yANTED FOR RENT, 2 ACRES, cleared land, good soil, with small house or bungs low; near city, Burnaby preferred. Box 2724 Province.

1.XJR SALE IMPROVED 7 ACRES OF land with house, bam, etc. Apply Jamss Gamble, McKensle Road, Abbots-ford, B. C. -4 r-ACRB RANCH, LIVESTOCK. MA-JL'Jchlnrry, everything needed; going concern; $2000 cash.

Owner, Box 2625 Province. VEK.D CA8H 66 ACRES NEAR WE8T-minster, house, barn, oreek, $15 an acre. 346 W. Pender. Sey.

418. -J ACRES. CHICKE FARM, BEST LO--1 cation, good bulldliiRs; going concern. Owner, Box 2722 Province. fl ACRES, NEAR CLOVERDALE; 12 )W cleared; $1500; good land.

751 Dunsmulr. Trlnllv 2929. -J ACRES, NEAR HANEY, 4-ROOM li. house, barn, orchard. Hood 409 Trust Bldg.

100 ACRE DAIRY FARM, LULU Island: going concern. Box 2643 Province. FTOll BEST BUYS IN FRASER VALLUI properties, i. Oibson. Langley Prairts IR GOOD FARM.

LARGE OR SMALL, see Wilson. Langley Prairie BUe ALMON ARM. 98 ACRES WATER-front, bouse, barn, $2500. Pemberton'a 61 Timber and Mills. O-MACHINE ELECTRIC SHINGLE MILL complete.

Now operating on log and shlngls bolts. Owner has other buelness requiring attention. Snap for quick sale, $5000. Good discount for cash. Terms to responsible party.

Box 2371, North Vancouver. Phone Westminster 1656. WANTED PILING, FIR OR HEM- lock, slso piling timber. Stats price. Box 2650 Province.

Business. 68. Business Opportunities. As a safegnars against anecrnpalons advertisers, boslness reference ara required ay The Provtnoa. AGENTS OFFERINGS rjiWO JEEN Jji UY8 CORNER GROCERY, STEADY trade; ssies average $25 per day; can be Increased to $40; slock at In-voics.

Look this over. Full particulars at our office. SMALL CONFECTIONERY; THEA-tre trade: a moderate living assured. Full price $250. Bee Mr.

O'Neill, evenings Key. 6265K, A. E. AU8TWC-LTa 831 YV, HsstlMS tin tb A8THOP llanos engines and reverse gears Also a good etocR ot reconditioned matins engines Write toi raiaiogue. CASTHOPK BROS LTD.

1747 Genrgia bt Vancouver. B.C. VMV1AN DIESEL L'NOLNsT and GAb Stationary ino Mann A Be Product. Vivian rtnis'ne works 1090 ltd Ave pte ioi catalogue SUMNER BRASS FOUNDRY LTD Sumnei manganeee-bronse propellers, marine fittings, orass bronze and aluminum castings to Phosphor-bronze bushings 610 Bldwell St rnmt 444 YOU GET A 90-DAY GUARANTEE ON your outboard when overhauled by R. Cliff Sangster.

Store your boat here at (1 per munlh 1873 W. Georgia. Trin. 2819 rilROLLING BOAT POWERED WITH Vivian complete. Perfect condition.

Bay. 1526. lOOD SPIRIT COMPASSES. 24 IN. I (5 50 to 8 in (20 loertz 867 Howe TANTED WEST COAST TROLLER Diesel.

Box 2i97 Province. Rentals. 35 Furnished Suites riHE 4 NOUS a 1531 Davie St Doug. 2393 WEEKLY MONTHLY Urfi CAN ASSURE YOU OF EVERY comfort In our 3 and 4 -room suites. Luxuriously furnished, complete In every detail.

Convenient to street car, private and public schools, as well as Stanley Park and English Bay. Reasonable ratea Fireproof. Soundprool lAROLINI! iOURT A PARTMENTS Quiet a Refinement 1058 Nelson St. Doug. 2213.

Inviting refined people seeking a permanent home. Superior Unen, dishes, cutlery, beautifully warm, spotlessly clean; electric washers, refrigerators, 2 elevators, all modern comforts Close to business, schools and churches, etc. Unequalled weekly and monthly rates Doug. 221J. 11 ITZ APARTMENT fTOTEL 1 AX JQQ GEORGIA STREET Q.Q Attractive and 3 -room apartments, fully serviced.

Central and quiet Very moderate rentals. Day, week or month. yEB JJROOKLYN IOURT (1IR8T Yoo will like the bright coxy furnished suites, near car, theatre and schools. Dally rate (1.50 to (3; weekly rates (7 to (12; monthly ratss (20 to (35, Phone Doug. 5133.

1100 Seymour St 2EATON PTS. 'J and 8-room suites, fully furnished, for housekeeping. Doug. 3690. 1128 Hastings ITTSLIX 610 JERV1S 1, mini walk P.O.

or Park. Large bright i. 4 and 6-room completely furnished suites; frtgldalre; reasonabls rent. Doug 690. ERRILL ANSIONS West End, closs In, no carters Furnished suites, monthly 1070 Haro St Doug.

915. ABBOTT MANSIONS. HASTINGS AND Abbott best downtown, 1-2-roora fiouss- keeping. Reduced tourist rates; elevator respeotable. 404 Abbott.

Sey 1791. 1 If ASON LODGE, 8TH AND QUEBEC 2-room suite, comfortably furnished, dressing-room, private bath, ample heat, not water; ( I fiKft W. GEORGIA (18.50, GROUND vate entrance no objection to child. Doug.

law i OSE GARDENS SUNNY SINGLE plenty neat, not water; pnone, rrigi. dalre, balcony, electric laundry. 1210 Har wood. flK TWO ROOMS. PRIVATE BATH; P- singles (2 50; phone service.

Nesbitt pts 1013 Dunsrouir at Burrard. Bey. A TTRACTIVELY FURNISHED 2 AND it-room suites, piano, newly decorated, quiet, clean; adulta only. 1459 Robson. KITSILA NO 3-ROOM SUITE, NEWLY decorated, large verandah, unexcelled view, auuits.

sen? w. 2nd, tiay. 6644. I.rITSILANO HILL. 2505 W.

2ND XV choice bachelor suite, facing east, mountains, naicony; garage. Bay, 3178L. rpHE SHELTON, 2414 GRANVILLE. AT-X tractive view suite. 2 rooms and bath, heated, hot water.

(22.50. TVESIRABLE 1 AND 2-ROOM HOUSE keeping suites close to Oak car and nospitai. 1066 w. I3tn. XtTESTCHESTER.

1585 W. 13TH. REAII. it tl fully furnished 3-room suits, vacant UCt. 1, (40.

ENGLISH BAY, ON CAR LINE, WARM, cozy suites; ft replaces. 1017 Denman. KIT8ILAN0 BACHELOR SUITE, PR1-vate bath. 2207 W. 2nd.

Bay. 644. BRIGHT SUITE, HOUSEKEEPING rooms; adults. 2057 W. 3rd.

Bay. 7659L 3 ROOMS, BATH, PORCH, (17; COZY; no children. Apply 709 East Broadway. 4 ROOMS, REDECORATED, (10; NEAR ferry; 337 Mahon, North Van. Sey.

1937. ROOM8. BATH. KITCHENETTE, (5; room (2. 1166 Albernl.

Doug. 884. TT'ITSILANO HILL COZY 2-ROOM IV suite, balcony, adults. 2616 W. 1st.

1 7fi1 DAVIE COMFORTABLE SUITE, also bed-slttlng-room, kitchen. TWO-ROOM 8UITE, STOVE, SINK, light; (10 monthly. 529 East 7th. COMOX 2 BRIGHT SUITES, alU private entrance; bath, phone. ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM SUITE, ALSO housekeeping room.

1522 Comox. T.r IT8ILANO 3-ROOM SUITE, BLOCK Jv car. Bay. 8478L. 2851 W.

3rd. IOR 2 ROOMS, SUIT BUSINESS PEO-ple. 1168 Pender. Sey. 5390L.

2-ROOM SUITE, ELECTRIC STOVE, overlooking park. 375 W. 11th. 3-ROOM SUITE, NICELY FURNISHED; suit (25. 1742 Haro.

1 MELVILLE WELL FURNISHED suites also rooms. FINISHED 3-ROOM SUITE; ADULTS. 1361 East 19th. 36. Furnished Rooms.

191ft JERVIS ST. LARGE ROOM, -aOXU sea view; newly decorated, lovely rugs, easy chairs; housekeeping If desired, (14 and (16 monthly. rpWO CLEAN FRONT HOUSEKEEPING -a single, double; warm, electric plate single; V4 block cars, stores; adulU. 1349 Hum. Dong.

975L. 'IHJ RENT WELL-FURNISHED BED-X Ilvlng-room, sultabls for lady or gentleman near park. 2030 Haro. Doug. 3147X.

XJEWPORT HOTEL. 1261 GRANVILLE il Steam heated, quiet, homelike; (2.50 up; housekeeping; gas. elevator Included. DOUBLE. SINGLE SUITES, TRAN-slenls (2.50, (3 week.

Block C. Pacific Stage. Pender Hotel, 612 W. Pender. ATTRACTIVE FRONT BED-8ITTING-room, new furniture, fireplace, balcony; refined home near car.

Bay. 2148X, SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN ROOMS; breakfast optional; or light housekeeping. Call at 1328 Harwood. Trin. 5825.

IARGE ATTIC, HOUSEKEEPING, (7 month; rooms, (8 month; basemeut room, (5 month. 2030 Beach. Sey. 1077R. BED-SITTING-ROOM AND KITCHEN, warm, orlght.

separata entrance, light phone; convenient schools. 425 W. 10th. NEWLY FURNISHED BED-SITTING-room; light housekeeping; every comfort; business lady. Doug.

4900R, 2 BRIGHT, ATTRACTIVE SINGLE housekeeping rooms. In superior bouss; every convenience. 1844 Comox. 1 BURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, near General Hospital and Normal School. 2836 Ash.

Fair. 2923R. LARGE BED-SITTING-ROOM WITH view, open fireplace, piano, refined, private home. Doug. 29.14R.

LOVELY FURNISHED ROOMS, PRI-4U vate home, Dunbar; suit business people; board optional. Kerr. 3323. 1 OR! ROOMS WITH KITCHEN PRIV1-X leges; also 3-room attic suite. 2047 Pendrell.

8y. 9491L. LBERTA ROOMS BETTER FOR less. Near sverythlng. VA Robeoo at Granville.

HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, KITCHEN-ette, hot and cold water, 1080 Brouehton. BRIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, EVE-ning meal; private home; (18.00. Bay, 7786L. A TTRACTIVE ACCOMMODATION, BURI-iiness lady, quiet refined home. Kerr.

3217. I OVELY LARGE HOUSEKEEPING room A 2404 Cornwai. Bay. 2869 R. 1 4.40 BARCLAY.

640 Boom suites; tieaai reasonabU, OOMS OR HOUSE FURNISHED, OA- rsge; couple. Box 26M Province. r-ROOM RUNGALOW-MT. PLEASANT 'or Falrview. Box 2689 Province.

ANTED 3 OR around (12. High. 4-ROOM 629 R. HOUSE, 47. Summer Resorts 'E8UVIU8 LODGE, SALT SPRING modern; excellent meals, heated cabins: splendid fishing, hunting, golf; reduced fall rates.

Kerr. 420Y. Victoria, B. C. (1LENSHIEL HOTEL (100 ROOMS), ON I Douglas St entrance to park, I block from Inner Harbor and Parliament Buildings.

3 minutes from business centre; pleaeant garden; lock-up garages. Amsri- can or European plan. Real Estate. 51. Houses Wanted To Buy.

WEST END OWNERS WE HAVE CASH BUYER for house In good condition locsted be tween Haro St. and Beach and Nicola St. and Park. Will go up to S2500. Must be attractive, 7 to 0 rooms.

33 by 131 or 86 by 66-(t. lot. Phone or see L. E. Curran.

Macaulav. Nlcolls. Maltlsnd Co. Lid. 435 Howe 81.

Sey. 3540. 1IT8ILANO IK YOUR BUNGALOW OR IV houss Is priced righl, we csn sell It. Ask for W. 8.

Miller. Pemberton Realty Corp. 418 Howe 81. Trinity 1271; evenings. Bay.

7302L. WANT SMALL HOME, MT. PLEASANT a or Bourn Vancouver, not over suou. Box 2675 Province K.Rnnu RllNmr.nw irirnDiurvAt.E: np around tJUUO. uwners only.

Day. POINT GREY CASH FOR GOOD 4 or 6-room bungalow. Sey. 9380. 52.


In excellent condition. We are Instructed by the owner to sell tree houss on 50-foot lot at the ridiculous low price of 12100, on easy terms. This could be turned Into a handsome revenue producer. Bee Mr, Moors. evenings High.

482R. $1600 KITSILANO SACRIFICE 6 basem*nt; close to Trafalgar north of 4th Ave. Ask for W. 8. Miller, eves.

Bay. 7302L. West End 14 Rooms. fi -I Srifl-J HOUSES SKMI-DETACHED. tp LUVVf Each contains 7 rooms, bathroom, new hot-air funiace, cement founda tion.

Total 14 rooms, all under one roof. Ixit 66 by 88 located at 1173 and 1176 Pacific Bt. Full price $1500. Phone Trin. 1271.

Ask for A. a. Bcnjafleld. IsEMBERTON REALTY CORPN. LTD.

J. C. McPherson, Mansger. 418 Hows St. Trinity 1271.

ERRISDALE gACRIKICE SEVEN GOOD ROOMS DOUBLE PLUMBING 60-FOOT LOT $3750 N'OT AN OLD HOUSE. BUT AN AT-tractive modem stucco residence, of pleasing elevation and replete with all modern features. Imposing Ilvlng-room with open fireplace In tile; the best of hardwood floors; tiled Pembroke bathroom with shower; beautiful cabinet kitchen with oversize tiled sink and spacious nook. Garage. Here Is the bargain you neve been looking for.

Call Mr. Wheaton at QILLESPIE, JJART A QO. Seymour 9380 Evenings, Carl. 785R TO SELL YOUR HOME QUICKLY See Home, Taylor A 8ey. 3la.

CITV HOMES MUST 2 ELL OR rpRADB FOR SMALL BUNGALOW KiTSILANO (SOUTH OF BROADWAY, few blocks Granville), attractive stucco home In first-rale condition throughout. Large Ilvlng-room with open fireplace, family-size dtnlng-room, splendid cabinet kitchen with nook, two good bedrooms and well-equipped bathroom on main floor. Above are two sdditlonal bedrooms. Through hall. Good hardwood floors.

Considerable money has been spent on developing the lot, which Is 60 by 120. Sacrlflcs price 13500. Further details call Mr. Waller at "JILLESPIE, JJART A QO. Evenings, Bay.

7017 Seymour 9380 1.1AIRVIEW BEST PART, SOUTH OF Broadway, west of Granville. Attractive 6-room bungalow arid basem*nt, sawdust burner, open gas fireplace; lot 50 by 120-ft; owner leaving city; 14200, terms arranged; immediate possession. A. Yel-lowlees. 675 W.

Hastings 81. Trin. 2316. IARGE 9-ROOM HOUSE ON LARGE lot 2nd Kltsllano. Suitable lop doctor's residence.

Attractively designed. Price 14250, terms. Hood 40k Royal Trust tsldg. LOVELY 4-ROOM MODERN bungalow. Point Grey; lawn, garage; terms.

Really Investment Corp. Ltd. (open evenings), 771 Dunsmulr. Trin. 6245.

ti( TERMS, KAIRVIEW, 3-ROOM P'JJU cottage. full plumbing, solid cement foundation, garage. Evans, 2115 Granvllla St. t1 iUU BEAUTIFUL 3-ROOM BUN-tpJ-UUU aalow. lust completed; 26.19 W.

tilth. 8500 down, bal. monthly. Sey. 6705.

AT ONCEi VERY NfCE siXROOM house, large garden; cheap. Owner 4512 Prince Edward, corner 2Uln Ave. I7ITSILAN0, 2.121 YEW 6-ROOM 1A house, decorated, SH50; furnace, cement basem*nt. Bsy. A561.

-f OTH WEST GRANVILLE, 7-J room seml-bungslow, cost (7000; 13200 for cssh. Bay. 4 1 ML. r-ROOM BUNGALOW. 3 BEDROOMS, 50-ft.

lot; near school, csr. 455 E. 21st. (frilil 6-ROOM HOUSE, 3 GARDEN irt-FVVf lots; taxes 136. 5411 Aberdeen.


6-ROOM HOUSE WITH 7 LOTS IN OAR-den, fruit trees, Oothard Ave. Price 11500. terms. Standard Agencies 655 Dunsmulr St. SPLENDID INVESTMENT, I30O0 CASH, two 6-room bungalows, occupied, close to car and school, near Victoria road.

Box 2723 Province. -ROOM BUNGALOW. GARAGE, SNA1 ID75. McLeod's, Westminster 62. WEST VANCOUVER JJARGA1N SACRIFICE yNAP i ACRES, EXCELLENT FOR DE-velopment, subdivision, or speculation; 3 blocks above Marine gentle slope and sll-year creek.

At 865 acre It Is the biggest snap In this very attractlvs and growing residential suburb. Sole Agents C. J. Archer Ltd. West 225.

Sey. B954 POINT CRET I OVELY MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGA-1 low ai a sacrifice price. Through hallway, oak floors, Pembroke bath and showsr; kitchen with tiled sink; breakfast nook; cement basem*nt; Isundry tubs; garsge; 60-ft. lot; delightful location. 2300 block W.

37 'h Ave. Price only (2700. You will have to buy eventually. Why not now at a snsn? Best offer on our books todsy. Ask for Mr.

Morrison, evenings Bay. 7504L. A. E. Austin Co.

833 W. Hastings. Phone Sey. 9131. 4-1 f.i'll'l CASH OR TERMS; RtiOMB, hardwood floors, full sutnmsllc oil heat, 66-ft.

lot. 4343 W. 13th Ave. Inspection by appointment, Pt. Grey 331.

6-ROOM MODrNOUiEllWCRE (will subdivide); fruit trees, flowers, ga-IHk iIM fiU KtUissVeils BWfUlu, IOVE CO. BUY FURNITURE OK cash. Phon. Sey. 3745 Of 4270 80s 620 Richards 81 I) 1AMOND8 IKIUGHl Highest pnees Vancouvat UH OEY.

K.TO'J-STOVE AND f*ckNi- ture. Eves. High. 'E BUY GOLD JEWELRY, WATCHES. Higbest prices, ingiii.

r.iw.- 17E PAY HIGHEST PRICL8 "for furniture, atovea Sey 'ANTED RANGE, LIVING. DINING bedroom lurnuure. cu bj Klfl'l WANTS RANGE, 4 OR D'xOvJ rooroa of furniture; caan. POT CASH FOR 8CRAP GOLD. BRJDOt work, eilver Appleby.

438 Richards IMMEDIATELY. OLD SILVER AND 1 plate. B21 Fort Victoria. 0842. WANTED PIANO, ALSO CHILD tricycle.

Box 2784 Province. 29. Pet Stock. AT RECENT VANCOUVER DOO SHOW beat Fox and Cairn Terriers, beet Whippet, beet Springer Spaniel, beet brace Bealyhams were all conditioned on Nu Life. Secure at Hudson's Bay and the Ark.

UNTER8, ATTENTION NOW READl Setters, Labradores, Springers and rocker Spaniels: trial allowed. W. T. (Billy) Oates. dog specialist.

1005 Klngsway YOUR DOGS READY FOR THE vJi Parlor snow, Moose auqiiwiuui, do. Burrard Friday, Sept. 20, Entries taken at the door. EAR OLD PUREBRED FEMALE springer spaniel, spayed, partly broken, 115. W.

J. Thompson, R. R. 1, Chllllwack. fnone m.

ITOLME'S OLD COUNTRY WORM a UatiS tor OOfCS are rename. druggist. Take no substitute Woodward supply. CAIRN TERRIER, WELL BRED. REG-Istered male pup.

Wild wood Kennels, North road, Burqultlam. Q-YEAR-OLD POLICE DOG, SFLL OR trade. Box 2770 Province. Phone West 481L. C1HOW PUPPIES.

RED, BEAUTDJS, weeks old. 3362 E. 44th. Carl. 833L.

UCOTTIES. WIRES, DALMATIANS, 3 Schnauiers. The Dog Shop, 623 Richards" REGISTERED POMERANIAN PUPS, 1 months; cheap. 1300 W. 8th before T.

ttPRINGER PUPS, BLUE PERSIANS and mallard ducks. Marp. T73L. PUREBRED ENGLISH SETTER, 22 months, hunter. North 1419R.


Newton, B. C. (TUINEA PIGS I Carl. 131X3. WANTED.

PHONE 29a. Birds and Goldfish. WILKIN'8 BIRDLAND, 439 RICHARDS. 1 we buy ajid sell, also sell birds and cages you do not want. 30 Poultry and Supplies CHOICE LEGHORN PULLETS From Government.

approved blood-tested stock. Absolutely no culls. Inspection In-vttsd 14 weeks. Hoc; 19 weeks, II. BOLIVAR HATCHERIES LTD.

Paclflo Highway New Westminster, B. 0. LEGHORN PULLETS Vigorous well-raised birds for immediate delivery; 14 weeks 90c, 16 weeks $1. RUMP SENDALL MILNER. B.C.

PEAT FOR SALE, 75C BALE; $32.50 for 50; F.O.B. plant, Byrne Road, South Burnaby. W. E. Roes, New Westminster 1483R1 for particulars.

A OH A PULLETS TO CHOOSE FROM. tJ)J b. Hatchery, near Klngsway. Nelson Burnaby. Carl.

1079L1. RI. RED co*ckERELS, R.O.P., IN- dividual pedigree, from $2.00 up. Buy now and save. Ken Arnould, R.R.

2. Sardls. POULTRY WANTED. HARRY STEVENS, City Market. Doug.

5062. YOUNG LEGHORN HENS, 65o EACH. Harrison's Poultry Market KAc RED LEGHORN PUELET8. OWN boxes. 1805 Gllley Ave.

31. Livestock. SPLENDID WELCH-ARABIAN DAP-pled cream saddle pony, mare, gentle, 850. Photo. Koelansla, Crescent Valley.

rpHREE YOUNG JERSEYS, FRESH AND due, from 835 each. Thatcher, Camp-tell River Cloverdale. SALE 2 GOOD SADDLE HORSES. (25 each; also English saddles. 364 W.

10th. OREE8. HARNESS, SADDLES. COL- lars: nay (14. Atkinson, 139 Keerer.

IOR SALE FRESH GUERNSEY COWS and heliers. Glrardt Son, 268 Union. il STUD REG. 8AANEN AND TOO i bucka Does called for. Carl.

796L. vv 'HEELS. WAOANS AND HARNESS. The Blseksmltb Shop. 1019 Main.

$30 NICE JERSEY FAMILY COW, milking. 1805 Gllley Ave. 32. Machinery. S1 HINGLE ACHINES Four (4) Heaps Machines arranged for direct motor drive.

THE A JJaCHINERY 10MPANY OF VANCOUVER LIMITED "RUSTON" "CLETRAC" DIESEL ENGINES TRACTORS DIESEL fTlNQINES ii Marios Pumps. Canadian Byron Jackson. For Mining. Drainage, Lighting Plants. Olesel.

any size, any voltage. Send t-r catalogue. John Redden Co Ltd. 1294 Granville Street ELCO IGHT New Low Prices. Batteries, Plants, Water Systems.

McKlnnon Sales A Service, Ltd. 1308 Granville St Vancouver, B. V-BELT SHEAVES LARGEST AND i best assorted stock of die-cast sheaves Coast; all diameters and bores; also belts, all standard lengths and widths. PUMPS A POWER LTD. 40 East Cordova.

flOLD DREDGER BARGAIN TWO MEN can operate; haa been tried, proven; capacity 50 yds. hour; movable any location. Box 2757 Province. HOCK WOOD SHORT CBNTRal FLAl belt drlvea Pol demonstration. Sey 201 Graham Electric Co 929 Pender 2ND-HAND PIPE.

BOILER TUBES, HOT-water radiators, boilers, DouRht sold, axebanged. 8warti Pips Yard. 220 E. 1st ONAP, MUST SELL C. O.

E. motor, 1800 r.p.m., 220 volts, pulley anq paee. pianqarq 1236 Seymour. SAWMILL, MINING MACHINERY AND transmission. Vancouver Mill Machinery 415 Railway.

High. 278. 1RAGBAWB. PARTS, PRICES RIGHT. prases Machlnen Sales 181 Main O-CYL.

AUTOMATIC AIR COMPRESSOR, tank, motor. Fair. 1075Y. 33 Boats and Engines I 0 ATS SEE B. ORR.

CAPT. HUDSON. it Unexcelled semes, advice. Marine Exchange. 1869 Georgia Trin 6408.

WINTER STORAGE FOR SMALLBOAT8 It stars. (2 month; snipes, (1; Indoors; aiso outdoors, waixer-s, fu orey 410, tPJO First offer gets It Chambers Boat Mouse, entrance rant, Georgia St CM CA8H-28x7-FfTTlSH BOAT, p- good condition. 274 E. 88th Ave. Fraser 162IL.

SEND YOUR OUTBOARD MOTOR troubles to K. Ford, outboard auDDlr. 1950 W. Oeorbla. WOt, i 9 io Ti iz 12 T7 17 1 mmmm 20" ZA.

2S rT" 29 HP ACROSS 1 Exact copies To weep convulsively 10 Greek letter 7th) 11 A Swedish coin 12 Illiterate) 14 Two ens 15 The cry of the aheep IT Embraces 10 Louse egga 12 Large an- thropold ape) M-rA famous French psychologist To (formal form) 16 A wound mark 17 The south east wind 10 Tlerca (abbr.) of passion Male cat 16 A masculine name 17 Reserve (abbr.) It-Calculated DOWN 1 Bewilderment 7 Sooner than 2 To denounce A seamstress I A native of Eiberla 4 A kingdom ot B. Europe 5 Long hair on tlon'a neck Observed A black profile drawing 12 Ancient capital of lower Egypt IS A medicinal eicobol njouT PlMulfln jTr a OBlROW 51 Ty tj E. A PTJB ft V.h RB JCi- I a ZtExt 1e. tjk HE" IE.

The Province from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.