The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)



Ortober 81, 1385..4 antic 2tittt BOARD AND ROOMS. BUSINESS CHANCES. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. PARK THEATRE, ABBEY SCHOEFFELLessees and Managers 7 4 9 TIC ONT IN Large square room. suitable for gentleman and wife or single gentlemen; hot and cold water and furnace beat.

lit 021) 1 fo, WASSILINGTON Room. VFW with board, to let in newly-furnished private house; terms low to permanent parties with good references. n31 9 .) F. I coursel, tea 'TIEN EM ENTTo let, to an American tam- ly. a suite of 4 connecting rooms, to the model block.

car. Harrison ay. and moderate rent; perfect drainage and in good repair. Apply on premises, to janitor, 006 Harrison ay. bud7t 025 I' 11EN ENI EN TToneto of 3.

4 or 5 rooms. I with a small private tainity; rent low to the right parties. 41 East Chester ph. 2to 030 rIlEN ESI ENTTo let at 33 McLane West I. End.

ont rI1EEMEXTTo set, Sot location; 7 rooms; E20. Hit ton mt. rriEN EDI ENTTo let. 3 r( it for housekeeping, at 2 Silva 1 near Warren, Boston Highland quired; no children. rillENEM E1T-3 nice room 1, ing to Americans only, witl South Russell at.

rriENEMENTTo let, at J. talent of 6 rooms. new house pic water. modern plumbing; second house from Dudley rli ENE SI ENT-3 rooms; Americans only. 28 Barton iI1Ei EN 1.14-5 rooms" Cot)PEtt STEVENS, 3 ru() ILETA few corner JIL Tremont each having 6 I rooms: rents $18 to $25 per rn it, HOBBS, 23 Court st.

r110 LETAt Boston High 11 1 improvements. No. 3 Junipe Rut and sunny; rent low; also Shirley on 1 floor; rent $10 56 Cedar Highlands. BOARD 'AND HERSEY PL.Furnish with use of gas and bath-roc 0 EMETER opt). nished rooms to let.

with bo; 4 HAVIS ST.Has Oland 44- itirnisbed rooms; none but ties need apply; board it desire 4 HARRISON AV.To nished rooms to ladies or ge SMITH'S AV.Off Ken 0 rooms, furnished or unfur en suite. ISOWDOIN Cl newly furnished; extra sire; Sun all day; bath on same aired. ell ESTER SQ.Sunny 0 board if desired. 0 OSBORNE niee 0 newly I urnished, teeing Slu FLOR ENCE krr. Lat if and closets.

and front and newly furnished; with or witho 0 to let. tirst-elass turnts ft2, e3.50 and $4.50 per week. 1 0 10 IP LA It or for light housekeeping; West End. 6) TEMPLE MT.Squar tligin: also sid CLAREMONT PH 1 0) 100111 and side room, togt low to a quiet party. 1 atiittlil l'tes7 A Of able price; home comforts.

CHESTER, SQ.To NJ rooms, en suite or singly; ItOWDOIN aud square rooms; kg3 to usually flue table board; ladles -II 7 convenient, central; rent low; E3 per week; 25 to 50 ens per Es'r LTIIt ni it welled rooms; by the da board. 6)0 BUCICINGIIAM Am. square rootn, for light In IL SOUTH It USS EEL 1 family, very desirable rooms, to gentlemen only; ho quiet locality; references requ ot 1 wr. CH A LES S' Amo if Nicely furnished rooms. 00 CRESCENT ad Ad flight; heat, gas, hot wit fleeted.

00 c4noToN STtrurn a.t 4-4 for light housekeeping; attic. 0490 Wr.To square and I mall attio able parties at reasonable price 0 14 11.11.NIIN CI hot and cold water. fun ti gilts; price low to respectabi parties. t) I it ILTINLANIM 07)P-it rooms. 61 tb CHAMBERS WC.

o0 attic and side room: also square room, up 1 flight front. 37 TEMPLE WI'. Ho square room, 1 flight up; 3 cl TEMPLE ST.To le roorn8: vrefer gentlemel 1.1(N DE ST.To let. A IL with board; also, dated. A 0 BEN NETT 4.4 rooms at very low prie parties.

4c) ItILOSSOM 46i rushed front room; ever: 4 0 -UNION SP. rooms; St to et3 per wee ro, fk 1101VAILD ft) kJ mstied rooms; also 81110 p-n IIARVAICD I lY room, for flgiit bouseic room. 6 DWIGHT orr. Al A. room, furnished; priva low.

fe djo EAMIr RROOIiLI I ()01 room, furnished in b. a al water; side room same quiet parties. I F.7 IIANCOCIL 0 it one flight. IIA COCIC nen 6 or without board fished square room. at modera central location.

fk HAArrmorrrn conventenne: rent trio lerate. I LEVERETT wr square room to let; rent ties. 71 ILTDSON le to ladies or gents, by day 70 EMERALD foruiebed room; large el r-, WARRENTON ST, op rooms, to 03.50 per we 7 E. elt ESTER Pit I room, furnished ant: S2.25 per week; side roon exchanged. 7Q GREEN wr.West 0 front rooms, neatly furni C2 WARREN AV.In 0 IP I comfortable front room, water and large closet; geni ow).

Latin School. ESWElit SQ. has it.P few desirable rooms to It prices to suit. 8 e7 'WEST RUTEANI square rooms with water. 8 412 'IS EMT SPRINGFI 0 able sunny alcove and fro references.

trl CIIIANDLIER iie.4 ant square and side ro, btack walnut; large closets. 1 09 rofirsTup 2411fil3igtilK cold water; furnace heat; r4.1.11 1, 6 tto utron 1 ft WEST C11117.STIE a.a,IP sunny square And sic alt40, square room. 2 flights; board first-class. 15 1 rooms; btu and cold water, for gentlemen wish refer p. m.

p-, rt 1I ROO ICILLIg I ftl.1 Dear 't remont; Owl Mailed or 17 1 Vet tA G14.11:,;;Neil: rt COIJCT tit flare hest and gait 6)1 A WEST Sr IIIN, 4md 1115 near Columbus dining-room; first-class board $3b0, $3, 6 o'cloek dinners $'4; side room, $1 both newly sets, tapestry carpets; hot at bath, unlace. Iht, INON 2 Aso a rooms. by day or week sir7 WAsIIIIINGTON 0 lasseTo let, Ise, 24 put in perfect repair; very lig suitable tor any light mania power ean be had It notarise 1.1,1mE1aCE, 42 Congress at. r'y (1 6411AWMItIT A' 6 6 rooms sagle or suite; cold water. 304 it cOLITBil BUM Al A g) and side room.

nice mantel anti cabinet beds; all mesas; hoard if desired. 6.14)1 1411AWMILIT AV it Pi )0 pretty side rooms. im front parlor, with large mir conveniently arranged for lot In house. Pt A1111161 UT AV. 614 0 imiunre f00111 up 1 High wife or two geutlemen; cheap to permanent parties.

COLUM illtrfl A limbed, a square An together or separato. 467 517 (10111116 vow dSivite 0311 ith Boston; nice LL, 231 Waahing- dSubt 031 alms on one floor off Monroe reference re- 030 for honseiteep- mut childrn. 52 dSti3t 030 Highlande. tens- cemented cellar ent $18. Howard it, SSW 10 per month; ate cur.

Leverett. et to $20 a month. emont row. it. enements at 924 ight and pleasant ROCS DY SSus 8 rooms, all very pities- i 3 rooms, o.

3.3 a month. Call at tiSu7t 028 )0MS. ed rooms to let, an. It Thatiney dSu7ts o28 ed hands; newly respectable a. 6te Lit let, nicely utlemen.

5t 0'27 dall to let. three Lashed, singly or 4to e8 square room. tree closet; open floor; board if At tree square room. with sees square rooms, ail Lwmitt ay. SSii ge square rooms back parlor; all ut board.

dSuet ri31 Revere House. ied rooms price SSW furnished rooms ater in the tOoniS; 2t 030 sunny room on room. Sesta' --A nice front idler or separate; ielts o29 dS ors from Boylston ile board; IsSu let, on ed floor, 3 board. dSu3t 4)31 sly-furn abed side 7 per week; gents $4. cleu5t 031 nished rooms to lodging; pleasant.

rooms from Si to night. SSW' tele Newly or week; table SudlOt 025 r.To let. a large use keeping. Its a private ulashed use liew and in red. dSutf 016 '9, off Chendlen- dSul4ts o20 quare room, first ter and bath at 029 square room thee side room and SSus let, furnished.

room to a 5te 027 quare room with -lace heat, a and permanent dSu3te 031 ei let, pleasant dSu3t large furnished a nicely-furnished dSulles 031 el Temple; front steam heat. dsubt 031 newly furnished I or working lit' o30 furnished rooms, iarders 4ts 028 To let, furnished es to respectable its te 4, neatly 'thing new. tiSte3ts 031 -Nicely-furnished It. dSu7t 029 let, 2 dSu3te 031 nicely furnished Deping also aide 4t 028 cove and square te family terms dSuk 028 VIE Front with large closet loor; rent low to SSus nished room, up 5t5 o27 State House-To to price; desirable see -To let, near rooms; modern SSW' Pleasant front low to right dSu5t 029 furnished rooms )r week.O.Su4to29 let, a pleasant met. gas and water.

dSu3t 030 -Nicely-furnished St" 029 ek. swell-front sunny and i 81.50; references dSuiete 028 nd, to let, 2 square shed. les a small family, with hot and cola preferred; oe'l changed hands; it; gentlemen pre. dSuets 029 pleasant I'd; hot and cold et. 029 11,1) iit rooms; 1 fl legit; SSu ro let, very MIS; furnished in leutf jy25 -I sr.Four ith room, hot and per week.

SSW' lodging room 3. SSus la le rooms, I Hight; nicely furnished; riStnits o3t c- i a ear ot newly furnished as, furnace heat, Call 6 to SSu 1 In ST-To let; rooms; spiv. Brandon, lectrician. Room ns to let, with dSu7t 029 FI Miss JOHNSON'S 21 meal tickets, rent square room, furnished; walnut id cold water. gas, Selies Nicely furnished 1 flight.

dSit3to o31 tisla, cor. Spring and floors, just it, gas gild water; icturiny business; APItlY t4 C. W. 310 029 front; also side; hot and SSito desirable board. dSu3to 030 square ly furnished, with moderu Sults 00 quiet house.

closets, lovely ror, pictures 11014; good i)oar'l i t. -Nicely furnished it: suitaide tor man so' 111Siler room 030 let. fur. ko side room, front; dSii4to o29 -To let, a 1. dflu5to 29 r.Beard to let, door; also side daubt 028 ir311101r0G It A Pit 147'171)10In live town near Boston; HO opposition; good Prleell; low rent; rare chance for man with f1200 er 13(10.

ss Addre a)," Globe office. tit*ubts 030 1304111. Al 0 111111ALIARD HALL to IL sale, and cigar and tobac2o store connected, doing a big business, situated in Biddeford, good reasons for Selling. For particulars address 0. Et FIERCE, No.

7 Winthrop Worcester, Mass. 2t o30 mo LIETIn Hotel Palmerston, 177 West Chester west or Columbus suites of 7 rooms and bath-room; all Improvements. steam beat. elevator, awnings and screens: rents S800, pool) and St000. D.

H. MCKAY 28 School room 50, from 12 to 2. One suite hos carpets and shades; also suites in Hotel Argyle, next door. dSutt s12 BUSINESS CHANCES. It FA EIDENFor sale.

1112000; must sacrifice. 01 Al new house. 8 roonts. 2 tenements. Al neighborhood, plenty of fruit, and shade.

437n ft. land: to It. M. uepot. C.

E. DAMON, Washington it. it -1k7 EW 1101S EFor 'Me; all improvements; 11 HISO 1ottS0 hall; trI0110y advanced for building; or select a location; will advance money and build to suit; easy terms. 131 Devonshire at. Suti7t 025 I lir If 1111 A Psi you think you must go 50 miles frOln Bohtoll to get a good farm cheap.

But not no. Read this: 50 acres of good loud." miles out: tdonty or fruit and wood: good water: on main road, mites from a thriving town. 20 rods from post office, 1 111110 from school: house 8 TOMO; carriage house nice barn, 00x35, with cellar. all in good repair; pleasantly loeated in a good neighborhood; price only f2590. It.

C. t'UTN A M. 35 Congress et. Th8 029 EA I. EP4PA'rEExellanFect; trades of all It kinds made LI, W.

C. FRENCH. 4 State room 2,11 tiii 2. 21 o30 Esti itEFor sale, the beautiful 212 storied residence, 64 Buckingham Camepriosite residenee Colonel IligginMOno with 642.1 U. of land; price.

87560. FE TT1T WASHBURN. Traveller building, 31 Sato St. MA EL FA In Framingham. for sale 1,3 very low.

G. 11. WELLS, 231 Washington St. dSulOt o24 Z1-11 7, It II EL To he sold. 4,100 down and batanee same as rent; honso 17 Cnandier 8 rooms, etc.

ALBERT OATES, 40 Water at rri it ER LAND-800 acres, free Of mint." gage, on railroad and river, near Calais. port of shipment; will exchanue for a residence In or near Boston. Address aV' Globe offiee dSutt 031 17211.11.AGE FILEMIDENCE, 26 nines Out. 312 acres of land. nice orchard.

good water, post office. store. school. within 40 rods; house, finished rooms, in good repair; price 00 terms easy. It C.

PUTNAM, 35 Congress our Advertiser free. SSu A TA EU A BEE 'ATEfl VOWEltAnd 1 grist mill, for sale, with :100 acres of flowage and 10 feet bead, with full control of the and I acre of land: this Is a place for a man to make some money, as the fall work will soon COIlltrielle0; the mill is in first-eass running order. and would be a niee place for a cabinet or 111111111110 shop, and will be sold cheap. Address 0. A.I1 A LC11, North Leominster, Mass.

dSti7t o2 8 Pr, ek 1,101,111 sale. cheap; rented to At tenant, it2n4; price only $2000. A LBERT OATES. 40 Water st. It HOUSES, STORES, OFFICES ETC TIOSTONWest End, lifit180 to let; 8 PICO II rooms.

bath, gas; American neighbors; e50. or will sell furniture, if wanted. G. K. 75 Devonshire 2 to 6.15 p.

rn. SSW' illo17111L1)11NtilTo let. the first and secon4 story Of tho large brick building No. 52 Dorchester optiosite the Old Colony treight well adapted for Storage or other purposes; now occupied by the South Boeton Railroad possession given October 1. APply at 24 Broad et.

riSulSto o20 0111I II let, chambers over the .) elegant store of Palmer, Batchelder At on Tremont between Temple pi. and West 'Rinaldo for piano roonis. et mhos HMI offices. In. quire of 11.ERBLRT L.

FERRY, No. 9 5111k et. dSul4t 031 CIA It ICI ET1Near Inman 2-family 1.. house. 10 elegant rooms; bath.

gite. furnace; 40 fruit trees, location: I36 or less; or I St floor, 6 rooms. tu20. G. K.

OSGOOD. 75 Devonshire Boston, 2 to 6.15 p. eiOTTA GETo let; any responsible person ean have a very tine, well-built cottage of 10 rooms at Revere from Nov. 1 to April 1 by paying porio in advance; grand chance for low rent; comfortable. tirst-elass liouse; near depot; nitnierous trains 111111 low faros.

F. 4. 6111 PITH. 20 Beacon st. 10.80 to 12.39, 2 to 4.30.

41Sta3t 030 ArIOTTA GETo let, Maplewood, new cottage, kJ I I rooms: very tine location; near depot; only any one desiring a good house at very low rent cannot do better. I. GRIFFITH, 20 Beacon 10.30 to 12.30, 2 to 4.30. dSn3t 030 cloTTAGI E-To let, at the South End. nice cottage house of 8 rooms, conveniently arranged.

in thorough repair; perfect drainage; lent 20 per month; tenement of 3 rooms, b10; good neighborhood. Apply at 52 Weston elf Trenitint. dsu4ts 030 ir It I To let, lirookane sunny; furnace. etc rent D. 1311AMAN, 85 Milk room 83 ciSunt o31 IESK1100M To It in nicely furnished front office, near ()in South Church; low relit; l'OND BRITIAN, 339 Washington st.

it 1n annteoelettotricoth. Davie oft 'Washington please (.1111. Suct7t 025 derkitchen st taken in board. 3S I) ININO-HOOM ANIPKITCHENTo let; rent taken in board. 2 Davis bt.

lts IIIIONT OFFICETo let. at 13 Tremont 4 row. having 2 large windows, making an unusual good light; retit 6250 per year. ROUNDY HOBBS, 23 Court at. SSu I1 NE IIA I.I.--To let, on Essex near Nvamhington; also large basem*nts.

Inquire at 47 Devonshire room 16. 3t 030 111AL HOUSE AN') WrAllUETo let, ILL 2761 'Washington st 6 rooms. very convenient: also large stable and carriage rocan. A PPLETON, 13 Court it. 11011'141ETo let.

on Trenton E. Boston, a house Of 15 rooms; modern improvements; drainage perfect; cellar asphalted; rent $135 per mouth. Apply to W51. 32 Pemberton q. dButt 810 I Etirmrls4.9gitaave.,,d...

Treniont at. 4t o28 110 To let, at the South End, desirable cottage house or 6 rooms: newly papered 3111i painted; good neighborhood. healthy tnni rent t120 per month. Apply to Mrs. A DA MS, No.

II M34.1,011 at. 3ts o29 lr I iisl'sEWanted, unfurnished house of 10 IL or 12 rooms, at West End; rent not to exeeod tp(40 per month. Address 90." Globe ()thee. 3t o29 0 is SEWanted. large unfurnished house, I good locality, for lodgers.

Address New Washington B08t011. dSu3t 030 II Us ETo let; F'20 per month. In Hyde Park; also I In Malden, same rent. A. H.

HOLIV AY, 309 Washington st. 2t 030 TOUSEWantect. within 6 miles of Boston, neat little house with modern improvements. Address giving full particulars, price, "X.84." Globe office. SSuo To let, at Boston Highlands, near House; 11 rooms; all improvements; nice condition; location the best; etio mouth and water.

It B. WARD, 86 Court at. it I OUSE To let, in Allston, house, 8 rooms and bath, furnace. range, gas, hot and coid water; convenient to horse and stoam cars. Address CHARLES F.

HILL, 78 Devonshire TOOTII 4. it. ml LSETo Iseet pMaittev reerg i trz per mouth. L. NEED tt lb Congress It.

II let, in Chelsea, a nice 2-story trame house of 9 rooms; waiter; rent 15 a month. Apply to WM. BACK, 403 Broadway, Chelsea. it I To let, in Everett, corner of Broad- I way and Cottage st, house 7 rooms, large garden. some fruit, nice location, low rent.

L. P. TRUE, Belmont Everett. SS' IIli! ViTeosItete'afteitwondosor we of C17(1)uurnsebtiktat excellent repair, all carpeted, shades, draperies, mirrors, screens, outside windows, all in first-clams order. Apply at 480 Columbus ay.

it' LI IUSiETo let. South End, near Waltham 1.11 house of 18 rooms, in perfect order; plumire tog new; rent low. BRADLEY STOVER, 40 State st. it 1 I tirSollo'rins Dorchester. a coodne glthwaritiobor titant and horse cars.

A. J. VOSE, School Dorchester, Mass. SSu SS 11' E--To let, 11 rooms, furnace. gas and water on 3 floors; 2 stables with garden; key next door.

91 Norfolk Cambridge. lt 1 Its USES-5 good rooms, F15; 6 rooms, fle 1 1, or less; gardens. good A merlean neighbors, Somerville. near ears. (1.

K. OS(3100D, 75 Dovonshire Boston, 2 to 6.18 p. leiSu I14) Efel--To let, at Wellington. 3 miles out IL on B. M.

R. new cottave houses, 8 and 9 rooms. barn wood finish, elegant location, near depot ann schcol, Spot Pond water. J. E.

WELLINGToN. dStpit o29 11 ()UNE AND liAILNTo let, a house And barn tuft avres of land. loquire of HILL 11A ZELT0N, 24 Hanover it. Ito I UT OF A PFOJCE 10 lot, location good. luquire at 362 Broadway, So.

Boston. 029 It ETo iet, in Dorchester, a very desire, C1 hie store at Field'i Corner. Apply to BRIGHAM. 27.1ntlia st. Sud7to o25 IC ESS ANIS let, large nnd small, with steam ewer.

on Sudbury, Commercial, Washington and other A. WEN Z. NN 01C111, 17 Haverhill it. tt au2 110 LET--fouse and store, 79-irsses house has 15 rooms in good order. Apply to .1.

FICEN C11 SON, 226 'Washington at. nStI3t 031 fitti ILE'll'LAt South End. a house of 14 rooms 1 with store: also a house of 10 rooms. Apply to HICKEY, 30 CornijIll. dSutt TENEMENTS WANTED AND 10 LET.

A 1' EN 41 ENTTo let, of 3 or 4 rooms. 11S. Apply at No.I54 East Brookline st d8u5ts o29 (1111 A lit 1.EfiCTOWN ECKTenement 3 ro ((((( 1st Boor. $5 monthly. 4i K.

75 Devonshire Boston, 2 to 41.15 p. in. It Asall 11141PSVII4 Ai 3 ronma on first floor at FA 37 I only 11); keys at house. ALBERT GATES, 40 Water it. Ito A WE' ISWICTON-14 White tenement 3 14 nice rooms; nice neighbors; 12 or leas.

SSW' I To let. 2 nice tenements. 5 rooms .4 elicit, 9 Clinton only 110 in advance. ALBERT 40 water Boston. 1.t.

L2017111 1101111140NTo let, good tenements. 10 HENRY DENN Y. 5 hirth at. (side door). 10 to 11 in.

or 6 to 7 p. or 12 erniotrton sq. clholOt t)22 OLTTJI 110WrONTenernente, 24 4 t- trent room. b0 or lest; 3 rooms. 61.76 weekly.

G. K. ObtrOOD. 76 Devoristdro it. 2 to 8.15 to.

QOM EH VI I.I.ETentiment, 4 good rooms, 1.73 batb, 10. outialt if wanted fiat of 0 nice Tutooni, ears paws. 13 or lets; fiat of 6 elegant rooms. bath, gym elegant location; above are all near Union 2 good rooms, lat floor. 8 month.

ly; all niee American neighborhoods. IliPar cars. 01. K. Osii( )01).

75 Devonahire sL, Booton. 2 to 6.15 o'clock. 8Su to IR s' a nice tenements, 5 rooms t7.3 ortiy IF I tnontit lu advance. ALBERT GAELS, 40 Water at. I V' rlIENEm EMTTo let, up I flight, 135 Myr'.

tie to a gentlellian and wile. Apply hones from 12 nt. to 2 p. in. only.

2t o30 EM ENTTo let, on Tremont 5 I rooms, hath, steam beat, janitor: up 1 flight; rent low. SEA VERN 6, 93 Tremont at. Itts 020 rEN ENE EN ThiTo Int. of 8 rooms each, in the new apartment house No. let Warrenton bonito lintahatt in herd wood, with Improvements; 2 torea in the same building.

Apply on, Lit Premise. from 10 to 11 a. zn. haus I 't i I. I) 1 1 ESTATE.

4 17 ICU of 23 acres, 15 miles nut gond 2- 4.1ry house. stie nice snit barn. orchard; of AV001; 1 () ttlit11114 1 itl price halt A. Qt. IN IOC A CO.

it 1 riend 0 It. I A of 26 111TreS goott Ahitztt littlito anti ham; 'keeps 4,2 ettivs horet wile to de tad, post, olive, stores, elS00 .11 Of womi; priee MO, halt cvdt. A. i IA WI Friend or GEORGE st Townsend. it.

ii 14,417 till golf' A rT 1 iteAttorts lit Met Highlands proper; tho souse is commotitottS Mid Mttravtive. flU tie trewn of I charming commanding an ructed sweep of view in directions, re sionyly emit in summer and delightful in Win. ley; jiit.t. tor a lonsittes homer, rtry of aceems and retired, will dispose Of for ten. the house alone could be built for; would not part with it if not Obliged to change.

tor particulars address "31.. Lock Box l. Fosion. Stidtf 413 7 '4 Nt4 i r7oh.c e7111 aide, strianged for 1 or '41 families; near ashisicton tuiiI If horse ear; rr'e F. M.

LEARNED, 6741'2 NeWtOtt it. Sudgi 025 70i F3706; floe Ji inmae, well located. E. ftU 'WAN K. 23,5 I Hii cor.

Spruce and Auburn houses. lot I 3oa I 20; only 23u00, e500 coati. tiA TES, .11.4.) Water mt. A11111.11-o410t$ For sale, a 3-story It) Mono Itett4e and ptoro near navy yard; htt leads front Hunk er 11111 at. Et erri') rental r); pref.

only 8180o. Insured for el000. rt GATES. 40 Water at. it 1110 sale, 8 rooms note) tee, of land; close to Franklin Park ant: (ton on the sintgus branoh of the Eastern rait11)L Olean fare price $2000, 81On dawn.

'nee a mon; b. II. Me A Y. 24 Sellool room tti.kt from 12 to will let it for it15 month. 027 For Pale, painted.

blinded; 6 11) in res. 1 in heavy wood; barn. large hen near eland. in Foxboro; 45 cents out. roies: 12rot: part cash, balance easy.

.1. 11. IS 71 Sudbury St. It 4'. fi ti, sTATEs4.

Fol hale and ftehange in Na- ii. es )() ft to txt0 0 .00, very cheap. goloo for '25 por cont. 'CAA than ildil4eSsed Valne; Itko iille iitilisti 10t8, 1 cent 'per loot; a gond lot for 40; terms to snit. Apply tit once to N.

tittATIC CK. room 8, No. Ca Court Boston. ii 8Sw. IC 31 30 good farms for sate, $750 up- wards tehatigo some tor houses in or near 400 ite 1 ell limber hind in N.

IL; 12 new houses. clicrip, easy terms: cheap house lots in licadville, Melrose, atm Wilmington; In good patents. cheap for cash, or will botel; good wood anti coal business with team; call anti we will trade. (i IIATC11 ili C1). 47 ou 1 rt et.

it. 1 IC NIIFor sale. farm of 10 acres of nice levci land 1 mile from Westboro depot; at bles pears and crapes; good 2-story house of 7 rooms, vidli barn 40)(23; pleasantly situated ou 14, on a gt)4111 poudry or vegetable farm; price terms easy. A pply to A. B.

MAYNARD a Ci I. Vi estboro, Mass. Send for Westboro Real 1Atale Advertiser lito w-- For sale; I have farms. varying I price from Pas i to I wish to sell this fsil fah description sent free of charge. Ad-tress It.

F. Canaan. N. Su2Qtr n1t3 1114 For sale. small farm, '12 acres, h- 14 Om 12 hour role from 4.11 R.

litrge Amount or wood And timber; alnall running through; $1000, It. B. NA Alit), Court at, it I ICU --On A ihany R. 37 aerest price 4 tinly incitidina stock; gt1100 cash. A Litt.R,T ti TE4'.

40 Water mt. it 11.1EAt hiss than otie-balf the cost to land thrown in, a It story swell front, I' rench roof brick house in a block of it lint' on it 'moil street, near depot and horse cars. in apitiridas, among churches anti schools. Ktore, finished in hard wood; tasty. attractive bonne.

to build, price 2600, iF5o0 cash. tviiisi on mortgage at per tient. per annum; a great chalice tor some ono that Is ants a nice little Loose at a bargain. BRICE S. VANS StIN, Building.

Boston. dit te.24 I 'oft NALE Boston Ilighlatids, a line, spas mooern. 3-story frame lions's, and over 4is5 feot land: location unsurpassed, coins uninterrupted views in ail directions, and convenient to horse and steam a bust. plan's summer atid winter borne, awl can he Light at a Further intorniation and photograph at dice of IlitiORUE B. Fr, SI.

ash ington roma ib o13 1414o I.1:Sooth End, near Waellington brick house, jo roomq, for 13000, to bettle emtate. S. B. LOG AN SON, 3 State et. SSW' It NA ILE -Smith Boston, house, 10 rootail.

in good repair, cemented cellar, good location for t32700, S. B. LOGAN FoN, 3 State tiStio alii; it: -a S. H. Worcester.

Nam. care E. 1 1411:1 Globe dSu5t outt I. 101'11: For sale, Arlington lictghts. tbrootn lomat', too it.

of hind, ha grape vines. 7i) lit trees; near depot; price F2500: only 100 4 L'Wn P25 it month. same as rent. G. IL it a Sh.11,1,,, 53 State st.

tiSuCt 029 I 1 0 sale. itt the popular city of Stun- 1 et. Met a splendid 110UPle et 8 rooms and ball) and till ttrosiwen huprovements: eost the oa tier Frani(); is now offered lr it It550; reason for to leave the State. Apply to COOPER A ST EN I.NS, a Tremont row, room 16. lto I 101'Ni EFor sale or te let, of 0 rooms and 4 Pearl Dore tester nistriet, near 1111i; feet land: covered witli trait hest neighborhood.

Apply to BOW ARO RILEY, kin. Boston'. 3t 029 (I, I 1,. m(ittetrr'. utviw, ire 1,120 'I 1., VILE, 13 Nuninwr Dorchester.

028 111 II hale. or to let or exchange, at a litrysto. good howto of 16 rooms. pleas- i located at South End. on Sliawntut tor private resid eo eti or boarding and I or yould be altered at anail expense 1 I 1r tore porpose4 to pay lt it nosontely.

Applv to i IL ELLIOT. 209 NYasallington room I V. udtt 813 ILIE B. ELLIOT'. 2'09 Washington st, roma ti.

Sudtt 813 I IOUSEFor sale or to let, 8 Intieft out, on 1. Boston Maine R. it" a nice residence of 8 riii1718, in Al repair; good water, 10,000 ft. land. with fruit; yrice )1M00, 10100 down.

C. NV. A 1,2 NA asitingt on a. Its 1 I i 14' nfl Vvd II 47, -7-- le ir ri itni i 1 le also Queen A nne.tte2 100, with stable; 1000 ft. land: also 14.0uto ft.

land with stable, 12500. E. B. NEWHALL, 242 Washington St. rl SSu t4 I 0 1 --14 For sale, in a town near Boston, a 1 g(sel house and tour acres of land.

Apply 4 'W. i' (.7 NA 5t PAGE, 17 Exchange pl. Its I110 1-Ni sale. 8 rooms, 18,000 feet of land. in Revere; easy terms; on nigh land.

Ades. FRANK C. DtiliflE, PS Park st. SSW' I I CollM llFor sale, new house of 8 rooms, 8 TillioiM OW, Within 200 feet of depot, for only F14.50; fl250 (town and the balance in monthly payments. 11 It.

LA BENCE, 15 Congress st. Iota eort tftr, ui: hose I I lilli 15,400 ft. land, fruit, house 8 rooms: 102000; alma lots. very cheap. E.

B. NEWHALL, 242 Washington mt. Su sale. in South Maldon, near 111. 4iepot and street cars, 2-story, French roof, rooms: a 1 I improvements; good condition; no() ft.

of land; charming location; 4600, only caalt; quick or you loss It. H. B. WARD, 86 wat I. it.

I I01PiEWant ed to porchame, for (swill. Prirlil holl.0 at Vv egt End, in good location. Alt Li, Court tit. I t. .110 Fur sale, 9 miles out; 21A-story It 14 rooms; suited for 2 families; nice metes land; ridootes to station; price term easy.

E. B. INEWIIALL 242 Kt. bSu 1 I Faljrna8ratl. itirliv)aeRntsinl' not; ttory 1 r11(01) root hotisPo in rilelsPa.

I 1 rooms: of cacti now rented tor 1124A to good easy toning. ti L. LOGAN tit SoN. 3 Ftato at. tiSit i arra ,1.

dgoport um 10 I I -1; water i 1 it i Illi bri 4 14" arranged for hofor 2 fain: 451)(0 ft. of laud; price 02100. Li. B. Lt0GAN so's.

3 State at. SSW' 1 1 1it Rith'ill elitiii 17! 1bo0 and noitr selloola and station; 'noel) than value. NV Henley HUN, Box 60. 3to29 NA II I () ''4 Chi Vor pale, on Lowoil 2 hortses 1, ot JO roons and bath; hot and gold water; toinotss rido in cara; 3 minutes front station; Vol' 10101.0 he sold; only 2104.0,4 elm() down. A.

J. LA NI FA RD, 23 Ilourt lit. dS114t. o30 II 41114 For lotto. on Third of 11 Nootia Eopton, 2 houtten, 11 ii toteh; for 3 Apply to .1 A NI ES V.

b1 htt.6 I evoultigs. dStt3t o30 'I I 0 oitle. In East -Boston. ot-the I Iinwtom of Sarologo sod Pope new for 2 forniliesi entirely separate. with 2 1 limit arid back doors, 2 yards, '0 tt.liars.

5 rooms or eat11 faily. Address Imo Ir.roolit or on tile, tirenilses. rt'Sti8 I ll St II. Is IC. F'D it NA 1.11-;--foht ch, I 111.1i amosinees rimmel linmediata sole; good ro ll an thoiMidat Itses, gosql diliti 106 than taxed for, and at highest otter; dfrer It ontiitl; SI 2.010 .111 11 I Or ivhoi If; Villlittit rooms.

ath, gas. furace. range, 21.1ato 75 varieties fruit, hothovrie, a tstame; ulegant ltwatton, Vi inter Hill, Somerville; i', as pass: amok eIellarigis for limaller botota or tsuitimit bl(ck, Or Ntork of toy or atiev gf 'oil 2 tither houses for solti, ift4500, st5hig): i 1 14500, priest O. K. (4.4;1nd).

75 Boston. 2 to 8.15 n'eltark. SSW, 0 Uhl; away; any person of 1 1 1 holiti.1 jUilgtWlit Ali Fithilit that at 3 to se. Ile rts I70 I iiiiirti.4:0,0 ft (h, Lit tt wi faulik hterolo7ne depot; b() trains daily, low litres: high and health- fin, amieduct water; ati opportunity that should be embraced at WACO. Address P.

O. box 2091, Insiton. ate 0215 I 1 illil.iitE PA ll ca I I 'A It to 1 '20tP sh; terms 11) I A I vlstr A it. 1101. A 202 Washington it.

I' I A For sole or excitottga. land In Georgia 1141 and intkoto; 20410 Itt'rti heavy yellow pine ittimber land. IS miles from Savannah, floc 200 acres of land in till, very I cart of bestott heal Estate ()Mee, II Pemberton sq. dSu4t 029 0 1 A D-For sale, at South Itt-i-rit-en ti 4 M.trine l'arlin Address C. SWALLOW, 786 1 rtquolsit it Will.

I NI DTON "Sear Common," house, od I stitile a noon feet of I only UMW. IiEliT OATES, 40 Water it. Ilt 1 A EDEN-Fur sale, SI sort, $100 cash, new -VI house 01 rooms 07112 ft, lot Al location. A- 1: I til'ON "Near COtrIrtiOtl," I 000 fest of I nd; only flif000. Iirt.liT 40 Water at.

it Al A EDENFor sale, 01608, 800 matt. now it boom, Ot roorite, 67112 ft. land, Al lueotuott. C. DA 'ION.

172 Witeilluglosa at. boos lit A sale, j111200. Loose. 6 rooms. Jail Kamen, Al to minutes to 4tepot.

4,. DAMON, 172 W'aebinstou it. 1,480 II 0 I A ENFor lode, el000, 11011110, 8 rooms, ,.,11. 1.4r0, 6 Kerne land, 80 frolt tree's; 8 minutes ike 410046 C.4 DAMON, 72 Watablueltou at. it cjiv AA ALLET diz 114VIAS 7 1-3 octave piano.

rosewood case. round corners. overstrung and top damper; tt25 down and 610 per month. C. C.

HARVEY, 66 Washington Opp. Jordan Marsh. S1o It 'WOO DWA 1RD sts BROWN if sP 7-octave upright piano, rosewood ease: 1,25 down and 10 per inonth. C. HARVEY, 465 Washington opt).

Jordan Marsh. POSITIVELY ONE WEEK ONLY. MONDAY. Oct. 28, and Saturday Matta.


JOHN STETSON EVENINGS AT 7.45. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at nted Comedian and Character Actors RY FRAU, nized successor to his father, the late S. Chanfrau in bis great Original irama ot Western Life, entitled KEIT, rkansaw Traveller, nied by those two thirsty characters, 'J 0 and "MAJOR." EST SEATS ONE DOLLAR. 75, 50. 25e.

General Admission. 50e rEEK. Nov. 2 --EOTTA. tit 4326 ON THEATRE, Ci tE3M.ACLES01T PPEARANCIES OF MIKE.

tIUDIC. his Saturday Afternoon, FEMME A PAPA. VEXING, for the last time eith NINICHE. pertoire for Next Week; Only time of LILL Only night of LA WASCOTTE. time or fill VIUDIR NM.

-First time or LA ('()SAQI. enefit of MMIE. Unlit el.00. 51.59, $2.04) and L12.50. it TON MUSEUM.

ELY LAST WEEK BUT ONE. Laughing Success, MAGISTRATE. ing at Tbeatre. New York. and udon, for over 200 performances with ORMOUS SUCCESS.

at 7.45; Wednesday and Saturday 2- REDMUND BARRY COMPANY. Stadtt 023 LARD ATHENEUM. RIS Jr CO. and Managers Comencinz Monday, Oct. 26, 1335.

gs at S. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees at 2 p. m. ITER BYRON Supported by KATE BYRON amons Company of Comedians in F. A.

Scudamore's antral Play, the IDE TRAM. SCALE OF ritICES. 10. 25. 35.

50. 75e. and 10, 25. 35. 50 and 75 Cents good Reserved Seat for 35 cents.

et o2t1. JOU THEATRE. ENDORIT Director oston's Opera, Poputaire. at S. Saturday Matinee aS 5 'WEEK BUT ONE Ws charming comic and romantic opera of RADELLA! iN PILEJPAVILAIICION- Prices, 504N, 75 $4.50.

DSOR THEATRE, Dover and Washington StsTHROP Proprietor and Manager UR SHAM Assistant Manager VSATIONAL THEATRE Or BOSTOIL ry Afternoon at 230, Evening at S. 's Comedy Comiques, In the latest laughing success, M3C3011EIITr.PP ng the comedian. lEdvestrd R. Lang, i by a company of comedians and NEXT WEEK. RICh ISOCIIC9S Worldsratiownet Spectacular Comedy, xxreax- Every Afternoon at 2.30.

AR PRICESBalcony, 10 Fauvist, Irchestra. 30 cts. tt 029 STON THEATRE. NDAL-r NIGHT. NOV.

1. RY W. FRENCH will give his Second Lecture, PAST AND 11.0 PRESENT. me ILLUSTICA.TIONS 50 cts. Family Circle, 25 eta.

tto27 C4b MT ig. MI lj 13rc1.e) 00 IL LINE. 0 Saturday, Oct. 31, 2 11'. INCLUDLNG STEEPLECHASES.

Ion $1. Tiekets and programmescan at. THAYER'S Ticket Agency, Park it SLOWS RINK en for the Season of 1SSS-0 'on Admiasion. ETening Single 111. Evening Package.

Ave adnua 00. go for checking clothing. NN Ina low's Lever Clamp Skates lease. FRANK E. WINSLOW, Proprietor.

BATTLE OF TIVSBURG, I Tremont Street- dSutt 3y4 5-CENT DINNER, a. ra. till 3 p. at 881 Washington Straet Reserved for Ladies TREMONT' TEMPLE. CA1PEN1EK'S l'avehie Marvels of ism every night this but Wednesurday matinee.

2.30 u. m. Admission 25 sserved seats 50 ciente. Leaeons during At 3 ass oal ow 1. sum A JL L111 0, Itt 03 ictrna sts.

near old South Church; tables reserved for A -0NC-1i" $150 will secure a 16-room log- 11.10A'FENT-S1000 buys a valuale patent. in- se rt A tin 7 OCTAVE ladies; order-cooking, 6 a. m. till 8 le tn. et ing-house; good location; y50 mobthly chiding special machinery for same; Owner dSipit's o30 BARRELLE PARSONS', bag good reaons for slling; this is a rare ea -I 6 $7 it PIANo-Rosewood case.

round cor- ners, carved legs, top damper and overstrung; 825 down and $10 per month. C. C. HARVEY A To let at the South It chance; business to invesigate. Adit will pay any onde res box 675who wants a good ale End.

demirable apartmenta of 4 and 5 room A ON CY 11114225 will buy 13-romn lodging. Leom- 485 Washington st, pp. Jordan Marsh. ts inster, Mass. dSutit* 030 -11 $7 WEBER '7 1-11-OCT AVE PI.

and bath; all the modern conveniences: in good house on good street, West End; lea cash. repair; firsaciaes neightmrhood; healthy Inca- BA RRELLE PARSONS, 11 Pemberton sq. Ito TIS ESTAIIRANT-And 9 rooms furnished I tem; rent 18 awl $22 per month. Apply to Mrs. 11 la complete; 50 regular boarders and large SI.

4 ANO. full carved ewe). over dampers, French action and all improvements. fee caeh or BEALS. 47 Hammond at.

et o28 A LO10ING-110 USE-19 rooms, Tremont sransiont trade; rooms pay mo profits st of rent; prots monthly payments. THOMAS FLAHERTY dle, best location in Ro ston; bargain. A rAlleetM EN'E-(3) to let, separate or to- BELLE PARSONS, 11 Pemberton 5 it large. POND BRITTAN. 339 Washing ton at.

225 Tremont at. Open evenings. 6te 026 gettier, comprising 1 hotel; 6 rooms each; e- SILIE PN DID MILISINESS 16 PPOWT. IC F. MILLER PIANO.

all al 66 e30. $140 and $50. Apply at 408 Tremont at. of A LODOING-MOUSE-12 rooms, Dart- NITY-For sale, a controlling interest in corn- improvemente. finished all Toned, dSu3ts oil LI, mouth very nice; no better.

BAR PARSONS. It RELLE party owning and operating a valuable invention over dampers. French action. meker's guarantee. Janitor.

owner of this interest is unable, on account of 225 Tremont at. Open eveni EL 1. A ----P 11SONS baying rooms to let or wanting boarders, also those wanting rooms A 4.111110CER IC STORE-Large cash trade; which is labor-aaving and improved results; the $25 down, $12 per month. THOMAS FLAH eRTY rtegeseefiteso26 14,11 AyPNrwlrted, ine or board, please apply to E. F.

HAGAR, 209 Wash- et tine location; no bonus. BARRELEE time and capital, to properly attend to the bust- ft MALLET sts C125110TON $0 PARSONS. li Pemberton sq. et desiring an established nee; an investigation is asked from parties ished protected business with A --LODOIN 0-HOUSES-In all parts of manufacturers of boots and shoes; the profit is S1 5 ky. 71s-octave piano, rosewood case, round corners, carved legs and overstrung; S20 ington se.

No agents employed. dSutf au2 r. parties will find a nice the city trent e400 to e2500; come and see. large, the utility emits, observed in its present ex- table at 20 Upton alao room to let. down and 810 per month.

C. C. 465 Noy 21 MATC11 Sudi es o25 MOULTON, lA Pemberton sq. It timely practical use; a fair amount of capital Washington at. pp Jordan Marsh.

1.ji0A11110-Gentlemen can have board, with A faitoCEItir eiPOE-For sale; good location; low rent; doing fine business. and ability witi bring results unequalied by any- eS 1 ea Cirt le IKEILIN 0 7-OCTAVE. lel lee home comforts, near cars and ferry, in Chet- thing else to be secured in way of an established Leta tel a superior tone and warranted, 825 leentimate business. Address 80." Globe down, per month; a Woodward Brown 'Tenth. sea, by addressing 37," Globe office.

MOULTON. IA Pemberton sq. Ite office. 4t 028 octave. 110; a Gilbert piano.

$45. THOMAS dSu7t 031 A A CAR STA'Ti ON-Light and fuel tree; HOP-For sale, to close an estate, repair FLAHERTY 225 Tremont et. Open Proprietor Ssuds, ael pOARD el. rent -Wanted, by young man of best tee- half price; ill health cause of low 14 State room 45. it tailoring shop, stock and fixtures' good Inca- evenings.

ets 026 ommendatirms, board and lodging (private sale. Boston Agency, Hon; business pays well. ALPHEITS SAN- 42-1 HALLETT sic DAVIS '7-0C family preferred). Addresa Globe office. ----4 fruit and variety FORD.

administrator, 70 Kilby at. dSu3t o30 "WA eai tt a TAV piano. rosewood case, round MATrTEP -DOARD AND LODGINO-A few newly- 11 store; nice corner; rent $10 month; $150; ----c-, oT UDI 0- HA For sale cheap if sold at once, pho- erners: ti20 down and ylo per month. C. C.

The Tale 11 fitted up rooms with private family; very de- worth 300. Boston Agency. 14 State st it RVEY, 465 Washington et, pp. Jordan tograph studio at Watertown. Call or address marsh.

inrable at reasonable rates. 1982 Washington st A MEAT and provision store at half price; P. O. 130x 467, Watertown, Mass. 3ts o29 dSu3t 031 taken for debt; can make money here; fe20 SP 0.

et 07011.1B-Bargain. if sold at once, splendid Y' MALLET c*msTON '7- Eril CAM lilt I 106 II-To let. 2 very pleasant fur- Boston Agency. 14 State St. it.

til octave piano, rosewood elute, round wee fished rooms, in corner house with all mod- variety store; fine family grocery and news corners: a 0 HOCERY STORE-Money hare; will trade connected; large paper route. Address 115 down and $8 per month. C. C. The recog Marsh.

HARVEY. 465 Washingtou opp. Jordan hank ern improvements. Apply at 293 Broadway. ele see State ffi low.

Boston Agency, 14 St. It's 76," Globe oce. it. Broadway. I fur- SSu's A SPLENDID 0-110USE- Q7'0 RE-Wanted, either in city or out, for a s- le tee NEw glivy STATE ORGANard.

rIIIILDREN-Wanted, to take 1 or 2 chil- Address to board; A t. hJeAyrw. Ni INtohave bur nt, the absess care. Sep secures this. Boston State st eJ variety store; write full particulars, rent.

lease, etc. Address Box 55. Linden, Mass. SSu itS Cabinet case, 2 sets reeds. 7 stops; F10 4 LoDGING-nousEIt you are looking down and 05 per month.

C. C. HARVEY, 465 par- dSu3t's 031 for a lodging-house at South End call; we QT011E-For sale, cheap, second-hand feria- G. L. POND 227 Mee and stove store.

Apply to owner, --re-t-i Washington st. topp. Jordan Marsh's). have unusual bargains. 14 RN ISMIED- Square front room to let; Washmeton et.

les AMES GAMBLE. City Charlestown, Mass. 1 le CII IC ERIN 0 7-OCTAVE. fur- le water and gas. 18 McLean West End.

dSu7te o25 metallic frame superior tone and warranted. The 'CUP AND 441:, Iii3t, rosewood case, 4 round corners, full dSu5t 030 excslient window; on great ATA1111ET-le ST011E-For sale, in a firs THONIAS FLAHERTY 225 Tremont st IfelteNISIIEle lgoomet-pit for house- thoroughfare. G. L. POND 227 Washing- class location, good trade, price very low as Open evenings, t3es 026 Accompi keeping; also side rooms; rent low.

30 ton at. lt owner has other business. Call at store 794 Tre .6) St PIANO-CASED MELODEON, The Billerica at. SSies mont st. 2 030 lie ess---- DINING-1100111-Near 2 depots; seats nate 8 octaves, rosewood case; $5 down and let.

flat of 4 rooms. with stable if IX 32; rent very low; obliged to close on ac- IV le ANWE-Bar-room for cash. Call at N. E. e5 per month.

C. C. HARVEY, 465 Washington -A- required. WM. LYNCH.

I'leasant Dor- count of sickness; a bargain if sold this week. G. I Agency, 3 Tremont row, room 3. Its at, opp. Jordan Marsh.

Others, de- chester. SSus L. POND A 5 carpets: ussels '2'27 Washington st. Its alTA NWEIS-A few capitalists to invest from le) PIANOFORTES AND 0110ANS NEXT N' TeilL AerteTo let 2 fiats of 3 rooms each for 4 -1tel-aiDifill G0 le -11S -Tremont st F350, I 8100 to P1000 in a rubber manufacturing to rent for $2 per month. C.

C. HARVEY, -6-ne-stie .1 housekeeping; very desirable; ample closets; ale part cash. WILBUR, 266 Washington at. lte company; returns certain and large, and an op- 465 Washington at. Opp.

Jordan rente3 per week. Mrs. RILEY, So. e8 N. An- ars nu rueful om ber seldffereo Address for roartieu.

see derson St. deite3t o30 4 LODOING-110USE-Fine parlor sets Box 35 -1 LOOK! 11111110111P and squares. DUO I i a ie-A fi -e-- Ile hair cloth and tale tapestry, b. er. furniture, Boston i Maas 2t 030 ei Itt 1 $8, $1o, $12 per quarter, and a whole rTo let, Hotel Spencer, at 7 rooms and el buys this house.

16 rooms, s-) re ea ea lished lamp business, situated on meets; stool, cover and a quarterr ys FIST-CLASS-Estabs year rent allowed if purchased by cash or instal- bath. Apply to Mr. RAW FOR i up to 1 1 sterer, on easy terms. 3 Tremont row, room 3. lt trie)teetef ter 's music lessons 258 Cohnnbus ay.

Rent R40 a month. dSu7t 031 best street in Boston. 3," Globe office. its free to any one who buys a piano; 5 nice preens 4 ILO DGINCI-110USE-2550 buys it; F200 taken in exchange; e30 to $75; $5 per month TWO IL A'P-Wanted, of 4 rooms with bath, on 1st ele down. Apply 3 Tremont new, room 3.

it only. 521 Washington st, D. S. BRIGHAM CO. 11' or 211i floor; small family of adults; ACENTS, PARTNERS, ETC.

mut ay. preferred; state rent. Address 51," A USE-To let; carpets. A E1V PIANO-For half the cost, and Globe Mee. este, II shades for sale.

3 Tremont row, room 3. lt Jet must be sold. It. C. FICKET, Station A.

HOTEL 110SM En 32 Hammond et -To A A CTIVE PARTNER-Wanted, an old- Sud7t o25 FINE GROCERV. cigar and variety Al I established hardware manufacturing house, let, upper suite of 5 rooms and 'lath, hot and it store. well lecated, $400. doing a good bust. now paying well, wants $30.000 or $40,000 more p-III IC FLERIN0 7 octaves, rosewood, four cold water; perfect repair and very desirable; re- ness.

FAIR 45 Milk at. lt capital to extend their business; the right party ke, round corners; Ballet, Davis 7 octaves. LA deceit. rent, $23 per month. Apply on premises.

A rittINTING, OFFICE-With book and with above amount can become an active partner; fancy carved case, rosewood. four round corners. a who would manage the finances preferred; carved legs; George M. Guild 7 octaves, Ins 1 LI orrEi. ILA ll'' WARD-To let.

44 East LI, job presses. engine, boiler, type, cases, gal- ful and satisfactory information given; but none rosewood. four round corners, carved legs; the I Chester pia, suite of 6 rooms. with bath and leys, St1000; or will sell part; a bargain. ete need apply who cannot furnish the capital re- above described pianos will be sold at low fig- cellar; I flight from street; in perfect repair and FAIR 45 Milk quired.

Address "Hardware," Box 235, Boston. tires. HALLETT ac c*msTON, 157 Tremont in every way desirable; rent S45 per month. a -HAIM It SHOP-Long eatablisbed, low St 027 at. if 5e25 APPIY on premises.

Su47t 025 it rent, good trade; work for $125 if tsken INFANT-Wanted, infant to board, its a quiet at once. FAIR 45 Milk St. 2t seeking AGENTSi want intelligent men or women X-rIEW C0151117COIS CORN ET-For sale. profitable employment silver-plated; rice 45 Address $. Its I home kindness and care; terms, $8 a montte loment to write for silve Monday-I eve 53 a -1 A mont e350; worth more money.

JACOBS celebrated Missouri Steam Washer; a great la- LODI-41N CA-HOUSE-12 rooms, on Tre- illustrated circular and terms of agency for the Carrier 233. SSW' reason- Geohe office. SSu Tuesday- a VS 'ir PIANO FINGER HOARD. Weduesda 1 ii EOPLE'S CHURCH PA ICSONAGE 266 Washington st. it" bor.

clothes anti soap-saver, and a thousand per unscratchable, elegant and durable; can be Thursday- A very large thrnished room to let; hot and cent. the best washer in the world; sample sent -11- 0 ROC EBY STORE-Only $450; een- Dut on any piano: send for circular. Patent Friday-B old water, gas and bath-room ad am a-o- to those desiring an a k' 1 agency On a wee trial on A tral location. right amongst families; cash iano Finger Board 198 Washington et. joining; price reasonable.

Cor. Columbus' ay. lib. 1 ra erms: a phenomenal success wherever Prices, 5 trade: nice fixaires; large trade in coal and dSu7te o'27 and Berkeley se. lte wood.

JACOBS 266 Washington st its introduced. and pays capable agents big money. J. WORTH sole manufacturer, Box 3633, os- -M1014-NO-For sale, one splendid toned, 712 es. -o et just vacated one large 1), se.

caste- i Bo! A LODGING-HOUSE-14 rooms. on Tre- ton, Mass. WS8t 014 IL octave uprieht piano, for el.25, el 0 down. S. un- I arlor first floor; large corner room on a mont st 1 near W.

Dedham income 175 P. 5612 Sudbury st dSt.i3te 031 2i floor and large attic very desirable all nice- EN irsW anted, good agents and enter- BROOK 1 furnished; Bradford. cor. 266 Washin nionth; price S1150, part cash. JACOBS A call and see them.

1 it on prising men to sell our self-playing musical TesIANO-For sale. an elegant new piano, rose- Waltham at. SSu instruments; play everything and sure to please .1 wood case, 712 oct, 4 round corners, heavy A ItININO- D0021-V500z will pay you to any one; sold on instalments; one agent says can mouldings carved legs elegantly finished war- TIA RIC ME HOTEL, pp. Provi- POMP' it investigate. JACOBS 266 Weelong- snake more money on them than anything he ever ranted for 5 years; cost 1000.

but will be sold at it Mame depot-American suit European plan; ton st. It sold; call and see them, or send for circulars and a bargain. Address Globe office. nicely-furnished rooms by the day or week at terms. H.

C. HALL 578 Washington St. dSn4te 029 fur- moderate prices. cileu3Ots 629 4 la AIC ERIC and lunch saloon, near 2 de- dSu5t o28 TI ta0-031-AN-le BOARD-Wanted. by young al, pots.

large transient trade: price 5350; also PIANO-Wanted, cash paid for second-hand 1 for e225. JACOBS 266 Washington at. 4 EN IPS-Wan ted for 10c. will send 2 sans. 11 pianofortes at the Beethoven Is man and wife; must be large front room; it plus of a new patent household article; sure Washington at.

dSutf 023 THE will pay $60 per month, and will be permanent. A RALF INTEREST in light mannfac- to sell six dozen or more daily; no circulars. New Address 4." Globe office. Su turing business; will bear investigation. Eegiand Novelty Mfg.

24 Portland lios- I TrlitIOSIT AND SQUARE PIANOS HUNT, 14 State at. lt ton. dSu3t tall Ili -To rent, and if purchased within a limited 1) 00M-To let, 55x22; central location; near time the amount paid in rent can apply as part lodging- Ato Summer ste steam heat and power; best of A VALIET-1- and cigar store at the West A GENTS-P3 per day and expenses guaran- payment on piano. HALLETT c*msTON. 157 a light and air; i tenements in Brighton.

W. C. al End; if you want a good one get this. teed to agents selling our dress reform goods Tremont St. If s25 PARKER, 28 School ate room 42.

Sud7te 025 HUNT, 14 State at. lt for ladies', misses' and children's wear. Address Now runn -or cull on Ellis Manufacturing 23 et inter -Sold for cash, or on monthly instalments PICIG-IIT AND SQUARE PIANOS Court, Lo la 0031-Wanted, at Allston by a quiet person A CUACIEEIt ROUTE-Will pay $1800 a It I unfurnished room on the ground floor. Ad- al. year; el500 buys it.

HUNT, 14 State at. It Boston. SSuThtril 017 dress X. 83," Globe office. 3t 0e29 -e- at HALLETT c*msTON'S 157 'Tremont st.

EN it A Ps EC IKE 1F0 U. a meat A OENTS-Wanted, live general agents in tf 625 eon- 1.100M-To let, up 1 flight front Apply on market doing $450 a week. HUNT, 14 State. h- every town in New England; also experienced Evening IC premises. 913 Washington st.

2te ci30 canvassers for Boston who will be satisfied to ITPRIGIVIC l'IANOFORTEs-To rent Matinees A -1'011 rilt1.10 you can buy a fish market that make $3 a day. W. L. PRICHARD, 34 Broad at. 11) at low prices.

C. C. HARVEY, 465 Washingished let. a nicely furnished room, suit- LA will pay e32 a week. HUNT.

14 State at. It 030 ton st, opp. Jordan, Marsh Co. Nov. 9- XL able for clairvoyant.

152 Castle at. 1 flight. dSu41 030 A DAILV NEWSPA it ER-Half interest, A and county agents ATE11VERY HEST ORGANS and upright it $1500 cash: rare chance for practical man. with small capital for new quickest selling VERY $22 to 900, for cash, easy payments 2 -1-le 1)0031-To let. a good room on Washington printer, editor or business maai.

3." Globe novelty in $5 to $30 daily. Adams these improved ileums are remarkable Hal respect- cor. Lagrange for business purposes office. SSu Manufacturing Company, 4 Central wharf. for standing in tune, purity of tone and durability.

rent $15 per month. Apply to le W. SH SI ERIDAN 2t 030 Mason Hamlin Organ and Piano 154 Tre- wed. HA 33 Province at, sign painters. its i0 General variety store; grand AN-Wanted more than money; office mout ste Boston.

dSutf au25 A busneess; 850; part interest. 7 Boylston St. A GENTS-You can make $10 a day can- 3 11)0011-To let, on Temple a large front it vassing for the best selling household utensil .1, IA, room, handsomely furnished with cherry; ie 1, to add yowl and coal. 7 Boylston at. yet invented; send stamp for particulars.

Box MUSIC. On Wed bath-room, with hot and cold water, connected lance 681, Leominster, Mass. dSulOt 0'23 Eveni, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Apply to H. METHOT, A Es GENTS" dining-room.

just Tip ANJO, clog. jig, song and dance taught A GENTS-Wanted to sell show cards. all II ladies anti gents day and evening; banjos for 53 Temple pl. dStilit's 030 IX the place for man and wife; can clear $100 a lettered; small capital required. Apply to I.

sale, to let. repaired and exchanged; rapid pro- I) 00MS-Two well-furnished and pleasant month. 7 Boylston at. De V. SHERIDAN sign painters, 33 Province gress.

W. F. BACON, 89 Court at. dStett 029 Old 1 la rooms in private family to let. at very mod- 450-Lodging-house, Clarendon new St.

It' crate terms. to gentlemen only; within 3 minutes' A furniture; good reasons; 7 Boylston at. it' IjoANJOS, violins and guitars. GAD ROBIN- walk of Harvard College. 110 Concord A GENTS Wanted; great inducement for 1 10 SON, teacher.

Salesrooms and studio 170 Somerville. ciSu3te 030 A LoilIGIN 0-110 USE- I 19 rooms full; one I totm es to sell our household and store goods. Tremont at. 12te 16 best location; rent el000. lease.

7 Boyatou Alta M'f'g Cm. 175 Washington at. lit 026 -les-- or without at. It. 0 111031S-Newly furnished.

with I C.1... STAATS-Teacher of pianoforte MIS Juk, hoard; terms reasonable. 95 Village St. Its il; IE 114 TS-50 first-class agents wanted. Ap- AL and clarinet; send for circular.

Address, A RESTAURANT-With first-class bar; el ply to H. INLACORQUODALE. artist and pho- care of Chickering Musical Bureau, 152 Tremont And the Ill 11)00MS-To let, all the rooms above the ed wets some rooms; tieing a business of 1200 a tographer, 171 Tremont st at 029 at. SSu girls- p.crtotot Story at 22 Reliever at. for any re- month.

COOPER, STEVENS, 3 Tremont row. se ----T---- spectable business; have been used for 30 years 4 teleN'ES6-1, anted, in every town to handle rellANO IN'S'IrlitlICITION-By competent for hat and bonnet bleachery; an excellent A GOOD OPENING for the right party in el, our goods at retail: a good opportunity for any 1: German teacher, terms very moderate: also accommo- chance for any one desiring to continue the same ale the coal, flour and grain business; the wharf man or woman eo obtain a good-paying permanent German taught. GERARD TAILLANDIER, 98 W. Springfield at. SSW' or a local dealer might add this a ene business.

PARKIN WORRICK, 86 Court et formerly occupied by the late A. T. Brooks at No. I' W' ill le eiSu3te 031. 117 Derby Salem, is for sale; an estab- to his business.

New York Specialty 376 ea--- lished trade. Apply to N. DIKE. rear 169 Washington st. 2te 030 QIN 010 SCHOOL-Evenings, for ladies up I Congress at Boston or at the wharf.

eodete 030 IV 0031S-To let, 2 unfurnished i0 and gents. tickets eL25 for 10 weeks, will Ills flight, board down stairs. 199 Harrison ay. A GENTSWanted, general or local: large be opened by Mr. I.

P. WENZEL. 707 Fourth ate EVENING blesritexe fur- 1 001tlet-To let, a large side roo and upper A plcovisiebN store in commissions. Palestine Pub. Vastest- Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays; 8 to 9 p.

m. best part Hihl gands; good trade now and of ability on the dSuffie oe8 A ANVASSERS-Wanted, room, furnished. 28 Temple city. can be increased. Particulars of SAMUEL S.

"Woride in Progress." just from the press, dSuate 030 SMITH, 14 Bedford at. its MACHINERY. Bi serial form, super calendered, unsized paper. Tjo 00MS -To let. furnished or unfurnished, in A INE IN VESTMEN'r-Estate 371 Sum- full-sized.

new pica type, double leaded, 500 las Station cor. Concord and Washington tit*. ner E. Boston. for sale; rental e800.

choice illuetratiens, 14 paces colored diagrams. NGINE-For sale, 1 double engine, gothic SSW' ALliERT GATES. 40 Water at. Ito 9 double-page maps, splendidly gotten up rivals 'A pat tern, 7 cylinder. 16 stroke, in good order, AD.

NEL nicely-furhslied; cheap, at ANTHONY'S machine shop, 162 RugDOM. 11 31 )00S-To lee. 87 Carver at, furnished la Alle-ICOOM-For sale, a first-class licensed special efforts by authors of the highest repu- gles Boston Highlands. Sud7ts o25 It, square and side rooms, with stove and closet. .11 bar-room in good location: owner going into tation make this an exceptional and most de- I 'X fa 1 ate -The Economizer Portable En- 11) OnOMS-To lee, for housekeeping, unfur- another business.

Address 54," Globe office. work; among contributors are Prof a. i 1 Si gine8, in all sizes, from 2 to 50 horse power; Evening 2to 030 Eisbe I aekard, ElY, Perry, Hon. Carroll D. ished and furnished.

798 Tremont st. also stationary engines and boilers of all sizes dSu7ts 028 ytt AR-1100111-At South End; one of the -Wright, Clarence Cook and Frank Millet; ex- with and without automatic cut -off, at prices that elusive territory and liberal terms H. let, double parlors, with aide At best: will sell low; good, clean stock; l' defy competition; send for catalogues, prices of teAl ELY, 72, Pearl at. dSu5t o'28 IA! It rooms connected; also square and side room. licensed; good place; nice street.

W. B. MASON, size and kind of engine wanted. S. L.

HoLT 426 Columbus ay. et 028 187 Washington st. SSW' LADY A0ENTs of tact wanted, for our 67 Sudbury Boston, Mass. dSu7t o'26 1 LILIA IED POOL ROOM-F or sale bust and form developer; no humbug; in- -1-w-- oltsk---6CliAPING mAtorsixEst- Of Flo el) 00.31 el-To let, No. 8 Davis front parlor 13 es A dorsed by physicians; write for sealed descrip- elk and 3 square rooms; hot and cold water, with one of the hest in Boston.

Inquire A. tion and terms. rite hand machines, power machines. IIILL A Buffalo, elOSES, Revere Hall. 7 Green at.

les LANGTRY, saddlery, 90 Federal at. siSulet o'27 steam heat all through the house. Suet 029 251 015 ST lei 00MS-To let, handsome rooms, furnished pROCK.TON-For sale, good-will and fund- AN-Wanted. with $300; take good business TTpicitkrirr BOILER, 4 to 8 horse, in or unfurnished. furnished.

in the vicinity of Blackstone -1) tuee of 2 boarning-houses; excellent Inca- .1, I in Providence, R.I. Apply to N. THOMAS illse good condition 2 to No. 4, for cash. Address A.

on for steam; also small pump, No. sq. Address Box 2474, Boston. dSu3t 030 Hons. B.

R. CLAPP. Sud7te 025 27 Eliot st 5t 027 Globe office. tiSulte 031. handsomely-fur- It OOMPI---To let, newly-furnished parlor, up WANTED-That will pay 15-AlcIPNERWanted, with $500, in estate 5 one flight; also.

large square chamber, hot 800 per annum and interest on amount inlished business that will exceed return ball or and cold water; furnace beat. 15 Dwight vested; would invest $5000 more or less Please 15 puzzle, secured by patent; investigate. Ad- THE WORLD'S MUSEUM gentlemen only. sees address, stating full particulars, P. O.

box 97, dress 7," Globe office. it Meat t)o- Actishnet. Mass. 5es o27 00 -To let, corner of Anderson and Myr- PARTNER Wanted, with $400, to buy and frescoed; light and airy. Key at store.

sale, good will, fixtures tie se, 5 rooms and bath, in flat newly painted la BO WN BREAD FAO rts KY -For and plant of steamed 1 and gents half interest and act as cashier in ladies' MENAGERIE AND AQUARIUM 1 night; income restaurant, open all ni dSu7t 029 brown bread factory; extra opportunity for live week. MASON a par- man with small capital. T. C. POWER, 9 School to washing- 601, 003.

065 and 667 Washington 'WIN -DOOMS-To let. 5 or 6 rooms, to small Atner- at. SSu 'on at. les BOSTON, MASS. CO1 Lk, icau family, 2 minutes' walk from station on -p AUTNEllt Wanted.

in cheap jewellery Boston Lowell R. near horse cars, 5 cents CIGA It S'PORE-An old-established cgar business; small capital required; I have fine WORLD'S Managers. NT CO St G. E. LO store, on a great thoroughfare, near City Hall; fare; set range, hot and cold water and bath; store, good location.

Address E. EGGLESTON, CHAS. B' rent reasonable. Address 56." Globe office. fixtures complete; show cases, counters, shelv- 5e2 Main at.

Worcester; part of store to rent, in bargain. it. can be bought at a bin. A. FAW- dSuets 031 elegant window.

2ts 030 A GREAT MORAL EXHIBITION, THE SE CETT 46 School at. Its rboomsFor sale at a sacrifice, Hotel Kenn- IliAlIVFNEH-Wanted, as manager in sales Indorsed by the Public, Press and Clergy. Eve tit worth, l'2 Cambridge 18 large well-fur- rillOAlt STORE-For sale, with Maxims, 1, department in an established business; F3000 ae doing a fair business price $300. Apply at nestled rooms; nice bar and pool room; long es- capital required. Address '28," Globe office.

store, 1017 Tremont 2te 030 Open Daily from 10 A. M. to 10 P. m. tablished and has always done a good business.

dSuat 030 Lang raINING-1100ME-Wanted, by reliable par- 1)AlleENIElle-Wanted, a live man, with some A 810.000 Challenge Featore. pleas- lee ties, dining-room and kitchen lu lodging- lai 00MS-To let, nicely furnished rooms, to house. West End or Tremont preferred. Ads woo -4 inches high elme. Zarate, 30 inches .1 capital.

as partner, to put a new, tried and sue- The Two Smallest Horses on Earth. Beiva Harrison quiet parties, by the day or week at 236 cessful drama of great merit on the road; to the Lock 0 arson ay. dSua's 030 dress 'V. 34," Globe office. it.

right man. this is an exceptionally tine oppor- high. Both can stand on an ordinary parlor con 0 -----0M -S-Parties deeiring nice, quiet, pleasant TA IT 4-4 STORE-Wanted; no fancy prices. Utility; investigate. Address J.

W. LANERGAN. tre table at the same time and have plenty of Introduel 1- a ti rooms will do well by calling on or address- 17 Address. confidentially, stating location and Theatrical manager, 3 spring Dorchester room to turn arouud. The prettiest pets alive.

supportei a tug 29 Boylston ste 005 price, 53," Globe office. 3t 029 District, Boston. 3ts 029 The Original Elastic Skin Man, late. n-W shi 1 a 00MS -T let. I flight, front.

e. ron. a ng- eree DUO STORE-For sale, $500. connected The Wonder of the nineteenth century. Never FILED lti with furnished office rooms; doing good busi- LOST.

FOUND. ETC before exhibited in this city. le, ton se, 2 or 3 rooms for housekeeping. Ad- ness; Tremont Boston Hih- a tine chance for a physician; owner going dress S. 63 Charlestown as.

dSu5t 029 COLONEL GOSHEN, South. Call at 1250 remon can have the same by proving property and and weighs 663 OATPicked up adrift, a boat; the owner The Great Arabian Giant, 8 feet 4 inche high, a es 00M-S-To let, 2 nice rooms, unfurnished; "ends. aSu4t 030 pounds. Malin poun 's' 1., rent very low to responsible party; would payiug charges. Apply to C.

D. TUTEIN, Fiske It UO STORE-For sale; best opening for let 1 for storage. Call at 153 Seventh con of I) wharf. d3te 030 Prof. Mardock's Original Punch and Judy.

POPUL druggist in New England; correspondence South Boston. tiStaits 030 20 t. The Wonderful Armless Man. who paints solicited. RHEI, Great Falls, N.

IL Sudlets o25 Two Lost, in Middleboro or vicinity, a white beautiful pictures in oil. -Off Washington ton st to let 0 square 1)00MS i. tr sk STORE-One of best in the State; II and buff-colored St. Bernard, probably with- 0( rooms, with side rooms connected; rents out collar; a liberal reward offered for the return Gen. Rhinebeck and Gen.

Speck. rr.Desir- cheap. Address for 1 week, "8.45," Globe office. 11 live manufacturing town; trade averages of same, or for information leading to his recoy- The Wonderful Little People. eller) week; rent S150 year; low price; easy terms; Sud7ts 025 splendid chanee for a young doctor.

Apply to ere. J. IC COVERLY, 403 VVashington ilos- ONE THOUSAND CURIOSITIES. Si 1) rillMs1-4 suitable for small adult family; POND BRITTAN, 339 Washington at. it tou 2ts 030 BIJOU, the Trick Elephant.

pleas- tiL4bath, hot and cold water; $9 per month. a D0GLost on Oct. 28, brown and white co*cker SMITH, 216 North North Cambridge. OP-For sale, in Boston. 1II A 11NESS SHOP-For 40 CAGES OF Wil ANIMALS.

HAI'. a had 11 spaniel; a on a rap co ate no name on dSulles o30 J11 first-class location plate. A suitable reward carried on 13 years by Animais fed daily at 10 a. m. and 5 y.

tn. I ill be paid on return- present owner. E. TOBIN, 63 Court st ate o29 i 6' Vernon ng to 2 t. ernon a 2ts 0.30 It 1) 00M Si-To I or 2 gents, very pleasant rooms, elegantly furnished.

Hotel Newbury, 633 I WISH to meet a gentleman that would like Frequent Entertainments in the Elegant Audi. -On Tremont at, Thursday after- ta ashington at. city, suite la dSutit 030 to open a first-class business house in Boston; FOUND torium. Miss Lillie Western. the Musical Froth- 1 owner can have I can comm noon a a and the trade: those who mean busi- awl.

he Fy, performing on every variety of instrument, 00M S-Elegant; parlor floor; 1 flight; all ness call, its after 4 p.m. 930 Washington it, room I'll's. 5, the same S. same by calling at 186 Main at, introducing her wonderful Piano Solo. The Cole.

PA 11, modern improvements: private family; first- JOHN SION. brated Memphis Students. in Plantation Melodies, class location Address 4 Globe office 1- WSW-Friday eve, on Warrenton or Washing- Jubilees, Songs and Choruses. Edward Inealey, 2te 030 Lidiuon. STORE For sale, by party ..14 ton a new lace plain-pointed toe left shoe.

the Musical Wonder. performing the difficult feat dalgAlle having other business to look after. an old it, 00MS-To let, 2 square rooms at $1.50 per established liquor store. with dining-room and 10 Return to CHARLES T. DONNELLY, 80 Fayette of playing duets on two fiats at one and the t.

rewarded. -y I. Prof. 11 Trained BE a rai I la week; also 2 square and I side $1.75 rooms; quite near two depots; rent low: long 8 outh End. and be rewar lts same line.

ro ampton roues Dogs and Cats, and the Wonderful Performing per week. Apply at 58 Northfield at. SSus lease; no brokers, and none but those having OS'T-October 29, watch charm, gold medal, Goose. Prof. Rota.

Sickle the celebrated Seem- Best Se rn- cash and meaning business need apply. Address IA in glass. Finder will be rewarded by return- maneen A limited number of Seats Reserved at lit 00MS-Pleasant furnished rooms to let, X. 8." Globe office. SSW leg same to HENRY DOBBINS, 6 Hanover at.

IA, with best of board, at 42 Worcester sq. lte 5 cents extra. Ladies and Children can attend 8 LO 11411N0-110 USE-11 rooms nearly new 881-1 without escort. Admission to Museum, Menage- It OOM el -To let3 pleasant unfurnished rooms, on bath-room floor; also attic rooms. 20 East furniture; a bargain.

Apply at 889 Washing. AltGE BED SETTER MOO, Lost; rie, Aquarium and Auditorium, ton mt. dSu4ts 029 IA leather collar; no name. Return to A. A.

10 CENTS. tf 1327 epringfield at. 8Sies SI VIP SO 218 Hanover liberal reward. It. fur- ODGING-MOUSE-For sale, at South Cs 1, 001t1 AND 110A MIS-Wanted, in a pri- End, of 17 rooms.

with steam beat, low rent, 1:, istiv-BoATStolen painted white with I vats family. in suburbs. tor a lady, with open with bug lease. Address B. 45 Knee- dla brown stripe, brown inside.

smooth seams. treat- grate or stove, house with modern conveniences; land at. dSu4t 029 brass strip on keel, is about 11 long; was stolen 7. terms not to exceed $7 per week. Addresa Box 402, Winchester, Mass.

dSielts 029 0100ING-110USE-For sale, 14 rooms, from Cambridge shore Oct. 27. Information TOdS3 fur- 4.1 10 beds, good furnishing; rent $60 a month; leading to its recovery will be paid for. B. lc 1.100MS AND BOARD-Nine miles out; 0600, half cash.

L. REED 15 Congress at. De COSTA. 356 Maio at, Cambridgeport. Three Sessions Daily, 1, 2 railroads; house has all modern improve- dSu3t o31 's ments Address Box 60, RdI? eeville, Mass.

I LODGING ODGINHOUSES-On all best streets 10 to 12, 1130 to 5, 7.30 to 10.15. LA for the business; low-priced ones and nice UITE-To let, very good and convenient ones for cash or on easy terms; people wishing to INSTRUCTION. music EVERT- SESSION. 2 a-5 suite of 6 rooms and bath-room, 2 flights; buy or sell are invited to coneult us. POND Evening Admission 25 cents.

Admies range, hot water, etc. J. BA INARD, 681 alter BRITTAN, 339 VVashington at. Its TEACHER of languages is desirous of Day Admission 15 cents. obtained near cor.

Tremont ate, Highlands; references. A making arrangements with families prefer- Talus AFTERNOON wad EVENING. House. dSu4te 029 0 DOING-MOU th services for about ies tor; French an ring a pr iva tu and every evening next week, continuous music .1.1 P759 or 61850 cash; no agents. Address i I Address 53," Gio German a spec a ty.

be 0 UITE-Wanted. board and suite of 3 or more 61, Globe ffice. risti3ts o31 by the office. delu3t 030 1.J desirable rooms, for faintly of 5. in direction of liack Bay or Beacon Hill.

Address "51.," Leek from 17 to ICA FTIN 0 AND GRA DINCI boot First Regiment Fife, Drum and box 55. Boston P. O. Sudtf s13 14 21 rooms on Beacon or Bowdoin Kt. or Colunn TA and shoe hoe patterns taught by an experienced bus ay.

Address, fog 1 week, E. ANON, Box 636, man a business; terms Bugle Corps, UITE-To let, 53 Chambers a desirable Belfast, i It th Moderate. Bo 13 4, ai suite of 2 rooms; furnished; 1 flight; ring eeelleeeeedee Wakefield, 51ass. dSn7te 031 And the Rink Band. Og lower left band bell.

dSinits 030 ir ODOINO-110USE-9 rooms, at West lillit EACH TRANI FEEL PICTURES- Saturday Afternoon and Evening, JIA End off Cambridge rent $18 monthly; A fternSi 't I' 1' A 11 IMES LETTS. 28 Purely mechanical; eau be taught by any oust Drum Solo by Eddie Thayer, tirely separate; all modern conveniences; clears $35 over rent. hool room 52. it instructions given in the new patent process; Admiesic 6 rooms to let, on first Boor; en- Sc t. pictures mailed to country customers; lustre, The Baby Drummer, 5 years old.

'ions. el. first-class families; In hotel at No. 39 Hmm aond keys in first suite above. II.

L. HAYFORD, LO OIN 0-110 US E-For sale; 11300 buys a Kensington and oil painting; rubber sheet-wax. Ladies can obtain a Season Ticket, good for the No elm 18'Kneetand and 7 Arnold rent $25 a month., 12 rooms, neatly furnished, L. it.

SPRINGER, 493 Washhigton cor. Morning Sessions. by appiyingat the office. 1000 pt Situ" all let, located near oylston st; i25 down, bat- Temple pl. SSic, D.

11. Mc Prop'r and Manager. ance on easy terms- MASON 40 Cth, 767 Wash- LwAvIrc -READER and teacher of 4130 tf St. ITIEs-To let, at the South End, handsome te." its I-English. Address "Normal, Station A.

BosToN Mum mikes of 4 and rooms and bath-room; all the 1-1-. 10to 028 modern conveniences; newly papered and paint- ODGING-11011USE-For located on one of 10, 14 rooms, ed good neighborbond, healthy locationa rent 1I elegantly forms led. all let, 'm improve- $18 end $22 per month. Apply Nrs GE -0 "A is, the best streets in West End; easy terms. QIIORTIIAND-Iteport of speeches, 1.1.1 Iv 1,3 typewriting neatly done; beginners and vie.

47 Hammond at. dSu4to o29 MASON 767 Washington at. The unexpected necessity of forming a new time of schools, frauds or poor systems practi- orchestra for the Sunday Popular Concerts at UITES-To let. in uew house, Rockland 0 DO IN 0-110 US E- for saie, little gem of catty taught and helped to positions; interview Music Hall. and the 1 possibility attending to Highlands, 2 elegant suites of 5 and 6 rooms, 1..,1 lodging-house near Berkeley flue location, Pupil labor thereby in leading business houses.

Gall between the additional le Mfi ere requI are t' tend together se parate ir very convenientLrent an 25 handsome urn 10 and 3, or address W. NKINS. 110 Te- with my duties at the Bijou Th eatre. have made fished, low rent; paying well for L. JEr baths an ve Na.

or 0 per month. App I to B. O. 69 a small house; only $800. D.

W. DESMOND, 21 mont at concerts Stenographers and gentlemen about to It imperative for tue to abandon these 5 dSu4to Pearl or on premises. School at. employ same, or buy typewriters, please call. for the present.

SSuo 2 AD. WEVIENDORIFF. ETTER-To let, en Back Bay, elegant apart- At ILK. ROUTE-For sale, cheap; if 7ou manta of 6 rooms anti bath, with steam heat, 1. mean business ride over it.

fitiLeMON I taPIORT-11 AND-A student desires to ex- "rent 11 SO janitor, etc i tel Francesca, 46 Bambara 19 row. to 2 o30 change diction with another student even. Dr 9 near Commonwealth rout. IWO. I ft A i ly on I.

It EST.4,111.11S11 OFFI1C lugs. Ad Address 99," Globe office. 8Sno Hallock premises. or to E. B.

HORN', Mutton at. BUSINESS-For sale, centrall 0 Museums of Anatomy, 110 Court Tabh 429 Wad.ssut 031 located; bust- netts good; valuable chance for wide awake par- glYITES-To I 6 and 7 rooms. E. R. BUR.

tv. on easy terms. SHEDD B110 CKWAY 13 WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. Open free (to gentlemen only) from 2 si. in.

te 2 p. m. tt 019 nicety- 1,0 BANK, 235 Washington et. It Tromont row. dSu3to o30 ArtE011151E V.

-YENETCH1-142 Black- PROF. EM PILE 110 USE 1143 and 1145 Wash. IgOVISION STOKE For sale; first- Vtil stood constantly ea hand extra fine 1)001. MATCH-For 0100 a aide, between Mesmer A ington to le Y. the' ay.

new y- urn WI 1 Oohed Pclass; large fish and oyster trade: on a great wines, gins, braudies, whiskey and rum; N. E. 11 W. Jackson and the unknown, both of Boston. day: Sat I aud 111Lb0 per day; thoroughfare; meaty cash trade.

Full particur rum. Kentucky bourbon, 5 i.40; all goods to take place at ms Dorchester South Boston. cents; Ti lemma; square rannia at ilLan' lass at 4L SALIT11 235 Washington et. warranted pure. nesse call and examine.

t1 cnta lioveulnor 5, 1585. 111A Ma, I side rooms 50c. A PARTmENT14- To let at the South End. desirable apartments of 4 and 5 rooms and bath; all the modern conveniences: In good repair; first-class neighborhood; healthy location; rent fI8 and E22 per month. Apply Mrs.

BEALS. 47 Hammond at. 40' 028 A PA. ILLTM EN P(3) to let, separate or toll, gether, comprising 1 hotel; 6 rooms each; $30, $140 and $50. Apply at 108 Tremont of janitor.

ciSu3t 031 A EL PERSONS baring rooms to let or LI wanting boarders, also those wanting rooms or board, please apply to E. F. HAGAR, 209 Wash. ington Rt. No agents employed.

dSutf au20 1, 0 AlftnRespectable parties will find a nice table at 20 Upton alao room to let. SudIts 025 ARGentlemen can have board, with home comforts, near ears and ferry. in Chelsea, by addressing "V.37," Globe office. dSu7to 031 WortitterdaZI roageLbjdyoatinir b(epertIvra7e- family preferred). Addrese Globe office.

1-)01ARD AND LODOINCI---A few newlY11 fitted up rooms with private family; very desirable at reasonable rates. 1982 Washington St. ciSu3t 031 CIA JR I 106 let. 2 very pleasant fur- kJ fished rooms, in corner house with all modern improvements. Apply at 293 Broadway.

SSu CIIIILDRENWanted, to take 1 or 2 chd- IJ dren to board: they will have the best of care. Address Mrs. M. A. JAY.

Woburn. Mass. dSu3to 031 FURNISHED- Square front room to let; water and gas. 18 McLean West End. dSu5t 030 NISITEID lt001111AFit for house- F11.711Ckeeping; also side rooms; rent low.

30 Billerica st. SSLI let. flat of 4 rooms. with stable if required. WM.

LYNCH. Pleasant Dorchester. SSW' let; 2 flats of 3 rooms each for housekeeping; very desirable; ample closets; rent3 per week. Mrs. RILEY, No.

38 N. Anderson St. dSu3t 030 'FEATTo let, flotel Spencer. flat rooms and bath. Apply to CRAWFORD.

upholsterer. 258 Cohnnbus ay. Rent R40 a month. dStt7t o3I FLATWanted, or 4 rooms with bath, on 1st or 21t floor; small family of adults; Milt ay. preferred; state rent.

Address 51," Globe nice. SSte 110SMElt, 32 Hammond stTo IL I let, upper suite of 5 rooms and bath, hot and cold water; perfect repair and very desirable; reduced rent, El23 per month. Apply on premises. orrEL IKAL IV WARDTo let. 44 East Chester suite of a rooms.

with bath and cellar; 1 flight from street; in perfect repair and In every way desirable; rent 45 per month. Apply on premises. Sud7t o2.5 FA NTWanted, infant to board, itt a quiet home; kindness and care; terms, $8 a monttl. W. 53," Globe office.

SSW' EOPLAWS CHU Kell 1A ICSONACIE A very large tnrnished room to let; hot and Cold water, gas and steam heat, bath-room adjoining; price reasonable. Cur. Columbus' ay. and Berkeley wt. TIATtEOlt To let; just vacated; one large parlor, on first floor; large corner room on 211 floor and large attic; very desirable: all nicely furnished; call and see them.

1 Bradford, cor. Waltham st. SSu -13A-111FC Q17ARE hOTEL, opp. ProvtIL deuce depotAmerican and European plan; mcely-turnished rooms by the day or week at moderate prices. dSu3Ots 629 11)00M AND TIOARDWanted.

by young J. man and wife; must be large front room; will pay Al430 per month, and will be permanent. Address 4." Globe Mee. SSu 00 To let, 55x22; central location; near 1.11" Summer steam heat and power; bPst of light and air; 2 tenements in Brighton. W.

C. 28 School room 42. Sutra. 025 I )()OfWanted, at Allston by a quiet person 1 unfurnished room on the ground floor. Address -X.

83," Globe oftleo. 3t 029 TIOOMTo let. up 1 flight front. Apply on lik4 premises. 913 Washington st.

2t. o30 1) ill0MTo let. a nicely furnished room, suit- XL able for clairvoyant. 152 Castle 1 flight. dSu4t o30 1)0031To let.

a good room on Washington cor. Lagrange for business purposes rent $15 per month. Apply to F. W. SHERIDAN 33 Province sign painters.

it let, on Temple a large front room, handsomely furnished with cherry; bath-room, with hot and cold water, connected; suitable for 2 gentlemen. Apply to H. METHOT, 53 Temple pl. dSu3t o30 A OOMSTwo well-furnished and pleasant li, rooms in private family to let. at very moderate terms.

to gentlemen only; within 3 minutes' walk of Harvard College. 110 Concord Somerville. dSu3t o30 110 OOMSNewly furnished. with or without 11, board; terms reasonable. 95 Village St.

11)00MSTo let. all the rooms above the seriond story at 22 liauoYer st. for any respectable business; have been used for 30 years for hat and bonnet bleachery; an excellent chance for any one desiring to continue the same business. PARKIN WORRICK. 86 Court at.

4ISu3t 031 OOMSTo let, 2 unfurnished rooms, up I. IA) flight, board down stairs. 199 Harrison ay. I ()()MSTo let, a large side roo and upper front room, 28 Tern pie city. 030 -1) OOMSTo let.

furnished or u.nfurnished, in Station A. cor. Concord and IN asnington ROOMSTo let. 87 Carver furnished square and side rooms, with stove and closet. 11)001STo let, for housekeeping, unfur- nished and furnished.

798 Tremont st. dSu7ts 028 ROOMSTo let, double parlors, with side rooms connected; also square and side room. 426 Columbus ay. 4t o26 let, No. 8 Davis front pallor IL and 3 square rooms; bot and cold water, with btearn heat all through the house.

dSu4t 029 DOMSTo let, handsome rooms, furnished or unfurnished. in the vicinity oi Blackstone sq. Address Box 2474, Boston. dSu3t, o30 ItOOMPI----To let, newly-furnished parlor, up one flight; also, large square chamber, hot and cold water; furnace beat. 15 Dwight gentlemen only.

SSus 1) 001t1STo let, corner of Anderson and Myr- tie 6 rooms and bath, in fiat newly painted and frescoed; light and airy. Key at store. dSu7t 029 00ISTo let. 5 or 6 rooms, to small Amer t. family, 2 minutes' walk from station on Boston Lowell R.

near horse cars, 5 cents fare; set range, hot and cold water and bath; rent reasonable. Address 56." Globe office. d8u4ts o31 00 SFor sale at a sacrifice, Hotel Kenn-Did worth, 12 Cambridge 18 large well-furhislied rooms; nice bar and pool room; long established and has always done a good business. SSu 11)00MSTo let, nicely furnished rooms, to 111, quiet parties, by the day or week at 236 Harrison ay. dSu5t.

o30 11-9 OOMSParties desiring nice, quiet, pleasant IC rooms will do well by calling on or addressing 29 Boylston st. Sud'Its o25 lo OOMS To let. 1 flight, front. on Washing- ton 2 or 3 rooms for housekeeping. Address S.

63 Charlestown as. dSu5t 029 00M-STo let, 2 nice rooms, unfurnished; rent very low to responsible party; would let I for storage. Call at 163 Seventh cur. or South Boston. dSu3t 030 IDOOMSOff Washington et, to let, 2 square rooms, with side rooms connected; rents cheap.

Address for 1 week, "8.45," Globe office. Sud 7t4 025 'afro!" tito 216 North Nor I4r family; 'th dSo3t o30 ItOOM AiTo 1 or 2 gents, very pleasant rooms, elegantly furnished. Hotel Newbury, 633 ashington city. suite F. dSutit 030 parlor floor; 1 flight; all modern improvements; private family; first-class location.

Address 4," Globe office. 030 It0011KSTo let, 2 square rooms at $1.50 per week; also 2 square and 1 side room, at $175 per week. Apply at 58 Northfield at. SSus 1)00MSPleamant furnished rooms to let, 1t, with best of board, at 42 Worcester sq. it ROOM tilTo let.3 pleasant unfurnished rooms, on imth-room floor; also attic rooms.

20 East hpringfield St. SSW. illoOOM AND 110A RDWanted, it) a pil1 vats faintly. in suburbs. tor a lady, with open grate or stove, house with modern conveniences; terms not to exceed $7 per week.

Address Box 402. Winchester. Mass. dSult 029 r)00MS AND BOARDNino miles out; 2 railroads; house has all modern improvement, Address Box 60, Readville. Mass.

It. QUITETo let, very good and convenient suite of 6 rooms and bath-room 2 flights; range, hot water. etc. J. BA I aker near cor.

Tremont references. dSudt o29 EITEWanted. board and suite of 3 or more desirable rooms, for faintly of b. in direction of Back Bay or Beacon MU. "met box 65.

Boston P. O. Buda e13 UITETo let. 53 Chambers a desirable l0 suite Of 2 rooms; farmshed; 1 flight; ring lower left band bell. dSu3to 030 SUITE of 6 rooms to let, on first Boor; en- tirely 'separate; all modern conveniences; first-class families; In hotel at No.

39 Hammond st. keys in first suite above. II. L. HAYFORD.

is Kneeland and 1 Arnold rent $25 a month. SSus SU terlEal--To let, at the South End. handsome suites of 4 and rooms and bath-rootn; all the modern conveniences; newly papered and painted; good neighborhood, healthy location; rent 1 8 end lt22 per month. Apply to IVirs. BEA 47 Hammond it.

dSu4ts 029 VITE161To let. in new house, Rockland kJ Highlands, 2 elegant suites of 6 and 6 rooms, lie partite baths and very convenient; rent 225 and Per month. Apply to M. O. WETMORE, 69 Pearl or on premises.

8Sus Bay. elegant apartments of 6 rooms anti bath, with steam heat, janitor, in Hotel Francesca. 46 Here tera near Commonwealth rent, 2600. Apply on premises. or to E.

M. HORN', 429 Washington at. dSutf 031 TEMTo let. and 7 E. R.

BUR- BANK. 235 Washington flIEMPLE 11011rME-1143 and 1145 Washington to let. by the ay. newly-furntshed rooms; square roonsa at 1 and 'Lb per day; side rooms 60(4 tiLlias A ONLY $150 will secure a 16-room lodgLIL ing-house; good location; pfio mombly profits; big chance. BARRELLE 41G PARSONS, 11 l'emberton sq.

It. A-ONILY 8425 will buy 13-room house on good street, End; cash. BA RRELLE PARSONS, 11 Pemberton sq. it LODGING-110 US E-19 rooms, Tremont 211 best location in Roston; bargain. BAK- RELAX PARSONS, 11 Pemberton sq.

lt A rooms, Dart-IA mouth very nice; no better. BARRELLE PARSONS. 4 CIFLOCER STORELarge cash trade; Lt tine location; no bonus. JJARRELLE PARSONS, 11Pemberton sq. A GIN all parts of AI the city tront t1400 to t24500; come and see.

MOULTON, Pemberton sq. It A faitoclilicir bilroitcFor sale; good ilL location; low rent; doing fine business. IA Pemberton eq. AA eren half 'rut rthi tcaanodsefueolftrleoev; sale. Boston Ageucy, 14 State room 45.

it CONFECTIONERY, fruit and variety IV store; nice corner; rent $10 month; $150; worth $300. Boston Agency. 14 State st. it A MEAT and provision store at half price; LI, taken for debt; can make money here; it200. Boston Agency.

14 State st. it. A GROCERY STOREMoney here; will LI. sett low. Boston Agency, 14 State et.

It. ASPLENDID I() DOIN CI-110 USE L4100 secures this. Boston Agency.14 State at. 4 IL151)14ING-11101L-SE--It you are looking for a lodging-house at South End call; we have unusual bargains. G.

L. POND 227 Vt'ash)nelon Kt. it. A PRUIrir AND coNrEeTtosEtur ,1 OR Ee1.50; excAient window on greAt tImroughfare. G.

L. POND It 227 Washington at. 2 depots; seats 32; rent very low; obliged to close on account of sickness; a bargaiu if sold this week. G. L.

POND AL 227 Washington st. DG IN 11-110 Tremont F350, 11 part cash. 'WILBUR, 966 Washington St. 4 LO DOING-110USEFine parlor sets, 211- hair cloth and SILK tapestry, b. ay.

furniture, brussels carpets: buys this house. 16 rooms, on easy terms. 3 Tremont row, room 3. it 4 1.0 001N0-110USE--4550 buys it; F200 IX down. Apply 3 Tremont row, room 3.

its let; carpets. shades for sale. 3 Tremont row. room 3. it FINE GROCERY.

cizar and variety store. well $450. doing a good business. FAIR 45 Milk st. it A rittINTING, OFFICEWith book and Lk job presses, engine, boiler, type, cases.

galleys, or will sell part; a bargain. FAIR At 45 Milk st it 14UB SHOPLong established, low 11 rent. good tnede; work for $125 if Oken at once. FAIR 45 Milk St. 2t rooms, on Tre- mont e350; worth more money.

JACOBS Ar. 2136 1Nashington st. It" A GROCERY STOREOnly $450; cen11 tral location. right amongst families; cash trade: nice tivures; large trade in coal and wood. 266 Washington st.

I.t A LODGING-HOUSE-1A rooms. on Tre11. rnont near W. Dedham income S175 month; price S1150, part cash. JACOBS 266 Washington st.

it A IPININIAROOMV500z will nay you to IV investigate. JACOBS At 266 Ws, tillington St. It HAIKERIC and lunch saloon, near 2 dell pots. iarge transient trade: price S350; also for S225. JACOBS 266 Washington st.

AHALF INTEREST in light manufacturing business; will bear investigation. HUNT. 14 State at. it VAILIET-1- and cigar store at the West IV End; if you want a good one get this. HUNT, 14 State St.

4 IDICA It ROUTEWill pay $1800 a It year; e1500 buys it. HUNT, IA State at. It. A --b300 WILE MEC-VIRE a meat market doing $450 a week. HUN 14 State.

A FOR 350 you can burs, a fish market that L-t will pay a week. HUNT. 14 State at. it A DAILY NEWSPA PIERHalf interest, it $1500 cash; rare chance tor practical man. printer, editor or business maai.

3." Globe oftice. 3Ste A MANWanted more than money; office buslaess; 850; part interest. 7 Boylston St. 4 SI.10 General variety store; grand 1.1 chance to add wooil and coal. 7 Boylston at.

I.A.11.1 ES Az dining-room. Just 11, the place for man and wife; can clear $100 a month. 7 Boylston at. its A450Lodging-house, Clarendon new furniture; good reasons; 7 Boylston st. A I.0111GING-114111.:SEI-19 rooms full; one best location; rent t1000, lease.

I Boystou St. It. A RESTAITICANT With first-class bar; gout rooms; at business of 1200 a month. COOPER STEVENS, 3 Tremont row. A GOOD OPENING for tbe right party in PIL the coal, flour and grain business; the wharf formerly occupied by the late A.

T. Brooks at No. 117 Derby Salem, is for sale; an established trade. Apply to N. DIKE.

rear 169 Congress Boston, or at the what. eoddt. o30 AFt MST-CLASS PROVISIDN store in best part of Highlands; good trade now and can be increased. Particulars of SAMUEL, S. SMITH, 14 Bedford st.

lts A FINE INVESTMENTEstate 371 ner E. Boston. for sale; rental ti800. ALBERT GATES. 40 Water lit.

Its I) A.11.-IM 00 For sale. a first-class licensed LI bar-room in good location; owner going into another business. Address 54," Globe Mee. 2t 4330 It AR- 00 At South End; one of the best: will sell low; good, clean stock; licensed; good place; nice street. W.

B. MASON, 187 Washington St. 68u 11011.114ARD 1001. ROOMFor sale. 11 one of the hest in Boston.

Inquire of N. A. MOSES, Revere Hall. I Green st. -ID It ICT NFor sale, good-will and furnituie of 2 boarning-bouses; excellent locations.

B. R. CLAPP. Stain 025 ITOSINIESS WANTEDThat will pay 8500 per annum and interest on amount invested; would invest 85000 more or less. Please address, stating full particulars, P.

O. holt 97, Actishnet. Mass. 5to o27 BnoWN BREAD FA ro lt, For sale, good will, fixtures and plant of steamed brown bread factory; extra opportunity for live man with small capital. T.

C. POWER, 9 School CI GA it STOKEAn old-established cgar store, on a great thoroughfare, near City Hall; fixtures complete; show cases, counters, shelving. can be bought at a bargain. A. FAWCETT a-, 46 School at.

It STOREFor sale, with ihrturi, doing a fair business; price $300 Apply at store, 1017 Tremont 8t. 2t 030 I 11. NING-00 MIWanted, by reliable par- ties, dining-room and kitchen in lodgmghouse. West End or Tremont preferred. Address 'V.

34," Globe office. It. It IT STOREWanted no fancy prices. Address, confidentially, stating location and price, 53," Globe ()dice. 3t 029 TA it ITO, STOME---For sale, $500, connected with furnished oflice rooms; doing good busi- ness; a fine chance for a physician; owner going South.

Call at 1250 Tremont Boston HightiSn4t 030 T1 ILTO STOURFor sale; best opening for I druzzist in New England: correspondence ILI druggist in New England; correSnondence solicited. RIIEI, Great Falls, N. It. Sudints 025 DRUG STOKEOne of best in the State; live manufacturing town; trade averages too week; rent SI50 year; low price; easy terms; splendid chance for a young doctor. Apply to POND tt BRITTAN, 339 Washington et.

it "UFA ItNESS SHOPFor sale, in Boston. 11 first-class location; carried on 13 years by present owner. E. TOBIN, 63 Court at. at'.

029 'WISH to meet a gentleman that would like to open a tirst-class business house in Boston; I can command the trade; those who mean business call after 4 p.m. 930 Washington room 5, OHNSTON. STORE For sale, by party having other business to look after. an old established liquor store. with dining-room and 10 rooms; quite near two depots; rent low: long lease; no brokers, and none but those having cash and meaning business need apply.

Address 8." Globe office. SSus ttik tat 0-E10 USE-11 rooms: nearly now i furniture; a bargain. Apply at 889 Washington tit. dSiolts 029 sale, at South IA End, of 17 rooms. with steam heat, low rent.

with long lease. Address B. C-" 45 Kneeland it. dSu4t 029 sale. 14 rooms.

10 beds, good turnishing; rent $60 a month; 0600, half cash. L. REED 15 Congress it. ODGINGHOUPIE14On all best streets ILA tor the business; low-priced ones and nice ones tor cash or on easy terms: people wishing to buy or sell are invited to consult us. POND BRITTAN.

339 Washington st. lts -11- 11 0 OIN 0-01LISEWanted, for about ta759 or s1850 cash; no agents. Address 61, Globe office. ctsuSto 31 140 DGI from 17 to 21 rooms on Beacou or Bowdoin st. or Columbus ay.

Address, for 1 week, E. ANON, Box 636, Belfast, Me. DOING-HOUSE-9 rooms, at West LA End. off Cambridge rent flIS monthly; clears $35 over rent. CHARLES LETTS.

School room 52. it. OIN 0-110 US EFor sale; F300 buys a La, 12 rooms, neatly furnished, all let, located near Boylston 125 down, balance on easy terms. Ai 767 Washington at. it OntiiNG IU -HOMEFor sale, 14 room elegantly furnished.

ail let, located on one of the best streets in West End; easy terms, MASON CO 767 Washington It. lts ()IMMO-HOUSEfor sale, little gem of lodging-house neer Berkeley fine location, handsomely furnished, low rent; paying well for a small house; only $800. D. W. DESMOND.

21 School it. dSu4te 3111-ean 12 Tromout row. 2t o30 Ars Eft OFFICE kIllUSINESSIror sale, centrally located; busia nest; good; valuable chance for wide awake party. on easy terms. SHEDD littoCKwAY, 13 Trcmont row.

dhu3ts o30 3ROVIMI0N STOKE For sale; flrstIL class; large nab and oyster trado: on a groat thoroughfare; mostiy oasis trade. Full punkt), lace at W. 41.. SAIITLItt GO, 235 Waatungtou TIA'rEN-rF1Oo0 buys i valuale patent. im I chiding special machinery for same; owner has good reasons for selling; this is a rare chance; it will pay any one who wants a good business to investigate.

Address box 675, Leominster, MASI. dSutit* 030 9 rooms furnished complete; 50 regular boarders and large transient trade; rooms pay most of rent; profits large. POND BRITTAN. 339 'Washington Rt. CPI.EN DID USIN (TYFor sale, a controlling interest in company owning and operating a valuable invention which is labor-saving and improved results; the owner of this Interest is unable, on account of time and capital, to properly attend to the business; an investigation is asked from parties desiring an established protected business with manufacturers of boots and shoes; the profit is large, the utility easily observed in its present extensive practical use; a fair amount of capital and ability will bring results unequalled by anything else to be secured In way of an established business.

Address 80." Globe office. 4t 028 110PFor sale, to close an estate. repair tailoring shop, stock and fixtures; good location; business pays well. ALPHEUS SANFORD. administrator, 70 Kilby at.

dSo3to o30 TUDIOFor sale cheap If sold at once. pho- torzrupti studio at Watertown. Call or address P. O. Box 467, Watertown, Mass.

3t o29 SPOREBargain. if sold at once, splendid variety store; tine family grocery and news trade connected: large paper route. Address 76," Globe odic. either in city or out. for a LJ variety store; write full particulars, rent.

lease, Address Box 55. Linden, Mass. SSW' QT0111EFor sate, cheap, second-hand turntture and stove store. Apply to owner, AMES GAMBLE. City Charlestown, Mass.

dSu7t o25 -VARIETY STOREFor sale, in a first, class location, good trade, price very low as owner has other business- Call at store 794 Tre mont st. 2 V' o30 IV A for cash. Call at N. E. Agency, 3 Tremont row.

room 3. Its NTEDA few capitalists to invest from $100 to V1000 in a rubber manufacturing company; returns certain and large, and an opp rum-lily seldom offered. Address for particulars "Rubber," Box 235, Boston, MaAs. 2t 030 IP r-vs FIRS-C LASSEstsb- t. 3000 lished lamp business, situated on best street in Boston.

3." Globe Mee. its AGENTS, PARTNERS, A CTIVE PARTNERWanted, an old-established hardware manufacturing house, now paying well, wants $30,000 or $40,000 more capital to extend their business; the right party with above amount can become an active partner; nan who would manage the finances preferred; fu1 and satisfactory information given; but none need apply who cannot furnish the capital required. Address "Hardware," Box 235, Boston. Ot 027 AENTSi want intelligent men or women seeking profitable employment to write for illustrated circular and terms of agency for the celebrated Missouri Steam Washer; a great labor, clothes and soap-saver, and a thousand per cent. the best washer in the world; sample sent to those desiring an agency on a week's trial on liberal terms: a phenomenal success wherever introduced.

and pays capable agents big money. J. WORTH. sole manufacturer, Box 3633, Boston, Mass. W88t old cicNirsWanted, good agents and enterprising men to sell our self-playing musical instruments; play everything and sure to please any one; sold on instalments; one agent says can make more money on them than anything he ever sold; call and see them, or semi for circulars and terms.

IL C. HALL 578 Washington St. dSu5t 028 GENTSWanted; for 10c. will send 2 samii plus of a new patent household article; sure to sell six dozen or more daily; no circulars. New Engiand.Novelty Mfg.

24 Portland Bos- ton. dSu3ts all A GENTS-3 per day and expenses guaranI teed to agents selling our dress reform goods for ladies', misses' and children's wear. Address or cull on Ellis Manufacturing 23 Winter Boston. SSuThtril oil A oEN9rsWanted, live general agents in AA. every town hi New England; also experienced canvassers for Boston who will be satisfied to make $3 a day.

W. L. PRICHARD, 34 Broad st. 030 A GENT44Wanted, State and county agents I with small capital for new quickest selling novelty in America; $5 to $30 daily. Adams Manufacturing Company, 4 Central wharf.

2t 030 GENTSYou can make 810 a day canvassing for the best selling household utensil yet invented; send stamp for particulars. Box 681, Leominster, Mass. dSulOt 023 A CLIENTSWanted to sell show cards. all Lk lettered; small capital required. Apply to W.

SHERIDAN sign painters. 33 Province st. its A GEN'TS Wanted; great inducement for aLvPtit* to sell our household and store goods. Alta wrg 175 Washington st. tlt 026 N't'S-50 first-elass agents wanted.

ApLI ply to IL INLACORQUODALE. artist and photographer, 171 Tremont 3t 029 AGEN T'SiiiWanted, In every town to handle our goods at retail: a good opportunity for any man or woman to obtain a good-paying nermanent business; or a local dealer might add this agency to his business. New York Specialty 376 Washington st. 2t 030 A GENTSWanted, general or local: large It commissions. Palestine Pub.Co..178

CIA NV A Mt SWanted, of ability on the TI.J "World's Progress." Just from the press, in serial form, super calendered, unsized paper. full-sized. new pica type, double leaded, 500 choice illustrations, 14 pages colored diagrams. 9 double-page maps, splendidly gotten up, rivals In size and appearance any work published; special efforts by authors of the highest reputation make this an exceptional and most desirable work; among the contributors are Profs. Fisher, Packard, Ely, Perry, Hon.

Carroll D. Wright, Clarence Cook aria Frank Millet; exclusive territory and liberal terms. M. R. GATELY, 72 Pearl St.

dSu5t 028 AD At ir acNs of tact wanted, for our IC bust and form developer; no humbug; indorsed by physicians; write for sealed description and terms. Erie Med. Buffalo, N. Y. 25t 4315 -ft, TA WWanted.

with 8300; take good business .01. in Providence, R. I. Apply to IS. THOMAS 27 Eliot st bto 027 -13 ATILTIVE.11Wanted, with $500, in eatch.

lished business that will exceed return ball or 15 puzzle, secured by patent; investigate. Address 7," Globe office. ARTNER Wanted, with $400, to buy half interest and act as cashier in ladies' and gents' restaurant. open all night; income it350 per week. MASON 767 Washington st.

It IDAIVIVNEtt Wanted. in cheap jewellery business; small capital required; I have fine store, good location. Address E. EGGLESTON, 522 Main Worcester; part of store to rent, elegant window. 2ts 030 11AUTNERWanted, as manager in sales department in an established business; 3 000 capital required.

Address 28," Globe office. dSufft 030 13AWTNIE1t Wanted, a live man. with some I capital. as partner, to put a new, tried and successful drama of great merit on the road; to the right man. this is an exceptionally tine opportunity; investigate.

Address J. W. LANERGAN. Theatrical Manager, 3 Spring Dorchester District, Boston. 3ts 029 LOST.

FOUND. ETC OAPPleked up adrift, a boat; the owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. Apply to C. D. TUTEIN, Fiske whart.

d3t 030 0 Los In Middleboro or vicinity. a white and buff-colored St. Bernard. probably without collar; a liberal reward offered for the return of same, or for information leading to his recovery. J.

M. COVERLY 403 Washington Boston. 2ts 030 I) 0 GLost on Oct. 28, brown and white co*cker spaniel; had on strap collar; no name on Plate. A suitable reward will be paid on returning to 62 Mt.

Vernon et. 2ts cii30 FOUNDOn Tremont Thursday after- noon, a lady's shawl. The owner can have the same by calling at 188 Main Charlestown. Mrs. S.

It 1- STFriday eve, on Warrenton or Washing-LA ton a new lace plain-pointed toe left shoe. Return to CHARLES T. DONNELLY, 80 k'ayette South Eud. and be rewarded. it OSOctober 20, watch charm, gold medal.

'T in glass. Finder will b4 rewarded by returning same to HENRY DOBBINS, Hanover at. liSu ICED strrirEn 1)0119, Lost; Ja leather collar; no name. Return to L. A.

SIMPSON, 218 Hanover liberal reward. I to uDow-uoATStolon painted white with It brown stripe, brown inside. smooth seams. brass strip on keel, is about 11 ft. long; was stolen from Cambridge shore Oct.

27. Information leading to its recovery will be paid for. M. F. DE COSTA.

356 Main Cambridgeport. dSu3t 031 INSTRUCTION. ATE A CH ER of languages is desirous of making arrangements with families preferring the services of a private tutor; French and German a specialty- Address 53," (lobe office. dSu30, 030 DRAFTL'G AND GRA DINCI boot anti shoe patterns taught by an experienced man at the business; terms moderate. Box 134, Wakefield, Mass.

dS117t4' 031 1R EA CH WILLA- SEER PI CTUR Purely mechanical; eau be taught by any onel instructions given in the new process; pictures mailed to country customers; lustra, Kensington and oil painting; rubber sheet-wax. L. It. SPRINGER, 41J3 Washington cor. Temple pl.

SSu nivAlrE REA tlit and teacher of Engligh. Andreas "Normal," Station A. lot. 028 01EUTTILANIDReport of speeches, 11 typewriting neatly done; beginners and victims of schools. frauds or poor systems practically taught and helped to positions; interview pupils iu leading business houses.

Gall between 10 and 3, or address W. L. JENKINS. 110 Tree mont at. Stenographers and gentlemen shoat to tenploy same, or buy typewriters, please emu.

SSuo CillIORT-111 ANDA student desires to ex- chiuttge dictation with another student oven. tugs. Address 99," Globe Moo. 8Stt WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. EOltititE V.

'TEN ETCHI 142 Black- stone keeps constantly on hand extra due wines, gins, brandies, whiskey and ruin; N. E. rum. Kentucky bourbon, aU goods wurrauted pure. Ileum cell aud examine.

tl olte yloot. f100 a aide, between V. Jackson and the unknown, both of Boston. to take place at md Dorchester Nouth Boston. November 0.18a6.

It. I fi.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.