See Why It's Better Online (2024)

As a CreditSecure® enrollee, you are already aware of the importance of monitoring your information. By switching your enrollment to our optional online version, you will have access to practical tools, a FICO®Score tracker, 3 Bureau credit reports and e-mail alerts to key changes in credit and identity monitoring.
By agreeing to the terms below you agree and acknowledge that you will continue to be automatically billed a monthly fee of $19.99 plus applicable taxes until you choose to cancel your membership.
You will no longer receive CreditSecure materials offline. Please review CreditSecure Terms and Conditions.
See Why It's Better Online (1)

Questions? Call 1-866-617-1893.

Check here to confirm you have reviewed, meet the System Requirements of, and agree to our Consent Statement, which lets us provide information electronically instead of on paper.

Check here to confirm youhave reviewed and agree to the CreditSecure® Terms and Conditions and all authorizations and disclosures provided during this CreditSecure® Enrollment Process.

Check here to acknowledge your receipt of An Important NoticeConcerning User Privacy.

Click on each document name above to view, print or save. Please ensure your choices and information are accurate. When ready, click "Submit" to complete enrollment.


Effective Date: February 6, 2013

Thank you for your interest in CreditSecure® ("Plan"). To enroll online, you must agree to this disclosure so that you can see and receive information from us electronically instead of on paper. If you ever have trouble accessing or reading electronic information, check the “Systems Requirements” section or call us. If you do not consent to this E-Communications Disclosure, you may not enroll online

Designated Email Address. You need to designate what email address you want us to use for e-communications to you. You agree to keep it current and accurate so that you do not miss receiving e-communications. We will assume you designate the email address you verify or enter during enrollment ("Designated Email Address"). You may designate a different email address by updating the email address within your American Express online account profile. You also agree that we may use as your Designated Email Address any other (a) email address we have in our records for you from time to time, if your Designated Email Address does not appear to be current or otherwise properly working; or (b) electronic address that you provide as a substitute for your email address and that we are willing to accept from time to time. If you ever believe you are missing an e-communication (e.g., you think your email might have stopped working), call us to obtain a copy by another method.

Consent Coverage. When you consent to this E-Communications Disclosure you agree to view electronically information you might otherwise have a right to receive on paper. By checking the box to consent to this disclosure or by enrolling online, you waive any such right. The information we’ll provide electronically instead of on paper includes (a) information we are otherwise required by law to provide on paper, and (b) information we determine (in our discretion) to provide electronically instead of on paper. Examples include(without limitation) the following:

  • our privacy policies
  • notices of amendments or changes to legal documents, including Plan documents
  • our summary of Plan terms and conditions

You also agree that we may take electronically all actions regarding the Plan or your account. For example, if a law requires us to "deliver" something, we may send it to your Designated Email Address and/or post it to our website. We may also provide a notice of posting to your Designated Email Address. You agree to obtain the posted item promptly and to check for postings whenever you visit our website.

Your consent to receive e-communications does not mean we will only communicate with you electronically. We often send some or all of the Plan documents by postal mail and even when we cease doing that, there will be situations in which (in our sole discretion) we will provide paper. We might even call or otherwise contact you. Although we support your desire or willingness to receive e-communications, we reserve the right to use all lawful methods of communication we deem appropriate in the circ*mstances.

Duration and Termination of Consent. If you check the box to consent to this disclosure but do not actually enroll, that will terminate your consent (if you decide to enroll later, you'll have to consent again). If you enroll, your consent will remain effective until all of the following have occurred: (a) you or we have ended the Plan(s); (b) you have satisfied all of your obligations under the Plan(s); and, (c) if you have supplied or verified an email address, we have no further need to communicate with you electronically regarding the Plan(s) or anything relating to it or your account. You may terminate your consent to receive e-communications by terminating the Plan in accordance with the Plan documents (and subject to all termination provisions of the Plan). If you terminate, your consent will still continue with respect to our pre-termination rights (including without limitation, rights created by your consent to this disclosure).

Copies. You may make a copy of this disclosure and the other disclosures, contracts and consents that you or we provide or make during the enrollment process. You agree to print or save copies while you are enrolling (sometimes we’ll try to provide reminders such as a "print/save" icon or the like) -- except as required by law, we do not undertake to provide access to our e-records or copies of them. If we are required or determine to do so, we may charge a fee for copies and/or retrieval and delivery costs and services.

System Requirements (Software and Hardware). We want to let you know what software and hardware you will need to view information online and/or to receive subsequent electronic communications from us ("System Requirements"). You will need:

  • access to a personal computing device with a 128 bit Javascript enabled browser (such as (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer® (5.0 or higher), Safari®, Firefox®, Google® Chrome®)
  • internet access and a valid email account supported by software enabling you to receive an email as big as 250K in size
  • a printer, or access to a printer, that can connect to your device to enable you to print the online and emailed material for storage in your off-line files, or a hard drive or disk drive (or access to one) with at least 32 MB of available random access memory (RAM) to store electronic copies; and
  • if you want to take advantage of any PDF copies we make available (there are other alternatives to obtaining copies), you will need Adobe software “Acrobat Reader” of at least version 4.0 or higher.

To demonstrate you can access documents in a PDF format, clicking here. If you are unable to view the Test PDF document you need to install the necessary Adobe® Reader® software. You can download Adobe® Reader® by clicking here. By consenting to this disclosure you confirm that you have successfully accessed the Test PDF document and meet the System Requirements and can view information online and will be able to receive and read emails and attachments that we send.

We reserve the right to change System Requirements without prior notice, although we’ll give notice and a right to withdraw consent if and as required by applicable law. We also reserve the right to supply system requirements for new or different technologies that we might use from time to time – in that event, we will describe those requirements in connection with use by you or us of those systems.

See Why It's Better Online (3)

See Why It's Better Online (4)

AMERICAN EXPRESS - An Important Notice Concerning Member Privacy See Why It's Better Online (5)

 An Important Notice Concerning Member Privacy

This Privacy Notice is addressed to United States members enrolled in the CreditSecure® service. This Notice explains how we collect, use, and safeguard information about you and how to limit the use and disclosure of your information.

In this Notice, "American Express," "we," "our," and "us" refer to American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. These entities are "Affiliates" of each other, which are companies in the American Express family that are related to each other by common ownership or control. Our Affiliates also include American Express Centurion Bank, and American Express Bank, FSB, publishers, travelers cheques issuers, travel agents, and providers of insurance services. The account that we create under the CreditSecure service is called a "Service Account." Customers of the CreditSecure service are called "Member(s)" or "you(r)."

What Information Do We Collect?
We obtain information about you from a variety of sources. You provide us with information about yourself, for example, by completing a Member application. This includes your name, address, e-mail address, date of birth, and social security number. Your use of the CreditSecure service and your other transactions with us and our Affiliates provide us with additional information, such as your spending and transaction history. Other sources, such as credit reporting agencies and providers of marketing information, furnish us with additional information about your credit history, purchasing preferences, and other matters. We also obtain information about you in connection with our efforts to protect against fraud. We call all of this information "Member Information."

What Do We Do with Member Information?
We use Member Information in connection with delivering products and services to you. To do this it is often necessary to share it with our Affiliates and other companies we work with. These include companies that manage Service Accounts, companies that perform marketing services and other business operations for us, and companies whose products or services are provided as a benefit of your Service Account. We may also share Member Information with other financial institutions with whom we jointly offer products and services. And we may disclose it to other third parties as permitted by law. For example, we disclose Member Information in response to subpoenas, to credit reporting agencies, and to help prevent fraud.

Information We Share with Our Affiliates
You can inform us not to share with our Affiliates credit-related information (except as permitted by law), such as your credit history as shown on a consumer report. If you make this choice, we are permitted by law to share with our Affiliates information about our transactions and experiences with you, such as your transaction history.

Valuable Partner Offers
We work with carefully selected business partners, so that you may receive offers for their products and services. We use Member Information to help make these offers more relevant and valuable to you. If you respond to one of these offers, the business partner will know certain information about you, such as your name, that you are a Member, and that you met the qualifications established for the offer. You can inform us not to send you these offers.

Your Choices
Please let us know if you do not want us to use your Member Information to communicate with you about offers, including exclusive partner offers and offers from our Affiliates, by mail, telephone, and/or e-mail, or share your credit-related information with our Affiliates, by visiting us at: You can also inform us of your choices (except for e-mail communications) by calling us at 1-800-297-8378 if you are an American Express Cardmember or by calling us at 1-866-617-1893 if you are not an American Express Cardmember. If you make these choices, you may not learn about products, services, and features, including discounts and other special offers, we believe may be of interest to you and add value to your Service Account membership.

If you have other relationships with us, you will receive additional privacy notices that apply to those relationships. Please note that any choices you make will only apply to this Service Account.

If you make choices not to receive offers as indicated above, we may still include notices and information about the CreditSecure service and other products and services when communicating with you about your Service Account and related products and services.

Information Security
We use reasonable administrative, technical, and physical security measures to protect your Member Information.

Former Customers
If you cancel your Service Account, or your Service Account is closed, we will continue to treat and safeguard Member Information about you as described in this Notice.

For Vermont Members Only
If your Service Account has a Vermont billing address, we will automatically treat your account as if you had informed us not to share your credit-related information with our Affiliates.

See Why It's Better Online (6) See Why It's Better Online (7)



Effective Immediately

These terms and conditions (the "Terms") govern the use of the CreditSecure® product ("CreditSecure") provided by American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc. ("American Express").


Key services provided by CreditSecure are summarized in the following table. These and additional services are more fully explained in the CreditSecure Services section below.

There are two types of CreditSecure: online and offline. If you are a new enrollee in CreditSecure, you are enrolled in the online product. Offline enrollees are previously enrolled members and the offline version of CreditSecure is not currently available for new enrollments.

Online enrollees primarily receive services through the internet and by email.

Offline enrollees receive services through the mail.

EnrollmentAll new members are enrolled in online CreditSecure.Offline enrollment in CreditSecure is not currently available for new enrollees.
FICO® Score 8Your FICO® Score 8 is calculated based on information received from each of the “3 Major Bureaus”. Your FICO® Score 8 is generated automatically once per month on the anniversary of your enrollment date. It is also calculated when you pull your 3 Bureau Credit report, which is available once every 30 days. FICO® Scores are used by 90% of top lenders.Your FICO® Score 8 is calculated based on information from each of the 3 Major Bureaus and sent by mail quarterly. You will receive an Experian FICO® Score 8 quarterly. FICO® Scores are used by 90% of top lenders.
Credit ReportsYou may request one 3 Bureau credit report from Experian®, Equifax® and TransUnion® (collectively the "3 Major Bureaus") once every 30 days.Credit reports from each of the 3 Major Bureaus, Experian®, Equifax® and TransUnion® are sent by mail yearly with quarterly updates.
Credit MonitoringContinuous monitoring of credit reports from each of the 3 Major Bureaus.Continuous monitoring of credit reports from each of the 3 Major Bureaus.
Credit Report AlertsEmail alerts of key changes in any of your reports.Mailed alerts of key changes in any of your reports.
Credit Limit, Utilization and Balance AlertsEmail alerts when credit card limits, utilization and balances change within certain parameters.Mailed alerts when credit card limits, utilization and balances change within certain parameters.
Identity AlertsReal time notification via email or text message (if enrolled) to alert you when activity using your personal information occurs. This could be new applications or identity validations.Notification via mail to alert you when activity using your personal information occurs. This could be new applications or identity validations.
Dark Web MonitoringCyberAgent® dark web monitoring scans the dark web of the internet for your personally identifiable information that may be compromised.

If any information is found on the internet, you will receive a notification by email.

CyberAgent® dark web monitoring scans the dark web of the internet for your personally identifiable information that may be compromised.

If any information is found on the internet, you will receive a notification by mail.

Child MonitoringMonitoring for children under 18 for personally identifiable information including: Social Security Number (“SSN”), credit report existence and address monitoring.

If any information is found on your child's SSN on the internet, you will receive a notification by email.

Monitoring for children under 18 for personally identifiable information including: Social Security Number (“SSN”), credit report existence and address monitoring.

If any information is found on your child's SSN on the internet, you will receive a notification by mail.

SSN TraceDisplays all the instances where your SSN and name/alias have been registered, based off your credit header file (which includes your name and SSN). Alerts are sent via email when a new name/alias or new address is associated with your SSN.Displays all the instances where your SSN and name/alias have been registered, based off your credit header file (which includes your name and SSN). Alerts are sent via mail when a new name/alias or new address is associated with your SSN.
Lost Wallet AssistanceAssistance to replace lost or stolen cards, including a repository to store personal information such as card numbers online in your CreditSecure Dashboard.

Lost Wallet Assistance representatives can be reached by dialing 1-866-617-1893.

Assistance to replace lost or stolen cards, including a repository to store personal information such as card numbers.

Lost Wallet Assistance representatives can be reached by dialing 1-866-617-1893.

Fraud Resolution RepresentativeToll-free fraud resolution representatives can be reached by dialing 1-866-617-1893.Toll-free fraud resolution representatives can be reached by dialing 1-866-617-1893.
FICO® Scores are developed by Fair Isaac Corporation. The FICO® Score provided by Experian is based on the FICO® 8 scoring model. Many but not all lenders use the FICO® 8 scoring model.

There are many different credit scoring models that can give a different assessment of the credit risk (risk of default) for the same consumer and credit file. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than FICO® 8, or another type of credit score altogether. Just remember that your associated risk level is often the same even if the number is not. For some consumers, however, the risk assessment of FICO® 8 could vary from the score used by your lender. The statements that "90% of top lenders use FICO® Scores" and "FICO® Scores are used in 90% of credit decisions" are based on a third-party study of all versions of FICO® Scores sold to lenders, including but not limited to scores based on the FICO® 8 scoring model.

FICO® 8 scores range from 300 to 850. Higher scores represent a greater likelihood that you'll pay back your debts so you are viewed as being a lower credit risk to lenders. A lower FICO® Score indicates to lenders that you may be a higher credit risk. There are three different major credit reporting agencies—Experian, TransUnion and Equifax—that maintain a record of your credit history known as your credit file. Your FICO® Score is based on the information in your credit file at the time it is requested. Your credit file information can vary from agency to agency because some lenders report your credit history to only one or two of the agencies. So your FICO® Score can vary if the information they have on file for you is different. Since the information in your file can change over time, your FICO® Score may also change.



This Product is Optional:CreditSecure is an optional fee product. Whether or not you purchase CreditSecure will not affect the terms of any existing credit agreement or any application for credit you may have with American Express or its affiliates.
Billing Options:CreditSecure fees plus applicable taxes are billed once a month. Upon your purchase, your first CreditSecure fee will be billed to your American Express Card account at about the time you receive your welcome kit or email.

Annual billing is currently not available for new enrollees. Current members of the annual billing option may remain in this billing cycle.

Purchase Date:Your welcome kit or email contains the Summary of Key Benefits, which will confirm the date of your purchase (the "Purchase Date"). All of your benefits become active on the Purchase Date.
Billing:All new customers who choose monthly billing are eligible to purchase the first 30 days of service for $1. You may be eligible if you have not previously purchased any CreditSecure product. If you are not eligible, you will be billed $16.99 for the first 30 days of service.

Thereafter, you will be billed $16.99 per month. Billing will be made to your American Express Card account.

Sales tax may be added where applicable on all charges.

Automatic Renewal Terms:Your purchase will automatically renew each month until you cancel or we terminate your enrollment. See for information on how to cancel your enrollment.
Billing Authorization:By purchasing CreditSecure you authorize us to bill your American Express Card account each month for your fee. You authorize such billing until you cancel or we terminate your enrollment. American Express, in its sole discretion, may change the fee with 30 days advance notice. Notice will be sent by mail or email to the most recent address or email address you have provided.
Effective Period:Your purchase is effective for the period covered by your monthly fee, as the case may be. Your enrollment will continue until cancelled or terminated.


Cancellation/Termination:You can cancel your enrollment at any time by calling 1-866-617-1893, emailing, or by writing to:

CreditSecure c/o, Inc.
PO Box 1459
Allen, TX 75013

American Express may terminate your enrollment at any time and for any reason. If your enrollment is terminated, we will attempt to notify you by email or mail. In addition, American Express may terminate your enrollment as described below under "If We Cannot Reach You" and "If Unable to Obtain Data from the 3 Major Bureaus."

Refund Policy:If your monthly enrollment is cancelled or terminated, you will not receive a refund. However, you will be able to use CreditSecure through the end of the monthly enrollment period unless your card account has been cancelled. You will not be billed for additional months after cancellation/termination.

If your annual enrollment is cancelled or terminated, you will receive a prorated refund. Your membership will no longer be valid and will be cancelled effective immediately.

If We Cannot Reach You:You must keep your current address and/or email address on file with CreditSecure. American Express is not responsible for nondelivery of services due to your failure to provide updated contact information.

If your mail or email becomes undeliverable, we will attempt to contact you by mail. If the issue cannot be resolved, your enrollment will be cancelled. In such cases we may suspend your billing from the time it was discovered that your mail or email was undeliverable, or you may receive a refund.

Email may become undeliverable due to issues with your email server, a full inbox or an incorrectly entered email address. In order to ensure you are receiving all benefits, we will suspend your billing or cancel your membership if you are not receiving email notifications.

If Unable to Obtain Data from the 3 Major Bureaus:In order to provide you with benefits, CreditSecure relies on information provided by the 3 Major Bureaus. There may be times when information cannot be obtained from one or more of the bureaus. In these cases you may be unable to receive credit reports, monitoring and/or FICO® 8 Scores.

If we learn your credit reports or FICO® 8 Scores are unavailable, billing will be suspended. You will be advised of any steps needed to resolve the issue. Should your reports or FICO® 8 Scores remain unavailable, we will cancel your enrollment and attempt to contact you. If you are billed annually, you will receive a refund prorated back to the date we learned you were not receiving reports or FICO® 8 Scores.

If we learn your credit monitoring services are unavailable, we will cancel your enrollment and attempt to contact you. If you are billed annually, you will receive a refund prorated back to the date we learned you were not receiving credit monitoring.


CreditSecure includes the services described below. Services are provided by a third-party service provider.

There are two forms of CreditSecure: online and offline. Your benefits will differ depending on which type of enrollment you have. Please review the summary chart that you receive with your welcome kit or email to see if you are an online or offline enrollee. Offline customers may convert to online customers by visiting

CreditSecure is not a credit repair organization. It cannot act to improve your credit report, history or score. It also cannot resolve fraudulent activity on your credit reports. CreditSecure cannot directly change accurate adverse information on your report. If you believe your credit report is inaccurate, you must notify the report's issuer.

FICO® Score 8Online enrollees have online access to FICO® Score 8 from each of the 3 Major Bureaus. The FICO® Score 8 is provided once per 30 days automatically and generated on the anniversary of your enrollment. It is also available once per month when you request your credit report online.

Offline enrollees receive FICO® Score 8 by mail from each of the 3 Major Bureaus upon enrollment. They then receive updated FICO® Score 8 yearly. These scores are provided automatically and do not need to be requested.

The information in your credit reports is subject to change as the 3 Major Bureaus obtain and update your credit information. Therefore, your FICO® Score 8 may differ each time it is calculated.

Credit Reports and Updates:Online enrollees have online access to a report from each of the 3 Major Bureaus. A report can be requested once every 30 days. You must login online at to request and access your reports. Reports will only be generated upon request and is not provided automatically.

Offline enrollees receive a report by mail from each of the 3 Major Bureaus upon enrollment. They then receive reports from each bureau yearly with quarterly updates. These reports are provided automatically and do not need to be requested.

By purchasing CreditSecure, you authorize American Express, through its Provider (as defined below) to obtain, review, and monitor your credit reports from the 3 Major Bureaus for the purpose of providing CreditSecure.

Your credit reports can vary among bureaus. Some lenders report your credit history to only one or two bureaus. American Express is not responsible for the accuracy or contents of your reports. American Express is not responsible for your use of information provided in the reports.

Credit Monitoring and Alerts:CreditSecure provides continuous monitoring for key changes to your credit data as reported to the 3 Major Bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. CreditSecure will send alerts for potentially fraudulent items and key changes including:
  • New credit inquiries
  • New potentially negative information
  • New public records
  • New accounts opened in your name
  • New address changes
  • Changes regarding your credit limit or utilization

Historical details impacting your credit history prior to enrollment in CreditSecure will not be reported.

To the extent possible, CreditSecure will send alerts to customers by email within 24 hours of the key change being discovered.

CreditSecure relies upon data from the 3 Major Bureaus to send alerts. Accordingly, American Express is not responsible for the accuracy of the data, including data content or missing data.

Credit Limit,Utilization and Balance AlertsCreditSecure provides alerts when credit card limits, utilization and balances change within certain parameters outlined below.

Online enrollees will receive notification of these changes via email.

Offline enrollees will receive notification of these changes via mail.

These changes will be reported to you automatically; you do not have to enter additional information to receive these alerts.

  • Credit Limit (+/- $100)
  • Utilization (+/- 30%)
  • Balance (+/- $5,000)

These changes are reported based on data from Experian.

Identity AlertsCreditSecure will send you a notification to alert you when activity using your personal information occurs. This could be new applications or identity validations.

Monitoring includes:

  • Retail credit cards
  • Banking credit cards
  • Auto loans
  • Telecom
  • Lenders
  • Pre-paid cards
  • Student loans (unique to Experian)
  • Payday loans

Online enrollees will receive notification real time via email or by text message, if you have elected to enroll in text message alerts. Regular rates and data will apply.

Offline enrollees will receive notification by mail. This notification will not be real time due to the nature of mail.

Dark Web MonitoringCyberAgent® dark web monitoring scans the dark web of the internet for your personally identifiable information that may be compromised including:
  • 10 Credit/Debit Cards
  • 10 Bank Accounts
  • 10 Retail Cards
  • 5 Medical ID Cards
  • 5 Phone #s
  • 5 Email Addresses
  • 1 Passport
  • 1 Driver's License
  • 1 SSN

The dark web is defined as a part of the World Wide Web that is only accessible by means of special software which allows users to remain anonymous.

Some of the information above must be entered into your CreditSecure portal to be monitored. Components such as e-mail, SSN, primary phone number and credit card used for payment will be automatically monitored.

To register additional information, online members can enter the information in the online CreditSecure portal.

Offline members can contact a CreditSecure representative at 1-866-617-1893 to have additional information monitored.

Online members will receive a notification by email if any of the information is found on the internet.

Offline members will receive a notification by mail.

Child MonitoringChild Monitoring is a feature included with your CreditSecure membership that allows for your children under the age of 18 to be monitored for potentially fraudulent activity for no extra charge. Personally identifiable information that is monitored with Child Monitoring includes:
  • SSN Trace
  • Credit Report and Existence
  • Address Monitoring

The SSN Trace monitoring includes monitoring for all known names/aliases and addresses associated with the child's SSN based upon data in the credit header. If you do not recognize the names/aliases or addresses associated with your child's SSN, you should contact CreditSecure at 1-866-617-1893.

Credit report existence is monitored because the existence of a credit report for an individual under 18 can be an indication of fraud.

Address monitoring monitors for any addresses associated with the minor's SSN. If you do not recognize the address of your child's SSN, you should contact CreditSecure at 1-866-617-1893.

Online members can register their child's information online at

Offline members can contact a CreditSecure representative at 1-866-617-1893 to register their child's information to be monitored.

Online enrollees will receive Child Monitoring notifications by email to the email address registered.

Offline enrollees will receive Child Monitoring notifications by mail to the address on file.

SSN TraceSSN Trace, or Social Security Number Trace, monitors your SSN and displays all the locations where your SSN and name/alias have been registered. This information is based off your credit header file (which includes your name and SSN).

Online enrollees will receive an alert by email when a new name/alias or new address is associated with your SSN.

Offline enrollees will receive an alert by mail when a new name/alias or new address is associated with your SSN. This notification will not contain any information on your SSN, you will be prompted to call a CreditSecure representative at 1-866-617-1893 for additional detail. This is to ensure your information is kept secure in the event of fraud.

Lost Wallet AssistanceIf contents of your wallet are lost or stolen CreditSecure can provide assistance with the following:
  • Credit Cards
  • Debit/ATM Cards
  • Medical ID Cards
  • Data Input (licenses, passport, clubs, etc.)

CreditSecure representatives can be reached by dialing 1-866-617-1893. A CreditSecure representative will call your card issuer with you on the phone line to help cancel and replace lost or stolen cards. This service requires that you remain on the phone for these calls. There may be times where an issuer will not permit us to remain on the line and you will have to complete the process without us.

You may register your card information in advance with CreditSecure, which will allow the information to be stored in case of need. Registration is not required to use the card cancellation and replacement service, but will make it easier to assist you if such service is needed. If you have not registered your cards in advance and need assistance, you will need to provide the name of your card issuer and any information required by your card issuer to cancel and replace cards.

You can register or update your information by completing a Card and Document Registration form and mailing the form to CreditSecure Card and Document Registration, PO Box 1459 Allen, TX 75013 or by faxing the form to (479) 573-7377. Online customers can also register or update information online at

Additionally you can register other document information, such as driver's license and passport numbers. If you register, CreditSecure will have your information on record if these documents are ever lost or stolen. However, CreditSecure only provides cancellation and replacement assistance for credit, debit and charge cards. While CreditSecure cannot provide the same level of assistance for licenses or passports, a CreditSecure representative can provide you with direction on where to seek such cancellation and replacement.

Fraud Resolution AssistanceIf you receive an alert from CreditSecure or for any reason think that you are a victim of fraud or identity theft, you can call 1-866-617-1893 and request to speak with a dedicated Fraud Resolution Agent. The agent may be able to assist you and can initiate phone calls to facilitate the resolution process. This may include conference calls with you and people/agencies that need to be contacted. The agent can also provide further guidance and support.


Online ToolsOnline enrollees have access to a number of additional tools available on the CreditSecure website. These can be accessed at and include:
  • Your FICO® Score 8 history, tracked and graphed month-to-month
  • Access to articles on various credit education topics
  • Access to a FICO® Score 8 simulator providing a look at the factors that impact your FICO® Score 8
  • Financial calculators including debt, mortgage and budget calculators
Identity Theft InsuranceIdentity theft insurance is no longer included as a CreditSecure benefit.


Third Party ProvidersCreditSecure may provide information obtained from one or more credit reporting agencies. American Express does not control and is not responsible for the information provided by any credit reporting agency.

In order to make CreditSecure available, American Express works with third-party service providers including, without limitation, Inc., an Experian company ("Provider"). American Express reserves the right to change Provider at any time.

Conditions for Your Use of the ProductYou agree to provide true, accurate and current information about yourself as prompted by the registration forms for CreditSecure. By registering, you certify that you are eighteen (18) years of age or older.

You may not use CreditSecure for commercial purposes. You may not use or order CreditSecure for anyone else. American Express cannot accept a joint purchase for two or more adults.

You understand that by submitting your request to purchase CreditSecure, you are providing "written instructions" in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), for American Express and/or Provider to obtain information from your personal credit profile, including your credit reports, from the 3 Major Bureaus. You authorize American Express and Provider to use your SSN to access your personal credit profile to verify your identity and to provide the services.

Modification of TermsExcept where stated otherwise, American Express, in its sole discretion, may modify these Terms. American Express will provide you with 30 days advance notice of changes to the Terms. Notice will be sent by mail or email to the most recent address or email address you have provided for CreditSecure.

Your continued use of CreditSecure shall be deemed an acceptance of such modifications. If you do not agree with the modification in Terms, you may call to cancel your enrollment.

Termination of ProgramAmerican Express, in its sole discretion, may suspend or terminate the CreditSecure product or your enrollment in the product at any time and for any reason.
No Representations or WarrantiesCreditSecure is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis only. To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, American Express does not make, and expressly disclaims, any representation or warranty of any kind, or that CreditSecure is error free. You are solely responsible for any use you make of CreditSecure or any action or decision you make based on it. Further, you agree that American Express will not be liable to you or any third party if American Express or Provider suspends or terminates your use of the product for any reason.
Limitation of LiabilityIn no event shall American Express be liable for any incidental, consequential, direct, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive or similar damages arising from or related to your CreditSecure enrollment. American Express's total liability arising from or related to your use, access to, or inability to use CreditSecure will not exceed the amount paid by you for the CreditSecure enrollment during the enrollment term in which any claim or dispute arises.
Fair Credit Reporting Act DisclosureThe FCRA allows you to obtain all of the information in your consumer credit file from any consumer credit reporting company for a reasonable charge. The FCRA allows consumers to get one free comprehensive report of all of the information in their credit file from each of the 3 Major Bureaus once every 12 months through a central source. Georgia residents can receive two reports per year. To request your free annual report under the FCRA, you must go to CreditSecure is not related to the free FCRA report that you are or may be entitled to.

The FCRA also states that you are entitled to receive a report directly from the consumer credit reporting company free of charge under the following circ*mstances:

  • You have been denied credit, insurance or employment in the past 60 days as a result of your credit report;
  • You certify in writing that you are unemployed and intend to apply for employment in the 60-day period beginning on the day you make the certification;
  • You are a recipient of public welfare assistance; or
  • You have reason to believe that your file at the credit reporting company contains inaccurate information due to fraud.
The FCRA also permits you to dispute inaccurate information in your credit report without charge. Accurate information cannot be changed. You do not have to purchase your credit report or other information from American Express or CreditSecure to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information in your credit file or to receive a copy of your credit report.

The credit report you receive through CreditSecure is not intended to constitute the disclosure report of Experian® information required by the FCRA or similar state laws. Experian's National Consumer Assistance Center provides a proprietary consumer disclosure report that is different from the consumer credit report provided by, Inc. This disclosure report must be obtained directly from Experian® by going to

Credit reports obtained through CreditSecure may not have the same information as credit reports obtained directly from the 3 Major Bureaus or pursuant to the free annual FCRA report that you are entitled to.

International RestrictionsIn order to comply with applicable law, or due to security considerations, access to the CreditSecure website from certain international locations may be restricted. Addresses outside of the United States are not eligible for CreditSecure. Should a Card Member's billing address change to an international address, his/her CreditSecure membership will automatically be cancelled. For details on refunds see the Refund Policy under Cancellation and Refunds. Please call us at any time with any questions.


Governing LawThese Terms are governed by the laws of the State of New York, USA, exclusive of its choice of law principles.


(a) American Express, Provider, and you agree to arbitrate all disputes and claims relating to CreditSecure, except any disputes or claims which under governing law are not subject to arbitration. This agreement to arbitrate (the "Agreement") is intended to be broadly interpreted and to make all disputes and claims relating to CreditSecure subject to arbitration to the fullest extent permitted by law.

You agree that you, American Express, and Provider are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action. This Agreement evidences a transaction in interstate commerce, and thus the Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of this arbitration provision. This arbitration provision shall survive termination of this Agreement.

(b) A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a written Notice of Dispute ("Notice"). The Notice to American Express and/or Provider should be addressed to:
American Express Company
Litigation Department
200 Vesey Street (MC: 01-49-06)
New York, NY 10285

("Notice Address"). The Notice must describe the nature and basis of the claim or dispute and set forth the specific relief you seek from American Express and/or Provider ("Demand"). If American Express and/or Provider and you do not reach an agreement to resolve the claim within 30 days after the Notice is received, you or American Express and/or Provider may commence an arbitration proceeding. During the arbitration, the amount of any settlement offer made by American Express and/or Provider or you shall not be disclosed to the arbitrator until after the arbitrator determines the amount, if any, to which you or American Express and/or Provider is entitled.

You may obtain more information about arbitration from

(c) After American Express and/or Provider receives notice at the Notice Address that you have commenced arbitration, it will promptly reimburse you for your payment of the filing fee. (The filing fee currently is $125 for claims under $10,000, but is subject to change by the arbitration provider. If you are unable to pay this fee, American Express and/or Provider will pay it directly upon receiving a written request at the Notice Address.) The arbitration will be governed by the Commercial Dispute Resolution Procedures and the Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (collectively, "AAA Rules") of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), as modified by this Agreement, and will be administered by the AAA. The AAA Rules are available online at, by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879, or by writing to the Notice Address.

All issues are for the arbitrator to decide, including the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision as well as the meaning of this Agreement's other terms and conditions, and the arbitrator shall have exclusive authority to resolve any such dispute relating to the scope and enforceability of this arbitration provision or any other term of this Agreement including, but not limited to any claim that all or any part of this arbitration provision or Agreement is void or voidable. The arbitrator shall be bound by the terms of this Agreement. Unless American Express and/or Provider and you agree otherwise, any arbitration hearings will take place in the county (or parish) of your billing address. If your claim is for $10,000 or less, we agree that you may choose whether the arbitration will be conducted solely on the basis of documents submitted to the arbitrator, through a telephonic hearing, or by an in-person hearing as established by the AAA Rules. If your claim exceeds $10,000, the right to a hearing will be determined by the AAA Rules. Except as otherwise provided for herein, American Express and/or Provider will pay all AAA filing, administration and arbitrator fees for any arbitration initiated in accordance with the notice requirements above. If, however, the arbitrator finds that either the substance of your claim or the relief sought in the Demand is frivolous or brought for an improper purpose (as measured by the standards set forth in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11(b)), then the payment of all such fees will be governed by the AAA Rules. In such case, you agree to reimburse American Express and/or Provider for all monies previously disbursed by it that are otherwise your obligation to pay under the AAA Rules.

(d) The arbitrator may make rulings and resolve disputes as to the payment and reimbursem*nt of fees and expenses at any time during the proceeding or in the final award, pursuant to applicable law and the AAA Rules.

(e) Discovery and/or the exchange of non-privileged information relevant to the dispute will be governed by the AAA Rules.

(f) YOU, AMERICAN EXPRESS, AND PROVIDER AGREE THAT EACH MAY BRING CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER ONLY IN YOUR OR ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANY PURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE PROCEEDING. Further, unless both you and American Express and/or Provider agree otherwise, the arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. The arbitrator may award injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party's individual claim. If this specific subparagraph (f) is found to be unenforceable, then the entirety of this arbitration provision shall be null and void.

Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, we agree that if American Express and/or Provider makes any change to this arbitration provision (other than a change to the Notice Address) during your enrollment in any credit monitoring or other product, you may reject any such change and require American Express and/or Provider to adhere to the language in this provision if a dispute between us arises regarding such enrollment product.

Jury WaiverBoth you and American Express voluntarily and knowingly waive any right you or American Express may have to a jury trial for all matters arising out of or related to CreditSecure or these Terms.
Beneficiaries of Terms and ConditionsThese Terms and Conditions also inure to the benefit of American Express' affiliates, product providers (including Provider) and suppliers.
Contact InformationIf you have questions, please contact CreditSecure at:

PO Box 1459
Allen, TX 75013



CreditSecure UnlimitedCreditSecure Unlimited is no longer a product offered by American Express as of October, 2017. This product membership has been migrated to a CreditSecure membership for $16.99 per member per month.

Unlimited reports are no longer available, and all other product features listed here as features of CreditSecure are offered to migrated enrollees of CreditSecure Unlimited.

To cancel your new CreditSecure membership contact CreditSecure at 1-866-617-1893.

CreditMonitorCreditMonitor is no longer a product offered by American Express as of October 1, 2017. All enrollees of this product have been cancelled out as of October 1, 2017 and were not migrated to CreditSecure.

To enroll in CreditSecure, please visit

See Why It's Better Online (9) See Why It's Better Online (10)

See Why It's Better Online (11)

For your safety and privacy, if you are
an Additional Card Member, you must
have your own unique American
Express Username and Password to
enroll and to access CreditSecure®.
For more information please call

See Why It's Better Online (12)
See Why It's Better Online (2024)


Why people think that online learning is better? ›

You're Able to Study at Your Own Pace

Students enrolled in online classes have much more control over their daily schedule than those participating in an in-person program. You have more freedom and flexibility to study at your own pace, in a time and place that works for your lifestyle.

Why is online better than in person? ›

In a hectic, busy world, online courses offer unmatched convenience and flexibility. Whether you're a night owl or a morning person, online classes allow you to log in and complete your work anywhere, anytime — all in your favorite pair of pajamas.

Why do you go online and why please explain your answer? ›

One of the main reasons is for communication and social interaction. People use the internet to stay connected with friends and family through social media, email, and messaging platforms. The internet also provides a platform for meeting new people and engaging in online communities.

Is it okay to search answers on Google? ›

No it is not ok to search for answers on the internet, if you are taking a test. A test is to evaluate how much knowledge of a subject you know. If you have to search for answers, that just goes to show, that you do NOT know very much.

Why is it better to teach online? ›

Teaching virtually can provide more opportunities for one-on-one interactions with smaller class sizes or individualized lessons. It can also help you address a student's needs with more chances for personalized feedback using digital tools like email and other messaging.

Why choose online learning? ›

Convenience and flexibility: As an online student, you can study anytime anywhere. There are no physical class sessions. Online learning a good option for students who need to balance their work and family commitments.

Why online is so important? ›

E-mails, Search Engines and E-Commerce opened up a whole new world of communication and marketing. Not only could a wider audience be targeted, but the information could also be updated and amended in seconds. Big Data. Most text-based information is “born digital.” This information is also known as big data.

Why is online better than offline? ›

Offline learning or online learning which is better? Offline learning promotes group studies and helps the students to acquire new skills and exchange their knowledge. Students get the opportunity to come out of their comfort zone and showcase their talents in public.

Why is face-to-face learning better? ›

The Advantages of Face to Face Learning in the Classroom

You can access more information and richer understanding through teacher and other students' body language and voice. You have the opportunity to connect with, problem-solve, and network with other students from a wide range of backgrounds.

Why is online learning better than traditional learning? ›

Flexibility and Convenience

If you have other commitments such as work or family responsibilities, online education allows you to fit your studies into your schedule. On the other hand, traditional education requires adherence to a fixed schedule and location, with specific class times and campus attendance.

How is online learning changing education? ›

Accessibility and Diversity in Learning

This ease of access makes online learning especially compelling to those living in rural or otherwise remote areas. Instead of feeling the need to relocate or limited to whichever programs are within commuting distance, students can access coursework when and where they need it.

Is someone watching your Google searches? ›

Can anyone see what you search for on Google? If you've wondered “Can anyone see my search history?”, the answer is yes. The search engine itself, your web browser, your internet service provider (ISP), some advertisers, website owners, app owners, and, in some cases, authorities can see what you search for on Google.

Can Google searches be used against you? ›

Importantly, however, if you are a suspect in a crime, your computer, including your search terms and browser history, can be used as evidence. While Googling "murder" is not a crime, if you are a murder suspect law enforcement will get a warrant to search your home, phone, and computer.

Will Google report your searches? ›

That said, Google does try to set algorithms in place to keep illegal content off of the search results pages and although Google doesn't report illegal activity, the National Security Agency (NSA) may be tracking your searches.

Is it good to study online? - QuoraQuora ›

Yeah ofcourse Advantages 1. Online study is very good if you have a great reduce the travel time and you can easily learn anything from anywhe...
Over many years, education has been changing at every level - from preschool to graduate school - and digital learning methods have become increasingly common w...
A new study shows that online school is better. It has been long debated whether online school is better than a traditional school. Many people have said that t...

What do people say about online learning? ›

Seventy-three percent of adults thought online education was as good as in-person or better at meeting the needs of traditional students; up from 40 percent who believed that in 2017, according to a new survey.

Is online school better for ADHD? ›

Many children with ADHD find that doing school from home has less distractions than there are in a physical public school. A solo school environment may be helpful and help them focus on what's most important. Work at your own pace.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.