Blood of Justice: Light Yagami and L Lawliet X Reader - oatcream (2024)

Chapter Text

“I can’t thank you enough, Y/N. You’re so sweet.” Light flashes you a smile, “Taro was so nervous considering he’s never been to Tokyo before so you being so kind to him definitely helped ease him.”

You smile back at him with a nod, “Of course! Taro was so nice, and you know I love hanging out with you. Speaking of which…” You raise a teasing eyebrow at him, “We haven’t been hanging out much. What do you have to say for yourself, hm?”

He chuckles, which slowly dies down, ending with a sigh. “I know, I know. And I’m very sorry, I am. Truth be told, I miss you, but I've been so busy lately…”

“I get it, you’re a busy man. How else are you going to keep your position as the top student?”

“I’m tied for top student.” He reminds you, the tiniest amount of bitterness in his voice. “And stop it with that, would you? You’re just as smart as me.”

“But I’m not the top student.”

“Because you missed one question on the exam. One.”

“You missed zero. And please, don’t try to comfort me, I don’t need it. It doesn’t matter to me.” And this was true, you did not measure your worth on either your grades or your intelligence. The only reason you put effort into school was so you could get a well-paying job. “I only brought it up because you never give yourself enough credit.”

Light opens up his mouth again but you put your finger up to his lips, making sure not to actually touch them. “Wait here, just for a second, then I’ll let you go.”

Before he could respond you run into your house, making your way to the kitchen in a quick fashion. On the counter were a few loaves of bread snuggled up in a little basket. You grab it and let the container hang from your arm, hastily turning to get back to your friend.

But then you pause.

Your eyes landed on something hadn’t noticed before. There, placed neatly on the counter, was a blue notebook. You raise an eyebrow, your hands grabbing it before you could even think. You go to open up the first page…


You jump back, startled.

“I’m sorry to ask you of this but is it possible for you to hurry up? I’m really in a rush.” You hear Light call from the front door.

“Coming!” You place the notebook back on the counter and hurriedly make your way back to him. “Here!” you hand over the basket, “I made it earlier today.”

Light’s face brightens at the sight, “You didn’t.”

“I did.” You grin back.

“Thank you so much.” You loved baking things, so it was no chore, but you’d be lying if you didn’t acknowledge that maybe, just a little, you baked him such a thing to see him happy.

You sent your friend on his way with a goodbye and a couple of plans to hang out again, but while you were doing so all you could think about was that notebook. It certainly wasn’t yours and the only person who lived with you was your dad, so it had to be his but he was a computer junkie. Everything you could possibly write down in a notebook he would rather put in his computer. You go inside, grab the notebook once more and open the first page. There’s one thing written down. A name.

“Jacquet Devereux.”

You shrug and just place it back on the counter, making your way to your room. It was just a notebook. Nothing to stress about…

But it didn’t make any sense. Why would your dad have a notebook with one singular thing being written inside? Maybe it had to do with his work. It could be a work journal. But he worked with computers, so again, what was the need? This could be something that he would like to hide from you. It’s not impossible that he would have a secret, but then he wouldn’t be so careless as to leave it on the counter.

You blink and then sigh once you realize what you were doing. Great, you’re overthinking again. That was something you did too often.

Once you get to your room you immediately sit down at your desk and open up a website that you’ve been quite addicted to recently; Discussions of Kira. The name unsurprisingly matches the purpose of the site. And you just happened to be quite popular on it. You got thousands of replies each day, some in support of your views, and some that are not. Some say people like you are what is restoring hope in this world, and some say you are doing just the opposite of that. You didn’t care what anybody had to say though, you would keep fighting for what you thought was right. No matter the reception. But you were also anonymous on the site, so it’s not as if what you did had any consequence. You click ‘Add a new post’ and then let your fingers do the rest. When you get passionate about something, it’s as if you're not in control of your body.

Some people might think that the rise of a second Kira is just what we need. That we need Kira and the help of others with their ideals to eliminate the evil of this world. But you're wrong. Kira is doing nothing but fueling that evil, adding more gasoline to the pits of hell. They are a mass murderer. That’s all they are, that’s all they ever will be. They don’t just kill serial killers, rapists, or pedophiles. Just a couple of weeks ago they murdered a purse snatcher. A purse snatcher. If they never get caught, who do you think they will go after next? After all the ‘deserving’ people have been murdered? If Kira really cared about what is happening in the world he would do things to prevent the crimes from happening, but instead, he became just what he was trying to rid the world from. A criminal.

You lean back in your chair, sighing. You could have added more. Like how criminals aren’t the only thing wrong with this world. Deeply rooted things that have permeated society for centuries. What about racism, misogyny, hom*ophobia, capitalism? Murdering people wouldn’t fix those. Or how Kira has bound to have killed the innocent, considering that he not only went after people in prison but people whose cases against them have been dropped. What, does Kira not think that maybe the reason why they didn’t go to jail was because they were innocent? Do they not think about how them being in jail is punishment enough? That’s just the problem, they don’t think. Kira kills not to punish, not to bring morality to the world, but for their own cruel ambitions.

Adding all of this would have been futile, though. You had already expressed these concerns in your other posts. It would be like beating a dead horse. You hit 'post' and start to rise from your chair.

“You’re very emotional about this, huh? But, then again you are a very emotional person!” A raspy, shrill voice speaks up from behind you. It has an uncanny, child-like innocence weaved into its words.

You freeze. Unable to move, unable to speak, unable to breathe.

“Who are you? What do you want?” You try to keep your voice steady but you can’t. It’s wobbly and hoarse and you're heaving heavily.

“Turn around and find out.”

And you do. You’re face to face with…What are you face to face with? It’s tall, at least 7 feet, but its height is knocked down a slight amount considering its terrible posture. Most of its body is wrapped with bandages, excluding its piercing eyes, elongated mouth, spindly fingers, and some pieces hanging off from its body. Long, greasy, mud-green hair frames its face.

Bewilderment is what overtakes you first, but then it’s nothing but sheer terror and dread. You topple onto the floor, stumbling as far as you can from the creature.

“Okay, let’s do this as quickly as possible, shall we? I want to get to the fun part!” It smiles, “The name’s Dyeth! I’m a shinigami from the shinigami realm, and the reason why you can see me is because you picked up my notebook!” It does jazz hands in an animated manner, its lengthy fingers–which you just now noticed were only the bone structure–wiggling. You felt your stomach churn. “Y’know, the one that I placed in the kitchen! Well, now it’s yours! The notebook gives you this cool power, the power to kill anyone you want as long as you have their name and face!”

What? You must be hallucinating, you must. There’s no other explanation. An unsightly being is standing in front of you, telling you that you now possess the ability to murder anybody as long as–

Somehow, throughout all the haze and dismay and palpitations, It hits you.

“A name…and a face…” Your throat is arid, your hands are clammy. “Kira.” Did your obsessive hate for this man manifest a hallucination?

“Ding, ding, ding! I knew I chose the right human! You’ll be a fun addition to this new game of whits.” It giggles, clapping its hands and jumping up and down.

You stare emptily at it. Should you entertain this? I mean for f*ck sake, you’re hallucinating. But the more you stare into its crimson pupils, the more you start to ponder if this is real. Suppose this isn’t a figment of your imagination… “Why did you choose me then? What about someone in the police? What about L? Both of them are much more qualified to do this than I am.”

Now that you’ve calmed down you notice that the shinigami’s sclera’s are a deep, muted yellow. It slowly starts to walk towards you, and in doing so it caused you to recall that you were on the floor. You quickly jump to your feet, trying to combat the size of the god but to no avail.

“Don’t be mad when I tell you this, okay?” It flashed you an almost mocking pout before it curled up into simper. You noticed its cracked and worn gray mouth. “That would be too easy. Too boring. They’d catch Kira immediately!” The way it puts an emphasis on boring chills and sickens you to the core.

You stay still for a moment. Quiet. But then you burst into a fit of laughter.

“This can’t be real. f*ck, I’m going insane.”

It stares at you, head tilted, eyes staring blankly into yours. “So…you’re going to pass up the opportunity to stop the world’s greatest mass murderer yet?”

You try to stop laughing but you can’t. You’re full-on cackling at this point, you’re stomach is starting to hurt. “Yeah, because you’re not real–”

“But what if I am?”

As fast as you started to laugh is as fast as you stopped.

“You’re going to let Kira continue to murder? Where is your sense of justice? The one that fuels you to go on that website every day and write about how much of a bad person they are?” It raises its pointer finger to your chest, pressing it in. You feel the sharpness of the bone against your shirt, against your skin. “You are the only person I will give the death note to. If you tell me right now that you do not want the death note, that you do not want this power to change your world I will leave and take any memory you have of me or the book.”

You’re silent. If it’s from fear, shock, or intrigue, you don’t know.

“Do you give up ownership of the death note?” It asks, and your eyes fall to the floor.

It’s not real…

It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real It’s not real

But are you willing to take that chance?

If this is all genuine, you could stop Kira. You could stop the serial killer that is massacring humanity for their perverted pleasure. The monster hiding behind the facade of justice. You could help implore actual morality onto the world. Without this ability, without you, how will anybody know of Kira’s powers? How will anybody stop them? Even if the chance that this is all real is only slightly true, shouldn’t you take that chance? Would you not possibly sacrifice yourself, sacrifice your well-being for the good of the world?

Are you going to sacrifice yourself?

“You said your name was Dyeth…correct?” Your voice is barely above a whisper.

The creature nods.

“...Okay then, Dyeth.” You look up, Your eyes piercing into the Shinigami’s. “It’s nice to be working with you.”

Blood of Justice: Light Yagami and L Lawliet X Reader - oatcream (2024)


Who has a crush on Light Yagami? ›

Light Yagami a.k.a. Kira is Misa Amane's love interest in the Death Note franchise.

Does L have a crush on light? ›

L also states at one point that "his heart hurts." His feelings about Light are also revealed, and it is described that L did consider Light to be his friend, going as far as holding on to Light's broken watch as a memento and saying, "Light, I'll see you on the other side.

Does L actually care about justice? ›

He believes no real peace will be ever achieved through violence or murder. Despite his investigations being motivated primarily by a desire to "win", L does have a sense of justice.

Does L really consider Light his friend? ›

The author (Ohba) said in an interview when asked about this topic, “No. When he told Light that Light was his first friend, it was a lie. L could never have a friend, as he found humans to be a very cunning species.” So the author has confirmed that L never thought of Light as a friend.

Who is Light's real girlfriend? ›

In Death Note

Takada as she appears in the Death Note anime. Kiyomi Takada first appears for a short period as Light Yagami's classmate and girlfriend; Light appeared with Takada in public to disguise the fact that he also conversed with Misa Amane.

Who is Light Yagami's ex girlfriend? ›

Kiyomi is a popular news anchor and an ex-girlfriend of Light Yagami, as Kira's spokesperson. Under the pretense of investigating her, Light set up meetings with her in hotel rooms monitored by bugs, but not cameras.

Did Light regret killing L? ›

This leaves Light shocked and stunned, a revelation soon forming in his mind. He would be able to prevent the deaths of Raye Penbur and Naomi Masura, both of whom he, at one point, greatly regretted killing, L, and even the FBI Agents.

Did Light cry when L died? ›

Light is torn apart when L dies, he is devastated but Kira is on the top of the world. That was another scene where I couldn't help but tear up. That episode broke me on the inside, and in a way that I have not been broken before.

How old is light when L dies? ›

Light dies at the age of 23. L dies at the age of 25. Light and L met in basically 2004. So lights age at the time of Ls death was 18.

Does L from Death Note shower? ›

Readers are then shown that L uses the toilet in his preferred crouching position, and how he bathes. He likes to be clean, but apparently, finds the act of washing to be too much effort, so Watari rigged up a special "fully automated washing machine" for him to get into.

Who is justice L or Kira? ›

Who was righteous, Kira or L? Initially, it was Kira. The idealist kid Light Yagami, who wanted an ideal world, where the good people could live without fear and with peace.

Was L evil in Death Note? ›

Ohba said that L is the most intelligent character in the entire Death Note series because "the plot requires it". He added that he personally views L as "slightly evil."

Who fell in love with light? ›

Having fallen in love with him, Misa vows to do whatever Light says in exchange for him becoming her boyfriend. Light agrees to use her Shinigami Eyes and even though he tells her upfront their relationship will only be an act, she believes she can ultimately win his love.

Why did L rub light's feet? ›

L's drying off Light's feet is also a metaphor that represents Jesus' washing of Judas' feet. Light finds this strange, but L says: “it's the least I can do to atone for my sin”.

Why does L sit like that? ›

The world's greatest detective, L, sits in an odd position, claiming it increases his reasoning abilities. Some people try to copy this, for cosplay or for everyday life, but if you find it hard, this is for you!

Who does Light Yagami fall in love with? ›

Having fallen in love with him, Misa vows to do whatever Light says in exchange for him becoming her boyfriend. Light agrees to use her Shinigami Eyes and even though he tells her upfront their relationship will only be an act, she believes she can ultimately win his love.

Who is the lover of light in Death Note? ›

If you are talking about Death Note, then it is not Misaki Amane, but Misa Amane. Well, Misa Amane is a young actress and a fan of Kira.

Who will Light Yagami marry? ›

According to Ohba, Light sees Misa Amane, whom he uses as an accomplice, as a "bad person" who killed people, so he acts emotionally cold towards her and manipulates her, although he pretends to love her, and even says he will marry her.

Who is Light Yagami shipped with? ›

704YagaManeLight Yagami/Misa Amane
328L&LightL & Light
296?Beyond Birthday/L
224Light x TeruLight Yagami/Teru Mikami
6 more rows

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.