Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

Building Materials 687 Firearms 694 DogsAXC 667 6J inn. Jan. im, Tucaoa Ai. Home furnishings 680 Office and Hi Kin nee Enmnman Al Pianos Organs Computers Horse Supplies and Services PECAN china cabinet $1000. 4 pc.

living room set tame $800. great condition, 882-4708 QUEEN sl2e water bed, never usea semi waveiess Diaaaer, still In box, 4 poster bed, complete with heater, good condl-tlon, $275. 885-8555 RANCH Ook game table, oak nanging ngni, reamer, misc. CALL 299-7746 SAME AS NEW Desk, red mahogany $325; music center, red mahogany $650; din rm table 4 choirs, solid heavy wood $650; heavy teakwooo robie viiy, beovv rattan swivel rocker fcO; 2 naughyde heavy den or patio chairs $20both; 298-6215 SOFA loveseat, very nice tan, long lasring corauroy, ia Nice, old hutch, bevel glass, needs reflnlsh, $100. 624-9352.

SOFA IN EXCELLENT CONDITION $295. 325-1727 SOLID Mahogny bedroom set, wim oesii, nurcn nignTsrana. $800. Call 886-3307 Tanning Bed $3000; Brass bed, dlmost new, never opened, Queen $200; 2 Marble endt-ables $40, set, 748-8257 THOMASVILLE tapestry sofa love sear, paia siuu, musr sen SBW. Laii r4-v4i2 evenings.

Wanted to Buy Home Furnishing, csiuies, nuuserui, uny amount. 325-4651 Bill's Auction Tools 683 CHAINSAW McCulloch. 160S. 16- incn, oox never openea. U5.

797-2823. After 6PM. CONSTRUCTION tool boxes. weather ouara moae 6 $75ea. T-pack rat moael 320.

$20(T 2-Senco finish nailers. $150ea 623-9373. ELECTRIC Impact wrench kit wun soccers, mnwaukee brand. $150. CALL 290-8183 METAL shop desks $40 swivel arm otticb cnairs Siu spd snowblower $375; Clark 5 HP sweeper model 751, $1000.

Southwest Liquidators, Inc, 220 E. Los Reales Tucson 889-4664 SEARS Craftsman electronic raaiai arm saw. usea 3 nrs. $400 FIRM. Call 744-2486 Nurserv and Garden Supplies 685 TREES FOR SALE Arizona Cypress seedlings.

Below government prices. Tlmberllne, Pearce, AZ (602) 824-3464 evenings ilding Materials 687 100 Burnt adobe block $.25 eacn. i'i" split rea brick pavers and 73 brick pavers $.20 each. Solid pine doors IVV'xSWS" southwest style. $94 each.

722-3191. 2 SETS of French doors, 6'8" 6 rre-nung. aii narawooo, Including handle, deadbolt, and 4 screen doors, $200eoch set. 1 solid core 6 panel pre-hung exterior door, $125. 749-5056 8x8x16 construction blocks (1800) CIK.T1.

IUII UJS 194. COLORED steel roof ponels. low prices. iau euzaDem, 749-4818323-4040 Blue Ook Co LOTS of doors. 50 off new price, also brick pavers.

Corson's, 1811 Park 624-8585 LUMBER, 1x6, 1x8, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8. Loor5 i up. inearre sears, mission tile, elec box, weather heads, many hard to find Items. New selection weekly. BARNETT DEYOE 623-2662 701 Sllverlake Closed Sat Dec 24, Mon Dec 26 aar Liec 4 1 a vton jon i OAK flooring, like new, tongue and groove.

Almost 1000 sq.ft. for only 85a per sq. ft. All or bar uec 3 1 mon jan 2 POLYISOCYANURATE Insulation board, low prices, hi-r value, BlueClaK, 323-40466290242 RED OAK 44, top grade KD, ouuu i.yyooara tt. uowesT prlcesl Som, 299-7709 ROOFING galvanized, 26" wide 6" S4.Y, lu so.zi, 7.95, tek screws rldgecap avail.

American Fence, 1111 E. Valencia 746-1400. YOUR 1 STOP FENCE STORE SAGUARO ribs, fumigated, 6' long, ou ounaies, )J3-43 per bundle. Call 722-3191 60S INSTANT CASH IDLE PIANOS A Sons 327-0371 SACRIFICE Kimball, S1400 Call oK'U3 oner 0 pm. win nego.

CASH ONLY, Avro Valley SPINET by Lester, Betsy Ross moaei, nice piano, gooa Tone. S33U000. 44-i4V3 THOMAS Organ California The- uire 01, exceiienr conaiTion. $3000. Call Tombstone, 457-3345 WE BUY USED PIANOS SCHROEDER'S 1927 E.

Grant 325-4096 Stereos-Radios 609 CB radlos-23 40 channel, guaranteed working. 30 day warranty, 742-5631 DENON receiver 90 Watts, CD, player, AR 710 speakers. 2 mos Old, $2500 ObO 747-7339 KENWOOD home stereo system wBose speakers $1150 OBO. Fisher home stereo system $850 OBO. Like new Craftsman welder $175; Like new McCulloch cut ott saw $125.

3' bird cage $20. 883-0517 KENWOOD 20 watt Inte grated omp matching tuner. Originally $800- sacrl- rice sjw nrm. loii ibi3u. TECHNIC 1200 DJ.

Turntables, both Incl. DJ. needles, volued at $175. Like new, only asking USED AUDIO VIDEO EQUIPMENT Buy sell. Quality equipment ut ouoyei prices, guaranieeg.

Large selection, TAPE RECORDER CLINIC 4850 E. Speedway 795-3331 TV's-Electronics 611 COLOR 19" Portable TV, Real Good Sharp Picture, Great coior, JVU, LALL W-yiV8 NATIONAL 21 Inch stereo i wim remore iuse wim vlk aisoi iiu2ai caija-blllty, 17-system for DOMESTIC OVERSEAS USE. 1 week old. Paid $1400. will sell for $1200 obo.

National 4-heod V.C.R. with remote. 110220 capability, 3 systems: PAL, MESECAM. NTSC 4.43, 1 week old. Paid $1250.

will sell for 1000 ObO. Call 884-8606. ra.c IT 1 LUIAJ Oi KLAYS WtAT, MUSI SbLL, BBo-wrys SATELLITE DISH, EXCELLENT CONDITION, S750OBO, CALL 4V-3V39 SONY giant screen 50" TV. plays wen dut neeas minor warx, $800 OBO. Call 889-6943 Computers 616 14" MONITOR with Hercules graphics card, still under warranty $125.

Texas Instrument computer $5. can 326-J8V3 24 Hr Computer Repair Svc Data Recoverv Computer Advice 742-0988 386-20 MHZ IBM Compatible, exiremeiy tost, worTon SI 23.0, 1 meg memory, 40 mea hard drive, hercules graphics, 101-keyboard, 1.2 meg noppy, sjaio, ow IV6 APPLE lie. color monitor. 3'A 3'4 aisx arives, imagewriTer color primer, siuu uou. Tt 8BJ-33J9 APPLE I computer, complete set-up, barely used, wtm software.

$1500 OBO call Jollnoo or Brian after 3pm 748-1633 APPLE II PLUS double disk drive with printer, $675 or best oner, 743-0396 AT AND XT CLONES Come In ond see our VGAI Paradox Enterprises, Inc. 150 S. Comlno Seco, 113 721-2023 COMMADORE 128. Over $1000 or sonware. 13 1 arives, 1902A monitor, Modem.

BB3-303 1 WfVimWVKE 140, 1TV4M NIUP1- inn iaia tor, 1571 disc drive, Oklmate 20 printer soflwore. Exlnt. COhO. S3U. 02J-B30.

COMPAQ Alex XT 10MG HD naves moaum, moniror. sw. Lixe new. 42-wbb. COMPAQ Port II.

80286, (8 mhzj. 2u-meg mu, mun, ciock, serial, parallel ports, 286 (12 mhz), 40-meg. HD, 640K 512K extended RAM, clock, serial, parallel ports. f.2,500; HAYES 1200b Internal moaem siuu. 3-V620.

Compaq 286 12mhz 640K $1695 Computer Advice 742-0988 COMPUTERS FOR RENT, INC Rent PCXT AT'S. Call 882-8242 D.U.C.K DISCOUNT USED COMPUTER KOMPANY 3UTc Buv Trade Rent Servlre NEW USED COMPUTERS SOFTWARE SUPPLIES 326-4764 2902 E. 22 9-6 M-F FOR Sale By Owner IBM PC-XT, 640K RAM360KB Dual Drlvr. Color Monitor, CGA, Parrallel rrtmer ara, ktbu $1200OBO, 748-1672 IBM PC Junior, 128K, disk, color, 3r, Dasic, loy sticks, software $475 OBO. 749-2132 IBM XT 640K mono-monitor, floooles.

enhanced kevboard. lots of software. Hard drive avail, saw. 4 i-zbq6 eves. 640K.

30MB'hard disk. 360k7 disk drive, multl IO, color graphic monitor, Panasonic, 10911 printer, Word Processor, Database, Spreadsheet -t 23 other menu driven software year warranty. 1573. Call 296-1940 SAVM 780 copier machine, dual cassoTre, auto teeaer, liana, 1 SUppitOl. WO.

SHARP SF 111 ololn noner ivwi ituui, ivuyvf pww gnjm levyooq. wrai SHELVMQ, Pallet Rack UckenC Used telephone system UK NfcW ITS. Inc. 326-5851 VARIOUS womens apparel retail display pieces for sale. All, muiT go, dost once KKes 746222 Commercial Equipment 550 COPEMATIC Cl temp, horstt, $750.

Cope- mane uotdtvsmi, ww nna 10 horse, TlOOO. Patrick 5aate Kearry, jwynj 6R Scto restaurant Muloment. rmu oven, sTQims inn, reTngerarea iTOtniesi pre 1-455-5253 between li-6 or oner pm cow 1-43-323. -1 4, A ivei arm omos cnairs S4V 1 sod snowblower $375; Cla 751, lark 5 hp sweeper model '51. S1Q0O.

Mumwesr Liquiaarors, inc. jau t. uisKeaes lucson y-40M SALVAGE A lunk yard equlp- mem at in wog wanung Gon- urnon, uam sns-rtvi Merchandise Wanted To Buy 601 i.l AllAnnL vJlM mm iinrmh for furniture, apptiancesv arm-l APPLE 11 747H. BuvkTO kltchenware. Hnens.

Hou- senons. esrares. lucson 1 nrin Shop 338 4th Ave 623-8736 Heme Furnishing, Estates, Houseful, any amount. 325-4651 BILL'S AUCTION I WOULD LIKE TO BUY YOUR GOOD I USED CARPET. COI 622-3334 JOHNNY'S General Auction pays cosh for any household goods not picky.

Sales Tues. Frt, SPEEDWAY 327-5754 WORLD WAR TWO Souvenlers: ration earns, osums, promo tton documents. Call 887-9596 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 603 5 PC Ludwlg arum set, 3 cym-bcn hl-hat $500 firm. 624-3333 can in mornings STUDIO SALEI Otorl 8-Trock remote, Corvln MX2488 console wsnakt like new 1-432-4424 ALWAYS BUYING Instruments parts. Free Pickup.

iviuun I IWU3. 2TTJW I BUFFET B-Flot Clarinet. $325. Bundv OBO booa Lonamoni 2vo-jvbv FENDER HM series stmt. condition, quality custom paint wim okw, over sw mvesiea.

GIBSON LES PAUL STUDIO black wwhlte pick guard HAMMER Dulcimer stand, beautifully finished from kit. ina door, si3 aoo viri ibo rk anil wcase. Transotvent red. feet, $275. 628-972) Iv.

msg. ROLAND Juno-60 Synthesizer, rrogromaote sequencer, $4507 CALL 577-3449 VKXM fuU size, made In Hun gary, exHTT conamoa 193 ww nogongre. 2ve-ju3u WANTED Used drum sets, percussion equipment, cymbals, hardware, etc. Pay cash. I 3 IH46.

neea urnstmos ft WE PAY CASH For used musical Instruments soung equipment. WORKSHOP MUSIC A SOUND 4401 Soeedwav 325-4206 4441 Orockt 293-44741 Pianos-Organs 605 As low as Sltmo. PIANO RENTALS ELECTRONIC PIANOS-ORGANS Free LessonsDelivery All Rent ADotles To Purchase MULLER PIANO ORGAN CO. 1010 Brdwy At Park 884-9622 ELEGANT light oak upright aumicK piano, i year oia, exlnt. cond.

$1700. 743-7748 KIMBALL Baby Grand beau- ru to iook at sten to. Made In 1940's, $2900. 749-2921 CONDITION. RENT-A-PIAN0 FROM $20 PER MONTH FREE LESSONS Rent applies to purchase HACHENBERG i SONS 4333 E.

Broadway 327-0371 Equipment Heavy Equipment Buy-Sell 500 TT7T DITCH Witch 1100 lOBO. UnaJn Waklv DC 500 amp, single phase volt (600. 2-7s34 Wot Truck, Cot. engine, Ha jeywytMna, 1 1 Oft. I-U-W10 19 Never used, Sulk Japanese CASE construction king, llkt raw wz7 gooseneck iri trailer, nwwo can 885-8577 SAM DOTY EQUIPMENT Sotdollzina In bockhoe teeth.

armor own. cumng eages, trenchers, parts water trenchers, trucks. 3d livi t. loiumoia 294-7669. WANTED Case Backhoe around hwo.

or oacKhoe attachment 480. UU.L 2V-Ie, Farm-Ranch Equipment 526 4-N TRACTOR, Hydraulic lift, aood cond. Includes: blade. Machinery for Sale and Rent 534 ACME SPOT WELDER After 5pm 2YVJ10S LINCOLN Ploellner Welder on ustom trailer, 200' leaas 1300. Cat 2934471 MKlWFLDtl Light Weight Heavy Duty Mlg-i elder Is perfect tor Shop, Home, Form and Utility Vehi cles ana anywhere you no Welding.

This 110 Volt Ml welder comes complete err Torch, Cylinder, Regulator, ynderoarrtaoe. While They NOT S4 V.03, WAYNE OXYGEN CO 3555 S. Pak) Verde Rd 741-1849 Ml W. Grant Rd. ezcocoi ONE 10FT Chicago brake, heavy gauge, iuw; warar lanu Farm or Home, 624-5541 SMOPSMfTH older model Lathe Sander table saw drIH press.

Fine condition. W75. 5874 w. Lary St. 883-5832.

TURRET Lathe 4 Warner jwasey. Excellent condition. WW. IOB WTIHA Office and Business Equipment 547 rAT Pay phones, new A used. reaay 10 program insras your business.

Action Vend- mg, 622-1345. AT4T Spirit Telephone system with confol panel, 4 phones, 1 year old. 1 Ldthem tTme dock! with cords and 2 racks, 1 year okl ion 044-003 nnon-rn Turmer information. TELEPHONE SYSTEMS Horizon, Menin, comkey BRAND new shipment of scratch1 aenr omce Tumnure. THE SCRATCH PAD 16 W.

Grant (at Stone) 622-7822 DESK. BEAUTIFUL ALL WOOD. REF1NISHED BY HAND, 1290. ujr '41-1020 DESKS, chairs, file cabinets, ryp- hu sianas a. more.

Southwest Liquidators, Inc. 220 E. Los Redes Tucson 889-4644 FOR SALEoblkhone, New condition 2000 Vector I. MW. LALL 293-1737.

MOTOROLA cellular mobile pnone. $450. Fujitsu cellular mobile phone 1450. 297-8198. OKBATA Laser Line VI Printer wIBM Interface A Laser Control Software.

Excellent Condrl tlon, IB50. 886-8361 ONE STEEL Desk One tarlal Desk MISC Office Supplies, LALL 326-96U2 PANASONIC QUALITY RELIABILITY ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITERS From PANASONIC COPER (13 Cpm) PANAFAX FACSIMILE 149.94mo. PANASONIC COPIER (45 Cpm) Full service warranty avoir-ode. Large selection. Sunrise vmce i-rogucrs, ooxvouo.

SCM electric typewriter $125, Electronic telex machine 1300; oak executive desk credenzd $300: executive desk Ovalr $22 Une phones $50 SELECTRIC II IBM typewriter, ore model recorKlmoned $200; iijm lerter size siuu. furxvu SHARP Cash Register Model ER5510, $300. Amano Time: Clock (new) $175. Used $125.1 IBM Selectrlc Typewriter 1 $350. IBM Selectrtc Typewriter 3, $475.

IBM Model 65, document storage typewriter, $1000. Patrick Sadie Reatty, 749-5927 616 MAC 512 Includes keyboard and exrerndi anve, semwore Almost new. wuu. Bb-usw). MACINTOSH 1 meg.

memory, S800 OBO. 741-2866 otter 4 NEC P6 24 pin printer, letter quaiiTy. txceiienr conaiTion. S400OBO. 577-0654 eves.

PANASONIC Sr. Partner. 20MB. Color, IBM compatible, excei- leni conaiTion, ouiiT-in prinTer, cost $2000 new, sell for $800. van 3-U034 messageeves, PC Floppy Drive Upgrade 1.21.44 Computer Advice 742-0988 I IVW IUUIC.

IIV suu. frinier star na-iuuu mum-font $190. 750-0835 TOSHIBA T10O0 laptop computer, compieTe. Line new $535. Call 298-4820 XT CLONE, 30 meg system, 30 meg ot sonwaie, monochrome, keyboard.

512K. $850. Still under warranty. Neea money, must sell. 881-8299.

Miscellaneous Items 617 SELL YOUR MERCHANDISE FOR YOU CAN BUY A 3 line ad For 7 consecutive days Sell Items under $10,000 Includes "Classified Extra" TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL 573-4343 WOOD, $140, 884-8773 2-SETS OF SPEAKERS, never! usea, ror proressionai use. Paid $699 each. Selling for $600 uhu eacn. tan zvj-6S3 BLUE SHOP TOWELS, $1.50 per pouna; 23 pouno minimum order. Healthcare Textile Sen vices, inc.

1441 b. im sr. DRINK clear crystalline water trom your own sinn. 33 mo. Call John 623-9503 or 326-8765 INDUSTRIALHEALTHCARE UNI i-ukms tor sole.

Buy large lot only. For more into cai 624-2534. KREEPY KRAULY (new used). ask odout our Truae-in special. Bill Frazler Assoc Vi-bXI.

METAL ornamental concrete molds ana mixer. $2000. coil 299-8638, mornings best. OLD INDIAN ITEMS am ir.uT cm TDtncn G. Fritz B.A M.A.

888-8889 RIDING LAWN MOWER, 6 foot cut. ectr start, 2-sdo. trans mission, rotary, good for large UIUS. 4103V UUU. J40-V3I3.

SEASONED PECAN WOOD sracKea ana de verea. Fu and half cords available. leucora. Lan jon a 578-3611. SLOT Machines ontlaue-modern urow KOKer macn, assorrea casino oioss Repairs 327-1406 THERMAL BLANKETS Used, $1.25 each; 50 minimum oraer.

neairncare lexnie aer- vices, inc. 1441 t. 17th St. VELVETINA mesaulte firewood. i-aii B03-U040.

tou nam or we noui. Yard Sales-East 621 MOVING sale, FN-Sun, 9-4, no resonaoie orrer reruseai rurni-ture, household goods, etc all mU5T poi OQ4 I tl. Join 3T Yard Sales-Central 629 TECHNIC stereo, rainbow vac uum, lots of misc. sat. sun.

8 mi jzu t. hiower. Photo Equipment 631 CANNON 20 mm wide ongle lens, i.o, uuiumuTit, eAini conaition $225 325-0167 Stamp-Coin-Hobby 632 WE BUY COIN COLLECTIONS, goiu oia silver coins, Tokens, medals, currency. Bid board coin auction, Sat, 2:30. Glass Shoppe Coins, 4325 E.

Broad-woy, 323-8811. Bazaars and Crafts 633 EZ-UP frame top 10'xlO' $235; Anchor concession tent 10x10, all canvas $1300. 746-2206. Jewelry-Watches 636 3.45 CT pear shaped solltare dlo- mona ring. acbtlAL CHRISTMAS CLOSE OUT.

$10,000 OBO. 747-7500. GOLD HAMILTON RAILROAD waich. 21 eweis. Antique.

$400. Call 290183. HEART shaped diamond ear rings, loiai weight I karat. 18 diamonds In each earring. Asking $1200 OBO.

575-1890. orear voienTine present ladies .65 Carat diamond ring. Appraises $2, imi. sen tor SB30. CALL 325-449 URGENTLY Needed: Diamonds, precious stones, pearls gold (ewelry.

To supply our tremendous sales volume our highly trained Gemologlsts must buy at Tucson's best prices. Compare then come In for your best deal. Ambassador Diamond Jewelers, speeowav or owon, 42-BBW WANTED diamonds, aold. sliver. lunureu peurib.

wuicnes. juy jewelers J2-uvi2v-j32i, WE purchase diamonds, gold, ewe rv. oesr or ces arouna. We will come to you. Call Horses 637 Vi Arabian, Vj Quarter horse, 13 yr.

oio, LnesTnuT jpeiaing, soung, penne, ww. rfp- ijj APPY Stallion, 10 vrs. Buckskin, grear personaiiTv, neeas gooa home, must sell $800. 888-3017 ARAB registered bay gelding, 10 years, genTie ana caim, ror Trail, pleasure or endurance. iwu, mv-ub CLAIRE AAogda and Bob Bforke, your nerves win ae sota ror feed lien January 5, 15400 North Logo Del Oro Parkway.

DARK Bay Mare, great western pleasure horse, IBW. tHa-4yi leave message. ENDURANCE CLINIC with Becky Hart Tevls Cup Winner, Jon. 7th at Al-Marah Arabians, 4101 N. Bear Canyon Rd.

Also, Endurance prospects tor sale. Call 749-1162 tot reservations. HORSES Unlimited 744-2434. imaii Pinto youth geia W75. sooqies toct ooarq Training HORSES All purposes.

Buy, I sell, trade. Used tack. Joe Lawrence, jsj t. Hardy or. wwu, snrwjyt eves.

MOVING Must Sell 15 yr Arab Appy Mare 4-u. yr net Quarter Horse Mare S95 Both good trail pleasure! PALOMINO mare. Gentle and sound. 22 vears. Excellent far beginners.

$600obo. After pm can wv4Yu. PINTO Shetland Gelding $500; Quarter horse mare $550; super aeoi Togemer Arabians 638 ARAB Gelding endurance bred and trained, $650. Saddle bred gelding, ump, drive, enaur-once winner, $1,750. Must soc- rmce.

hcsm MUST SELLI 3 year old getting, Wuscat Grandson, very smart; on a reoay to stott, ivi-wif MUST Sell 3 raltrAd Aroh; $500 each, 6 year Boy StcKflon, 7 year Bask Mare, 8 month REG half Arabian, sorrel mare, 4 yrs oto, iuw, wm Traae ror Arao waing REG. Arobion chestnut oekJfna, 5 yrs, green-broke, toving disposition, out ot "Al-iVaron Count Quarter Horses 639 AOHA block 11 month. big, quick i solid, will go English, Western or Race Pro- SpeCT, SOW. LOTI 4-OOBS AQUA 2 Qtraiitv trained, head REMINGTON model 700 BDL 22-250 compieie wim oun barrel 3 12 scope, bipod and sling, excellent conaition; excellent accurocy. $650 OBO 740-9A10 SMITH WESSON Model 29 44- magnum, 6" barrel, SUPER Blackhawk 44.

22 Auto Mod J22. 22 Auto Mod 950 P. oun. 38 Mod 10. 1980 nmo more, vi-ioy WANTED by young beginner-hunter, shotgun, rifle, pistol.

Cheap. Will pay cosh 575-8755 Sporting Goods 696 49ER GOLF MEMBERSHIP" $995. 725859 EXERCISE OF ARIZONA- Exercise Bikes, Rowing Machines, Treaamllls Universal-type Gym Unlts. A Sit-up Boards, Pulse Monitors, Olympic 8, Std. Weights all types of Weight -Lifting Benches Accessories 3238 E.

SPEEDWAY. 326-0950 Tue-Fri, iu-5 aar, iu-j GOLF CLUBS: Tltlelst Tour, Model Professional Clubs 3-PW 3,4,5 Woods, Exlnt Long 103 UPU. GOLF Set, Wilson staff Irons, 2 IlieiUi wuuua, Winy wumc, $275 flexible, 296-4702 GOLF sets, mens ladles. We have many nice sets-why buy -new? Save. Pot's, 885-3281 GOLFERS! Custom Club House will hold back 1988 prices through January.

Full sets $239; Starters $129. 750-0600. JOHNNY GIBSON Pro-Line Leg Press. Only 4 oia $1350 FIRM. Call 722-1010 SCUBA gear sale, 1 never used Oceanic console, 1 Brut regu- lator 1 tank, excellent condl-1 Tlon $300 UHU.

32-I8B0 SELLING MEMBERSHIP TO 9 I MK rM33 I UUIl-tCIVICIi I PLAYERS CLUB In Tucson. Call 620-1324 tor detdlls. SKINNY DIPPER Scubd diving decompression computer. Never used, $300. 722-4722.

WEIGHT LIFTING EQUIPMENt. oquur IUI.K, UCMiri and more. Sorry no weights. Must sell now. $150.

795-3209 Boats. Motors, and Supplies 698 1 AT MAC'S MARINE CLEARANCE SALE All 1988 model boats at arasn-cally reduced prices. Just for one, 16' 90hp, trailer only $9895. Stop In soon at our new location 4888 E. 22nd St 748-2628 No payments until March '89 to qualified buyers 16.4 ALUMACRAFT Lunar Classic, 50 HP Merc, 4 cyl, newly reblt motor, many Used only 4 times.

Must see. to appreciate. $4000. 573-9241. 18' 1969' HYDROSWIFT, V6, new engine, new outdrive, wfloat on trailer, $2900 obo.

571-1754 87 LOWE 24 foot pontoon boat, 90 HP Johnson, with trailer, loaded. $10,000 (firm). Call 624-1293 or 883-85i3. 88 RANGER 390V, 200 HP tronlcs, motor guide, loaoed, Dick 749-5083 BIESMEYER drive, 383 Mo- Par, $1200obo. Coll 327-8678.

INFLATABLE BOATS SPORT RIVER, 9.5-16 ftt-Polimax Inc Call 722-8889 Transportation Utility Tufas 12x50 mobile home aiuel frame with 1 axle $200obo. 500 goj'. used gas tank $50. 722-5089 4x8 thru 18' in stock. Tilts-extra wldes-mods.

SPECIALS) TowsWell, 293-4900 ANYTIME 87 UTILITY TRAILER 5x10 box. Very good condition. Sturdy, fiwi rai i KITCHEN toble w4 chairs $22; single bed, good condition $35. Cal 623-7013 LADY'S ski package, skis (160), doots, isize i vi), oinaings, poles, take all for $90 795-4072 FREEZER Large upright. $150 gooa conainon, pool suae lan own 1 LIKE NEW Electric I'ngltlon gas furnace, used 3 mo, 100,000 BTU, partial ducting induced, $285.

Call 747-2442 Mattress, King (78 80), firm foam, only 3 mo young, $150, 299-2033 leave message McCULLOUGH Gas chalnsaw $75. Skill saw $25. Sears automotive anaylyzlng kit $75. Craftsman gas lawn mower $85. 2 Coleman gas stoves $20 ea.

Four 6-bolt Mag wheels 15" $80. 888-4539 NINTENDO system, zapper gun. 8 cartridges, 2 mos 014 $325 ObO, Coll 747-7339 PUSH MOWER $35. Call 886-4127. REFRIGERATOR, gaselectric stove, electric dryer and washer.

$135 ea. Call 889-7910 REGULATION Pool table, $250 obo, 9 metal folding chairs, $4.50 each, 2 banquet folding tobies, $20 each, 889-9022 SW 38 spL case, $150; 12 gauge Habicht side-bv-sirie. r.ncp. ammo, $150. Call SEARS 7-drawer chest, knotty pine, $250; queen headboard i frame, $25 ea.

746-2106 SEARS COldspot 15.3 cu.ft. frostless freezer. (32 W30 065H) $200. Hard-wood frame couch (6ft4ln.long) $75. Boys red BMX free spirit bike.

$40. CALL 790-5552. SET of 5 VW wheels, 5 lug with new tires plus hubcaps. $100 or oesT oner. Konoy- 628-8177 SEWING MACHINE (Kenmore) wWOOD CABINET ALL ATTACHMENTS, $50OBO, CALL 722-O910 SIMMONS Spiral Wooden Baby Bed, New Mdttress, Exlnt ipnoiTion, v3 firm, 327-0757 SINGER car telephone $150.

8 Ton lockheavy duty battery iiimuer 13V. IQTI V-J40 SKI BOOTS womens size 7, Helerllngi star model; size 6Vi Lange, both pair used only once, sju eacn pair. 42-4J62. SOFA Sleeper, queen size, blue corduroy $250; Temporary electric power service $40. Call 883-8504.

SOFA sleeper, queen size, tan corduroy, $250. Coffee toble, $40. Full size microwave oven, $150. 2 lamps, $30ea 744-7807 STOVE-HARDWICK double oven, self clean, gold. Excellent con-dltlon.

$350 OBO. 887-7108 TECHNIC receiver 250 watts $125, rainbow vacuum with attachments $100. Call 881-0445 THERMAS 42,000 btu deluxe pro pane grill, never used $180. Cosco car seat $25. 883-2537 VICTOR welding cutting torch.

uuuyc, iuiik, IUTT, exini. V3. 1011 M3-1J0V WASHER VER $100 EACH, EXCELLENT CONDITION, 749-2803 WASHER Dryer, stock able, oood condition. $100 OBO. Sears, Refrigerator, medium size, $100 OBO.

Bezutlful wedding gown, size 12-14, $200 OBO. Coll 746-1886 WHIRLPOOL 18 CU. ft. upright freezer $75, good condition. Coil 790-3270 WOOD Office Desk, $100; 2-Wooden Bookshelves, 3X6, $50 each; Harch Cover Table, sou; iir amp5.

SI3, V3-42BJ mnnncu JZZ-Lr. $350; 2 wooden snake aquart-urns $25 and $35; Datsun Camper shell. $150; 888-2969 YAMAHA Portable Piano, toucV exint tonomon. S2JU. BB-QCAI YOUNG yellow check amazon, untamea 13 mo wwrougm Iron coge.

$275. 722-4518 DIAL 573-4343 STARCITIZEN CLASSIFIED TUFF-BILT Heavy Duty Steel Buildings -Any Size Garages Storoge Buildings Workshops Commercial Financing Available Display Yd. I-T0 Cortaro I Mon-Sat. 744-9377 USED PIPE, Sucker Rod, Steel, Lame uaras, ueiiverv vai-lale, WILLCOX PIPE 4 STEEL, 600 E. Moley, 1-384-2693 WALNUT Lumber, 650FT Kiln ana Qryeo seiecr,, Direct from Iowa 743-3271 Pool and Spas, Sales and Services 688 USED SPA Like New, 887-9737 Aviation Sales and Service 692 AeroSurance, Inc.

A Division of Howard S. Home 5, Assoc. "SUPER LOW PREMIUMS" Before renewing vour present AIRCRAFT Instance jet our low, Instant "QUOTES at no obligation. We now represent the entire aviation Insurance Industry through domestic 8 International markets. SAVE! 24 HOUR SERVICE 327-5000 AVIATION INSURORS iFAA MEDICAL EXAMS AT SUNNYSIUfc MtUILtNltK, Located at Palo VerdeAo Way.

Extended hours. Call 294-6444 for appt. FAST 8, PRETTY. '60 Bellanca 260 horsepower. Best performing four place for the money.

ooo-woy. PRIVATE pilot ground school class starts 117. tall tor syllabus, brochure Info. Bravo-Bravo Aviation, 881-8912. RYAN Airfield Users meeting January 4, 1989, 9 a.m.

Wings KesTouram more inro 3j-oui TELEX TC-200 Intercom system ioo tirm, gooa working condition, 790-8532 WANTED: Small airplane. Will Traae ivov Lorvene, gooa condition. 1-683-5133 Firearms 694 10mm Delta-Elite Colt, mint con-; aition, accurized, with man' custom features, ammo hoi ster Included. $400. 298-6539 2 COLT Diamond Back 38.

2-Inch barrel 4-lnch barrel. Never fired. $700 for both. CALL V-2B2J aner 6pm. 9 PISTOLS VARIOUS CALIBERS.

SOME UNFIRED, ALL BOXED, S150-S500 299-3454 A-l GUNS SERVICE New used guns. Complete repairs. Custom work all kinds 2424A S. 4th Ave. 882-3090 UFfcN DAILY SUNUAYb AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA PHOENIX GUN SHOW C0LLECT0RAMA ARAZONIA LARGEST GUN shuw.

Jan. 21 22. az. ver-erans Memorial Colosseum, Mi. jiuic run caiii- bit Building.

550 8' tables ati $40 ea. pre paid. For Info, call or wrire, ler-wark inc. or O. Box 5106.

Mesa AZ. 85211. Call 1-834-4004 BERETTA 92F, 9mm cal. In box. rertecr conaiTion.

$625. call 722-4722 COLT SS Officers 45. Fired twice, J4JUUBU. iHIV qUq 2'2 exlnt $250. 881-2623.

DAN WESSON 357 maa. 6 Inch1 vent, heavy barrel, exlnt con- aiTion si0, ji-ivv aner opm KASSNAR 9MM browning high, power clone. Like new, 2i mags. $250 or best j2- i2ue aner opm MAUSER mod 66 rifle, caliber 45H. new cona Tlon.

S1500. Mannllcher Schoenher rifle 6.334, ivuj moael, $500. Blaser rifle w7mm maa 8- 270 barrels, all accessories Case, $1300. 299-9394. MINI 14, 223, stainless 15, 2 30s, 4 power scope, qui, aie, brass, $295 firm.

883-6836 REMINGTON 870 WlnaMoster. $350; Winchester no Auto 22LK WjCOpe, S3. 790-15 18 APT Kenmore washerdryer, $225, Queen mattress whead- board, $175, Call 743-0616 AQUARIUM 125 gallon cabinet: stand $275; 30" gas stove, electronic pilot $175; 795-2055. AQUARIUM 125 Gal, Extrasl sjuu; bike, irek, 54cm, 12-speed, $250; Lg Roto Belt Humidifier, $65; Llv Rm Chair, Brown, $15; Ski Boots, $30 $20; Small Tote Pans (50) $1 each, 628-8720 ATARI 2600 w21 GAME LAK I KlUljto, fcA I A JUT STICKS $70 ObO 749-8658 BASSETT Posture Ultimate: manresssprings. Full size, 2 years old.

$100. 5' folding utll-Itv table, $20. 327-3228 BEN FRANKLIN STOVE $85, A SfcT Or SPALDING GOLF CLUBS, $100, Coll 881-7753 BICYCLE 3-speed, good condition, $75; picnic toble, $25; heavy duty 20-amp battery charger, $35; lineman's belt, like new, $85. Call 883-4485 iBUNK beds, 6 drawer dresser solid xancn uak, $350, bona washer gas dryer, toll oresser, su, BBj-wa4 ai IUI Qb. nhiil.

DVI.IV IKW RUIU ICWUIII MIWI Tressess, jd odo, o-arawer cnesr, in obo, 8B2-4337 BUNKBEDS with Quilted vraTTresses, excellent conaiTion. szuu. VI-01. CALIFORNIA King MATTRESS Top only. Excellent condition.

W. 741-1511 eveswknds. CHEVY 327. 350. 305.

Ford 302. jo 1, wo, J3U ea near mem. run. tall 54-V33I CHILD'S matching car seats, $20j eutn. uouoie siroiier wim designer tobrlc, $35.

744-1240 co*ckER SPANIEL AKC show quality, 2-rare Lhocoiare Males, $200 each. Pony of America with tack, $350. Call aner opm I-6B2-42J COLD SPOT 17 cu.ft. frost free, wnne remgeraror, ice maker, exc cona $275. Ron 883-8679.

COMPLETE alb $85; port-o-crib $28; adult rocker $30; child rocker 2U. loii 4V-V4. CRIB $75; Infanttoddler car seal siroiier 525 eacn; cal 722-5969. CUSTOM mode cedar lined horn cnesr, 50110 wooa, NbVbh USED $195. 748-8063 DELUXE Washer ana Dryer $12: eacn; usnwasner jyy; 25 color TV $50; 574-1613 DINETTE SET.

beautiful mahoa uiiv Twiie cnairs country STyte. iixe new, sibo. 44-I240. EPSON FX 185 wide carrlogi primer, sz23; iviga iv coioi TV, $125; Call 743-0396 EXERCYCLE Schwlnn. heavv aury, wim lorge seat, mileage meter, toe lifts, used once, OT CQ5T, I JO, OCO-BJU FIBERGLASS and dlumlnumj camper snens, (2), IUII OJ-ITT, FIX ud soeclal.

motorcvcles: suzuki, ea 574-9331 FOR SALE, HIDE A BED! surA, tun size, gold rust, JV. IUII GAS furnace (American lujfWU 1 vj. 1700a conomon. I5U OOO! HB5-5V GE bullt-ln dishwasher. $50.

eiec Tric range, si 21, 4' 5 goia iriiirureu uuors, 3V eacn, Insulared sliding glass door 13V, everyTning ooo, iwj I GE HEAVY DUTY 18 LBi WAstltK, WHHfc, JI50. 294-4144 GIBSON frost free retrlg wice) IIUIVCI, IUUII tt. wnno, exim ConOITIOn 42-OB57 m-ri stereo vik sot Keceiverj tone deck, turn.Taoie very gooa conainon. 62B-52I I COMPLETE trench provincial XT i-rvy, icwru giusv mimes on. hotf hour 8, hour, compietetyt deanea 4 rebuilt $195.

I 888-4539 KELVINATOR Refrigerator, 17! cu ft. White. 2-door Fros l-ree. $1 IO, LAL 885-7096 and Registered 647 SHIM TZU ouDDles. chamolon lines, 3 physical i shots given, sexi-sjuu ea j-bvb 5HIH T2U ouoov.

red A. white. Snots health guarantee. $300 PEI AKK KfaNNtL 5-17. 5HIH TIUS AKC, 2-Mlxed Col- UlCU HIUII IV1UIC3, K-wccivs.

Wormed, $150ea Delivery $10 exTra, ial.l SHIH TZUS adorable, born December 7. 1 males S200 eacn. loii m- ivjj. Show Handling Class CACTUS CANINE CENTER Southwest Corner, Reld ParK, Saturday, January 7, 9 am. 744-9555.

SKYE TERRIERS 2 MALES, 10 WEEKS. $500. PET ARK KEN- NfcL 54-V0lf. WESTIE 1 male puppy, good companion, 9 weeks, excellent peaigree, wsu. loii o4-b i.

WESTIES 1-male, 2-female, Shots, Beautiful Snowballs, $3251375, CALL 883-4493 YORKSHIRE TERRIERS, SMALL CUTE. SHOTS. $355. 648 BIRD Dog Training, trained bird aogs pups avutioDie. i-845-rji*z srerung Kioge CACTUS CANINE CENTER Beginner Dog Obedience Class, SAT January 7, Southwest Corner Reld Park, $3010-weeks.

Registration 5:30 AM, Class 9:00 AM WITH- OUT DOBS, 744-9555. 649 Vi ROTTWEILER Shepherd, 6 weeks old, 5 female, 1 mole. ea. oniy. oo-pviy AFGHANS to YorWes: All Breed Small-Large At PUPPY PALS $18.99 SALE On Select Quality Crossbreds Arizona's LARGEST Selection 200 W.

GRANT RD 622-2255 AIREDALES, Sheps, Retrievers, Huskies, Terriers, many more PUPPY SALE! THE PUPPY PLACE Just N. of 22nd Street 1 106 S. Wilmot 747-27111 BLUE TICK, 1 male, 1 female, $25 Incl harness. Needs acre- oge gooa romiiy zvo-aiia CHINESE SHAR PEI IV, vr. old black female Excellent watchdog, jareat manners, jai ooo.

npu vi. co*ckER SPANIEL 1 year old siuu; Ytw: mix oreea puppyi tree. Call 293-6005. DOBERMAN Male, dark red beauty. To approved home oniy.

vmi. ujii wttti DOBERMANSHEPHFRD MIXED, 7V, WEEKS, FREE IU MUMfc. BBB-VI65 DOBERMANS (8) pups, 8 weeks old, blackfan, purebred-no papers, $50 ea 293-1059 DOBERMANS 6 wks Old, blacktan, 2 female, 2 male, wshcts, $60 FREE PUPS, Shepherd-Pointer mix, remaies, 1 nnate, weeks old 293-3923 FREE to good home, 6 wks old pups, 8, DobermanRottweller mix, mi-, BBO-ony ueooie FREE Yellow lab to good home, 10 mo. oia. lati 44-yuoj GERMAN SHEPHERD purebred, females, must sell, 5 9 $10 eacn.

BBI-33U4 ru dwu. pui ut cu. nuvc 4. Must see to appreciate. $75- sivu.

von any Time yj-sjj 1 POODLETERRIER-Mlx. Healthy gray maie, neurerea, snors, loving, 2 yrs. $40. 795-2914 QUEENSLAND Blue Healers pure, 1 mate, 4 females, born; 112486. $100 ea.

Parents on premises, can 2V2-1BB5 Sheltlemlx, trl-color, 10 mo, medium, neutered, snots, hou-sebroken, family pet. Need ooggte piavmore u. vo-bbm SHIH TZUTERRIER female puppy, 9 weeks old, black wnne, perny a aaoraoie, sou. tail 2V0-BBBU. TOY POO-POMS" (2).

Born November 21st, cute anal SmarT. J5. 74J-U611. WANTED: Bassett Hound female, nouseDroken, 1-4 years 795-1374. FREE to good home, lovlngl mixeu uieeu, lemuie O0 approximately 6 mo.

883-637i MOVING Free, 8 mo, female pltl uun, gooa Temper, usea lot mos. ir wy30 ir Cats 650 BRITISH Short Hairs. (41. Diue or black, teddy bears Vim TO $250 743-0920 CFA PERSIANS (41, white, blue, uiatn, cream, sidu to sjuu. 4j-oy2u leave messoge.

GOING Over Seasl FREE to 000a Home, 4-orphaned Lovable Kitten-Cats, Can Be aepararea, lall 46-juv HIMALAYANS 7 reg. kittens uuaiiiy ror less! $150-5250, 1 erms ovaiiooie. J26-322 PERSIAN kitten. CFA. 1 malp.

snooea silver, iu weeks, liner rramea, sjou. Lan 722-B389 PERSIAN kittens, CFA reals icreu, 3 iriuies, silver goia- ens, LOII 586-J60 PERSIAN 4 HAPPY, HEALTHY mi itNj. li-a Kegistered. jiou-sjw eacn. 744-7621 Birds 651 2 PARAKEETS beautiful mate Temaie, t-Kbt to retire per' sons oniy, jo-fliu 2 YOUNG BeeBee oarrots.

$90 eacn, cage carrier optional. GOLD CAP Conure, very tame TaiKing, must sen S4M, cage Tropical fish 652 100 gallon aquarium wliuhi ana t-iLitK, $175, UtXMJ-ll CICHLID Fry (200), -l" ferheod, Sunshine Peaco*cks, rceyuni. SJ eo Itrmi KOI FISH, DIFFERENT COLORS ANU blbb, BB6-41U Exotic Pets 653 2 ADORABLE Skunks umcriicu, iieuteicu, lunie. i-ree to 0 gooa nome. BB2-4244 IFERRET female sable, descented ana neurerea $85 wiTh coge, very piuymi, fii'myp MASSIVE reptile display case.

worm 4uu. aen ror 5 Pet Supplies 654 CHINESE Shor-Pei Club of South' ern Arizona is now occepTing new members. For informo-! tion please contact Roma ot 2V8-I390 oner 6 pm. DOG RUN. Sturdy, like new, fori smaii aoa, xxo.

siouooo. LOH 33-iB41. DOG RUNS PORTABLE OR PERMANENT PORTABLE 4x10x5' $204 AMERICAN FENCE 1111 VALENCIA 746-1400 Poultry, Eggs end Produce 656 DESERT TREASURES OTRUS oranqes, Grope- ttuit, S3.3UOOX. rtfvytf PEAco*ckS 2 pair, $100 pair. Polish chickens (20) $7.

ecch. co*cker, llwk $50 791-2352 PECANS fresh crop. You pick $.50 LB. We pick $1.00 LB. 11411 Speedway.

28-20i3. -J, 660 i ww msuu i imi CLICK Pecan Plantation 749-1519. i ID. S2-5U io. ustom Cracklng-5.

10 discount over 500 lbs. Antiques 667 1950 Gas Pump, fuHy restored wrm lighting asobe. beautiful. $1300 FIRM. 578-2S68 oak chair.

Good condition, MX UBU. 327-tQ4 evenings. ANTIQUE MINI-MALL, 3408 E. orant, iu pm Mon-Sat. 1-5 Sun.

326-4502 BUYING Old Novate rugs J. bian- Kers, mown Dcweis, ponerv, kochmos. beodwark. teweiry. FREE approisois until 1jan.

ViChoel D. Hiaains PRIMITIVE ARTS 326-4852 CHIPPENDALE Comeiback Sofa' Lnatr. ottoman, map on lomps. lots more. 325-6960 I BARGAIN lues SPOT cash for old oriental rugs.

CieoningRepair.57 1-7647 umuuc uiiusuui vniiic mutuc. Lning uynasry, appraisea FIRM. 722-8817 WANTED Oriental rugs. Pay nignesi casn once tot oio rugs, any conosize. m-Mii.

OOD Dining room set wmatching hutch 8, 4 choirs, $300 obo, antique bed vdnlty wmatchlng mirror J3 OOO, LQII J46-60BJ Sewing Machines and Vacuums 670 KIR BY wdlsp. bag, attachments Ot 5nampooer, compteTeiyi refurbished $27i 721-8150. 673 nonces ALMOST NEW APPLIANCES UV.IC IICVVU3CU MU) 13. DUtll swamp coolers, gas ranges LP reTrigeroTors. vu aay warr.

i4J4 Denson nwy euvjwr ELECTRIC drver $70. Washer su. oTove s3. ueiuxe refrigerator $350. 744-J049 17.6 cu.

ft. frost tree with ice maker sju. gooa conaition, Call 884-5528 Americana, dbl oven, self clean, avocado, $225. Tappan range, narvesr goia, born eiecTric 5 I-86U6 aner opm HEAVY duty washer, like new siya, ttost Tree rerng electric dryer $125. 790-0471 HOTPOINT refrlaerator.

full size. goiu. wotrs wen. 3u udu ioii bbj-bbw LARGE refrigerator, working, rrobT-iTee, gus neuieri, ea. auriiu, pm-mpm.

RE FRIG Freezer, $140; washers) aryers, gas eiecmc REFRIGERATOR, G.E. 18 Cu.ft. Mimona, syi years oiu. Yiw. Call 745-6579.

White J.C. Pennev GE refrig erator with Ice maker. Worksl grear. 1 1 io, wi-mx Auctions 678 Ltd. AUCTIONS! Jan.

8-Sundav 10:00 a.m. Thousands of collectible Items in box lots, antique tools, 8j eSj Tine ewe rv, more. Jan. 22-Don't miss Antique Indian Auction. Preview Jan 10-Jan 22.

509 W. Cottonwood Lane, Lasa AUCTION Horse Facility Sells Barn, fencing, fixtures more January 7, 1989 Indian Traits 9001 E. Indian Bend Rd Scottsdale, AZ (602) 994-1328 ESTATE i ANTIQUE AUCTION NEW YEAR'S DAY 12 PM VIEWING 1 PM SALE HILTON EAST 7600 Broadway Furniture, alass. coins, stamps, art, guns, Oriental caroets. Hummets.

dolls. knives, books, watches. Large amounT ot inaian armaas, goia ana gemsTone leweiry, furs from bankruptcy. $1 BID NUMBER MCVISA ACCEPTED Your Local Estate Auctioneer American West Auctioneers 1-586-9047 1-586-2859 PATRICK SADIE Realty Auction i SAN PEDRO MARKET EAST HWY 86 BENSON AZ Mon. Jan 9th 10am Insnectinn 8:30 Mom Frederick Dell Produce Ser vice wear cases, continental Reach-In Cooler, 4 door.

Bar Dsrvti.ln Chuhh Universal Beverage Box 21 wall shelving, Shafer Icecream Case 87 Shafer Upright icecream case i aoor, zeffei ChecKstands. Esoen Cash Rpa Icnre Unhnrt PiinUnl C-nlnr Toledo Digital Scales, Hobar) Meat Sllcers Grinder, Traul-sen Freezer 2 door, Butcher Block Table 8', Butcher Boy Meat Saw, Steakette Cuber, Wonder Roost Barbecue, Cha-tlllon Meat Hanging Scales Scotsman Ice Machine, VVUIR-IO OOX65 OXIO, STOCK Aluminum conveyors, Complete Compressor Room, mucn more more. Complete Grocery Store Final Payment: Cash, Cashiers Checks Only 2 INTERWEST BANK VEHICLE AUCTION 1 Sat. Jan 21st 10am Inspection 9am 10am 1530 S. Freeway Dr.

Cars Pickups 4X4's Final Payment: Cash or Cashiers Check 3 U.S. MARSHALLS SEIZER AUCTION Tues Jan 24th 10am Inspection 8:30 10am 9421 N. 1-10 Frontage Rd 3 complete households Furnishings And much, much more Final Payment: Cash or Cashiers Check only $100 deposit refundable Patrick Sadie Realty Auction 749-5927 1-800-777-5927 Home Furnishings 680 i i TOP CASH Furniture, appl, antiques 294-0823 anytime Clearance "NEW LIKE NEW" SAVE 35-75 LIMITED STOCKI Mayo's Furniture Rental CLEARANCE CENTER 4380 E. Broodway 881-0070 earth tones, $250, folding drafT table wwood top metal legs, iuu, eiecTric nearer, $100, oil obo, 323-7520 otter 5 1 KING SIZE MATTRESS, BOX SPRINGS AND HEADBOARD, $175, 293-1066 1920's complete dining room set, manogany, gooa conaiTion, $500. Full size head fool board 8, chest of drdwers, S2uu.

misc small irems, Dooks, knicks knacks, pictures, suinea onimais. usi 44mj 3-in-1 Kitchen Combination stoveoven, burners, stainless STeet sinn, reTTigeraror; -n, $900; custom Italian Provlncla Velvet Sofa 9-ft, $2900; 20.0 wmikli-uul uprignr rreezer, white, $390. Coir 889-7910 BEAUTIFUL Drexel dining table with 2-20 leaves. 6 chairs, must sell $1B00 OBO. 721-9107 BEAUTIFUL 7' velour sofa bed $175; Walnut table chairs SjO.

IOII J2-J4VU. JVC Stereo receiver, 50W, $125, Rocking chair, $50, twin beds, $20 each, 3 lamps, $20 each, bicycle $25, Many more irems. 21-40u CORT FURNITURE SALE Dlnenes, beds, desks more 6337 E. 22nd St 748-0786 COUNTRY MANOR SofoLove-seat, eorthtone, like new, $300 OOO. UOII DUNCAN PHYFE dining room table with 6 chairs, buffet with glass Top, 2 leaves, $1000.

Coll 297-4462. ETHAN Allan bar, large desk. 15 pc reox aining room ser, pi. living room secrionai, excellent condition, 529-1038 FUTON frames (2) solid wood, never uscq, cusTom. ou our pea iis, rw-wv HANDCARVEO Chinese tables.

2 ena, i cottee. svoo. Large Redwood bar with glass top )TW. 31 I VT4I. MODEL HOME FURNITURE Great sovtnas on dtsolav fur niture.

Beds, sofas, love seats. Sleepers, oinerres. Tuotes, Deo- room scts, phis mucn more. PRESTIGE HOMES 5757 S. Palo Verde 744-1141 IMOVMG Western stvte bar w2 stoois.

boot aesign. poa $400 win Hi for $12S. 749-2591 SALE couch and love seat $400. Swivel rocker $75. Bedroom set $200.

4 living room rcroies 1150. v5-64l. 1226 Roberts Way. ror, $550; Gate leg table, $125; 1 antique crock, Reawing, 10 I ganon $45, 327-5568 641 EIIULlin (Jimmy's Saddlery) Excellent lOnaiTIOn. S3UU.

BB0-040I HORSE TRAINING: Broke Finished, Gentle, on our ranch, $200 feed. 1-384-2808 KILkKAIIb HORSESHOEING Reasonable and Reliable Coll Fred Morgan. 293-0721 Livestock 642 FLAXEN Mane mule the Cadillac of all mules. Good troll mule. $1500 firm.

1-896-2131 after 4:30 p.m. PYGMY Goats, 4-bables at $40 each. Pregnant Doe, $100. Shots Included. 749-9157 Trailers 643 86 WW 16-ft.

Stock Trailer. 6'6" tall. 4' solid sides. Extra clean. Mats.

$2600. Call 1-682-7368 Livestock Supplies and Services 644 FENCE ranch field, per 330' roll; V-mesh, per 165' roll; non-climb horse fence, per 100' roll; T-post, barbed wire, poultry netting, tomato garden fence A farm gates In stock. American Fence, 1111 E. Valencia 746-1400. YOUR 1 STOP FENCE STORE GOOD alfalfa hav.

Free delivery (10 bale mini- mum). C. Hlce, 629-0309 NEW Year's Roolna Sun 9am Draw pot $10, 4S40. All under 2000. Buckles bath events.

Aros Arena44-uo4Y P0RT-A-STALL Manufacturer of Complete Stabling Systems FINANCING LEASING Barns Corrols Fencing Accessories Arenas Steel Blogs. Horse Trailers Display Yd. 1-10 Cortaro Rd. Mon-Sat. 744-9377 SQUEEZE CHUTE $800.

Portable cattle panels! 10), $110 and under. Bow gotes(2), 3' wide, $75. 10', $100. Powder River bow gates(2), 4' $100, 12' $200. 24' Goose neck trailer, $4,000.

1-586-9160 after 5 p.m. STRUCTURAL pipe and sucker rods, all sizes available. Prices Include delivery. Call collect. 868-9097 or 915-692-4516 DoasAKC ana Registered 647 AKITA 1 block white male, pet quomy, parents on premises, wu nego, 4-we eves AT PET RANCH co*cker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Amer.

Eskimo, Dachshund, Toy Poodle. 8620 E. Broad way, uosea new rear's uay. 298-1561 AUSTRALIAN shepherds, (5), $100 to $250, ASCA, merle, and solid colors, 744-2679 AUSTRALIAN SHEPHARDS 9 weeKS oia, jr, 1 s3. obo Includes oil shots.

Call after 3 p.m. I-28I-OI17 BASSET hounds, AKC 7 wks old, brown family BEAGLE female, AKC 2 years old, never been bred, needs lots of attention room to run. sizi. A I EC lf BIIRBICC WEEKS, 5 FEMALES, $125 fcA. V.ALL 3I-IW0 BEAGLES Trl-colnred.

adorable. Will be 5 weeks on Christmas. SI5. LOII 823-3790. BOSTON TERRIER, female, year old, $200.

Must Sell! Call 745-8132 BOUVIER PUPS (2), Champion Dtooanne5, ears croppea. BULL Terrier, M. Spuds Is Here wniTe uiock paicn. yuu. PET ARK KENNEL 574-9617.

CAWN Terrier, 1-male, wheaton color, with chil dren, tail W-842J CHIHUAHUA 1 Female, 1 Male, 7 weeKS oia, run or energy, CHINEESE Shar Pel, 2 fawn fe male pups, weeKS. I pet duality, 400; 1 show, $850. 1-387-6304. CHINESE Shar-pel, show duality, DiatK waie pup, weeKS, $500. 742-6512 CHINESE Shar Pel, Bud for stud or tor sale, also pups (4).

749-5135 CHINESE Shar-Pel (10) why pay mousanas wnen 3uu win you a show quality pup. ond compare, 722-3851 CHINESE SHAR PEI, 8 weeks. DiacK, mate, aaoraoie, ust in time for Holidays, $800. Easy payment plon. Call 743-7226.

CHOW 1 gorgeous blue female, snow quoim Call 624-0561 show quality, shots, $300 OBO. CHOW 2 black mole, 8 weeks, snoTs. pedigree parents on premises. $200each. 748-1147 CHOW CHOW pups, 12 weeks.

Oliver, Town, rea. 4 CHOW-CHOWS 7 wks, black-red- cinnamon, strong boned. Shots. 883-3647. co*ckER pups, champion sired, outt mates.

Eyes cerrtTiea. Exclnt dlsp. $17j. 881-2530. co*ckER Spaniel.

Male, 9 momns, buff. $100. Gooa with children. Coll evenings and weeaenas wvm i. co*ckER SPANIELS pups, 7 wks, putt, parry, rri-coior, snors.

883-3647 COLLIE Gorgeous Sable, 1-yeor maie, Loves OTTenTion ana cniiaren, siw, zvb ribi DACHSHUND mini AKC, 3 females, 6 weeks. 2 red, 1 oiaui. ea. bbj-jub. snonnair rea, 1 male, 2 remaies, yjis wpapers is shots.

Avail 11889. 885-5646 ENGLISH BULL DOG PUPPY. une remoie, cure, tovooie, weeis, sju, rvi-yuj ENGLISH Springer Spaniels. 6 oiu, muies, liver wniTe. $200 ea.

Call 575433 GERMAN Sheoherd (61. 12 wks wear Temperamenr. txceiienr peaigree. iwi. B8-7174 GERMAN Shepherd Pups (3) Rln Tin Tin Bloodlines p*rn II5BB.

I-B5-V65I GERMAN Shorthalr Pointer cups, $75 each, 2 males. 2 females, 2 whltellver, 2 iiywTwniTe, i-4-uu5, bisc-ee GERMAN Shepherd pups 2, 7 weeks, black sliver, large boned, $150. Call 825-3790 GERMAN Shepherd (5), Male female, 7 weeks, shots, raised wchlldren. $175. 296-7302 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, cute 8, cuddly, two males left.

siuv ea BO-V22 iv msg GREAT DANES AKC black, au Ity pupoies, exlnt conformation disposition. 10 wks, 4 males, 2 femole $350. 297-5404 GREAT DANE, AKC fawn, mule, 4 months, cropped, shots. Show prospect. 296-6646 GREAT DANES AKC, 3, brlndle or town, olso female brlndle 4 months, $350 each.

578-0973. JAPANESE CHIN PUPS. 3 females. All shots. $325.

PET ARK KENNEL 574-9617. LHASA Apso spayed gold, 1M gold, shots, S125-S200 ea 791-7845 LHASA APSO pups, 2 males, $150, shots, health 1 tempero- mem guaronTeeq, bhv-buvo Lhasa apso quality pups, weeks, shots. 1 Male, Female, 297-5735 LHASA APSO 2 male duds. Chompion mother. Shots, cnrnii LHASAS females, moles Vill ous colors.

Champion bloodlines. 88HJ096. MASTIFF pups, AKC, chompion blood tines, beautiful, gentle, Slants. 3 males2 females. 1000 to $1500.

1-98M386. PEKINGESE 1 FEMALE -WHITE. $200. PET ARK KENNEL 574-9617. PEKES Poms, Poodles Wolf pups.

Pet Craze Pet Shop, 915 West Prince, 292-1 148 POMERANIAN 6 weeks, mole, woit saute, jjuu pius rree Queensland Blue Heelers, 2 males left, $100 ea. Reg. Apprgvea Homes. 8 weeks. 1st shots.

Parents on premises. SJOO-Souo. 325-4943 ROTTWEILER 1 male, 1 femole, wks, 1st shots, parents on premises, $300 eg 745-5289 ROTTWEILERS 3 males, 3 females, 12 weeks old and their mother 3's years oW. All purebred, all shots, beautmjL heoithy, excellent bloodlines. $400 each 'papers, $300 without.

325-1146 SCOTTIES AKC, odutt mole femole, both chompion sired proven. $450 for both, nego. Shar pei 2 femote puppies, back 'creme, beautiful, wrink-lev, not show ouotity or pne, because of bobtoH. gooa tern-perment, $500 ea 327-4621 SHELTH AKC 8-weeks, Only 1-maie Trl-color remoining, $150, CALL 791-2T73 SHSA MU (Vlnlture Aklta) F. BeoutSfut red town.

PET ARK KENNEL $74-9617. SELL ANYTHING UNDER $350.00 Vj German wire hair (, Vj Lob, (9) Males Females, FREE to gooo nome. can m-ou 1 Franciscan guitar, great condition, $100 new $50 firm, never used; 322-0226 1 20 GAL aquarium wstand, so. aquariums iror cages, S5-S35. Stang $10 11' CABOVER CAMPER, self- contained, deks $350.

Call 293-4478 12 BALENE crochet hooks, $1.80, $1.80, $1.80, I $2.00, $2.00, 12 circular knitting needle 4 $6.25, 10 $6.75. 8 $6.50, strait needles 4 SJ.5U, 95 10 $4.75 5 $3.60, dlso 12 knitting stonds $24 ea 797-1720 12 SPEED TREK, good condition iuu unu. TnuTn on lint complete $50. 325-0103 19 cu.ft. Sears, refrlgfreezer, ttost Tree, ice maimer, green $125.

886-8461 1954 MANTLE Bowman card you; uasnmat BMW 325 $25; Toyota Bruiser RC truck complete $275; Railroad X-Ing sign $85; Venture arcade video $225; Penny fortune scale $300; Oil rocks $25eo; Pair gumboil machines $40; 10 speed bike $20. 881-0114 19" 17? rnotocross moTorcycie Danrs size 36, cosh only 297-9814 30" ALMOND Electric STOVE. $150; FREEZER, $85; SWING SET, $55; Electric DRYER, $VO, LALL 744-4942 4 MONSTER Mudder, 40" chrome spoke rim 6 lugs $350 set. Call 574-9331 45 GALLON Hex Fish Tank. complete wim Pump, iiirer.

ngni oj simiu. i3. qy-jojy 50 INTERIOR doors: 20- X80-, 23'j "X80' like new $5ea. 75 glass shelves $3ea. 1 Jalousie window 36x48 $50.

10 Kitchen bathroom sinks $5 to $40. 888-4539 i MOS old Blue Velour Loveseat jzsu. arawer aresser mirror night stand $100. Large chrome pole lamp $35 888-4539 70 MERCURY MONTEREY, 390 engine, gooa moror, 3U, J04 E.Sylvone Drive, 296-7264 I UI.WJL kUUU. LA IIIC, VUI rem togs, exlnt body.

Needs COTO WOTX S2W. J23-H. 72 HONDA CL350, 7000 miles. excenenr conaiTion, juu; 79 VW RABBIT Diesel, 4-door, -speea, gooa conaiTion, $350; 889-1470 75 kids school desks, first $100 rakes 011, king size oea frame iu, gooa conomon, P0-2U22 TC uni ircuAreu DnKi. tocn.

ei uarsun 310GX $350. will parr our, ion ro2-3 lev 76 DODGE 360. torque light Transmission, must sell. 23U. Coll 745-3924 ROUND Bed wred velour headboard seat, red bed-spreod 2 curved pillows $150.

Twin canopv bed (Provincial) wboxspring, mattress marcning aresser ioo. um-Ina table w4 chairs $125 Stereo cabinet, 5' long $56. Kyan gas weeoearer so. 888-4539 place setting of Fine chlna oeii riower paTTern sou. 1 French Telephones $20 8, $45.

Elaln Pocket watch $50. Yorx cassette recorder speakers 1 iu. oinocuiars exrra wide ongle $50. Samsonite luggage $20. White desk 44-xiv s.

uesk choir $35. Lange ski boots size 10 $25. 888-4539 B6 YAMAHA Riva Jog, yellow, uoaa TransporTOTton. 02V- ivu leave messoge. 1A SOFA $150; Loveseat, $150; t- KOCking Uiotrs, J20S5; 2-5TU-dent Desks, $35 $50; 3X4 Dining Tatxe wsix choirs, $300; eooxcase, sis.

r4-osji lADULT female Lhasa $45; 1 pair or lorge miniomre pooaies, $95; 1 lorge female Terrier, $120; 888-3707 UVNSWERMG machine with pnone, joo. 75 thevy ttucx nooa vy oea sju. 722-2746 APT size Whlrloool washer It. arver, oimcna exint conainon, 1 LINES, 3 DAYS IM I SELL ANYTHING UNDER 35000 FOR $550 3 LINES, 3 DAYS INCLUDES CLASSIFIED EXTRA BARGAIN BAZAAR is available to private individuals selling personal posessions only. Use only your personal residential phone number address in the ad.

Price of each item in the ad has a $350.00 limit, (rentals, help wanted, services or blind box ads do not qualify.) Name Address- City- fMrrfywr cd her on space per lettw. 28 chrctr spaces par ttoe. Allow one blank space between each word. No abbreviations 3 line rrw.murn. neet, norses.

oentte. priceaiHurrwtiLtKS moJe, i rem, SUneslUO 4UWlTJ4 UtMM $9.19 rtonf. Call eves. 744-0851 awh STTiRinfl grav mare, 4 year, wed started quiet, U.1 hands, good ladies excellent btood lines, $1500,1 Thoroughbreds 640 REG. Tennessee Walkers 3 vri old flllv, greenoroxe, $900.

7 yrl OKI brood more (In fool), a mo oio norse-coiT, 3uv. Good 2-horse trir, reas. 1-M4-34 35 (Wilcox). Horse Suoolies and Serwes 641 BARN Stored Aaa it.Si. Mix Truck loads avaioMe bv "Hav Saue7 VwV" One saueere s'acx otfaifa $8 per pole oei'vced.

CARTER'S 4502 N. 1st 887-6232 BARGAIN BAZAAR Mail together with check or money order to: P.O. Box 26887 Christine's Curiosity Shop large 2 piece sectional sofa Best selection of antioues In. brownrust creme, loose pit-Tucson. Buy, sell, opproise, low POCK, $150 OOP.

623-7185 trade. 4940 Spawy. 323-0018 oak Khohtyiv k- wttti mlr- ULY Sandy's Antiques Jewelry 3950 SpeeCwav Btva CLASSIFIED EXTRA CALL TQDAY11 573- or call a Classified Representative 573-4343 I.

Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)


Who is the most famous person from Tucson Arizona? ›

Famous Tucsonans
Berger, Madeline Dreyfuss Heineman1882-1943Music and arts activist
Bieber, Hailey Rhode (née Baldwin)1996-Model, media personality, socialite
Blake, Michael Lennox1945-2015Author
Bok, Bartholomeus Jan "Bart"1906-1983Astronomer, teacher, and lecturer
97 more rows
Aug 7, 2024

What is the largest newspaper in Tucson, AZ? ›

Tucson's premier source of print and digital news, sports and entertainment and its marketplace for automobiles, homes, jobs and advertising values. Nearly seven in 10 Tucson adults turn to the Arizona Daily Star in print or online each week.

How do I email the Arizona Daily Star? ›

To help us assist you more quickly, when emailing with login or technical issues please include the following information: The issue you're having, type of device (desktop, laptop, phone or tablet), operating system (PC, Mac, Android, iOS), Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc), and a ...

Where is the Arizona Daily Star? ›

Arizona Daily Star, 4061 W Costco Dr, Ste 185, Tucson, AZ 85741, US - MapQuest. Learn more about our mobile apps. Learn more about our mobile apps.

What celebrities live in Tucson, AZ? ›

Famous people who live in Tucson, Arizona include author Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford, baseball player George Arias, and cyclist Chad Beyer.

What famous gangster died in Tucson Arizona? ›

John Dillinger
Cause of deathGunshot wounds
Criminal charge(s)desertion from US Navy; Bank robbery, assault, assault of an officer, grand theft auto
Criminal penaltyImprisonment from 1924 to 1933
Spouse(s)Beryl Hovious (divorced), Evelyn Frechette (common law relationship), Polly Hamilton (common law relationship)
3 more rows

What is the vacation hold on Arizona Daily Star? ›

While on a home delivery vacation hold, your account will be credited $. 15 per day (Mon-Sat) and $. 22 per Sunday that the print edition is not delivered. The digital portion of your subscription remains active and available, so content charges will continue to be applied while you are on vacation.

How do I submit an obituary to Arizona Daily Star? ›

Call us at (888) 823-8554 or send us an email.

Who is the environmental reporter on the Arizona Daily Star? ›

Tony Davis

He has mostly covered environmental stories since 2005, focusing on water supplies, climate change, the Rosemont Mine and the endangered jaguar.

Who owns Arizona Daily Star? ›

The Arizona Daily Star is an American daily newspaper based in Tucson, Arizona, and owned by Lee Enterprises. It serves Tucson and surrounding districts of southern Arizona in the United States.

Is Tucson a good place to live? ›

Is Tucson a good place to live? There's a lot more to living in Tucson than just the weather and beautiful scenery, and the local culture is truly one-of-a-kind. With an affordable cost of living and real estate market, the activities and things to do as a resident in Tucson give it a remarkably high quality of life.

What happened to the Daily Star? ›

It was acquired in 2000 by Northern & Shell, and sold to Reach plc in 2018.

Who is the most famous celebrity in Arizona? ›

Most Famous Celebrities From Arizona FAQ

Hailey Bieber and Emma Stone are the two most famous people from Arizona, according to research done by the staff. Stevie Nicks, Brock Purdy and Chester Bennington round out the top five, ahead of others like Joe Jonas and Phil Mickelson.

Why is Tucson so famous? ›

Nestled in the Sonoran Desert of Southern Arizona, Tucson is the second-largest city in the state, known for its stunning natural beauty, rich Native- and Mexican American heritage, and bustling downtown area.

Did Paul McCartney live in Tucson, AZ? ›

In 1979, the McCartney's bought a ranch in Tucson, which he still owns.

What are Tucson people called? ›

APStylebook. @APStylebook. People from Tucson are called Tucsonans (too-SOH-nuns). # APStyle.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.